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Will the Imperial Guard Ever Get Updated Models?


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I view this as a "careful what you wish for" scenario. We know that at this point GW has no desire to put out models for which they can't hold a trademark. Since all the classic regiments are real world analogues (Vietnam soldiers, desert soldiers, British colonialists, ww2 soldiers, etc) I really don't think that we'd get the updated classic regiments that people want because, as we see now, XYX 3rd party company can make models for them with impunity. I fully expect we'll see a completely new regiment designed to be fully protectable if/when we get a new regiment.

This probably hits the nail on the head quite well. Any new models we may potentially see will not be historic earth equivalents, not any more. It's likely going to be a leaner sci fi look, so as to not step on the toes of Scions.


Doubt it's any time soon though.

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If I had to guess, I’d say the new trademarkable guard regiment won’t be planet specific like the current ones. Maybe some fluff about how RG reorganises and standardises the Astra Militarum (kind of like Primaris marines but for guard) across the Imperium, a bit like how Scions are universal in appearance and loadout. So we would get an entirely new range of minis with a new appearance but you’d lose the individual appearance of the various regiments (although they’d probably still support them rules wise).


For the record, I’m hoping that isn’t the case but it seems to fit with the pattern of things so far.

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I think that's exactly what will happen. We'll get something that looks a bit like the Solar Auxilia from Forgeworld (inevitably spectacular since GW have been hitting releases out the park recently). Maybe Cawl's been making new Guard equipment in his spare time and that's now the "standard" pattern, much like Cadian style armour is kind of the "standard" armour for Guard regiments at the moment.


New Infantry that will be GSC neophyte sized, if it's a full refresh maybe new vehicles but there's really nothing wrong with any of the current Guard vehicle kits.


As long as you can still use the old Infantry models I'm happy.


The other approach that I'd really like would be for some upgrade kits as already mentioned and some encouragement to kit bash. Sell a new vanilla Guard unit and then show just what you can do with upgrade kits or mixing in some AoS parts.

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Meanwhile this just happened? 



Looks similar to the Taroux hatches if I call correctly.

However could be SoB or GSC these days... I don't believe SM's use that aesthetic for their hatches, but then again Primaris are a completely new direction. 

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Meanwhile this just happened?



Looks similar to the Taroux hatches if I call correctly.

However could be SoB or GSC these days... I don't believe SM's use that aesthetic for their hatches, but then again Primaris are a completely new direction.

I'm betting on it being a new vehicle for sisters. It would be cool if they got a tank similar to a predator or leman russ, obviously with heavy flamers built in as a hull weapon. Remember sisters are getting new models this year.
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I doubt Guard infantry will ever be updated, at this point. I mean, not in any near future.


GW is obviously in a deep mess with Guard: by far most regiments are now effectively OOP, and yet GW felt obliged to provide rules for all of them, to avoid pissing off old players.

They indeed pissed off some nevertheless, since in 8th ed. people have discovered they are now supposed to play with a very specific play style (regiment-specific doctrines, stratagems) that they do not necessarily like, just because their old purely cosmetically differeny models have been rigidly tied to new rules. Anyway.


Remaking all of the old regiments seems very impractical from a commercial point of view. Disbanding most of them seems just as inconvenient, because many old players would legitimately hate GW then.


Despite all updates, the Guard as it is now is the creature of a remote past in which GW was very different. No way to resume that past without breaking something. And seeing the totally insane mess that GW has done in trying to manage just two conflicting lines of models (Primaris-Old Marines), I do not even want to consider what they'd end up in trying to streamline and redo Guard over no less than 7 different lines. Better not touch at all. 


Seems like an impasse. I bet GW will try to stay away from it as long as it can

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I doubt Guard infantry will ever be updated, at this point. I mean, not in any near future.


GW is obviously in a deep mess with Guard: by far most regiments are now effectively OOP, and yet GW felt obliged to provide rules for all of them, to avoid pissing off old players.

They indeed pissed off some nevertheless, since in 8th ed. people have discovered they are now supposed to play with a very specific play style (regiment-specific doctrines, stratagems) that they do not necessarily like, just because their old purely cosmetically differeny models have been rigidly tied to new rules. Anyway.


Remaking all of the old regiments seems very impractical from a commercial point of view. Disbanding most of them seems just as inconvenient, because many old players would legitimately hate GW then.


Despite all updates, the Guard as it is now is the creature of a remote past in which GW was very different. No way to resume that past without breaking something. And seeing the totally insane mess that GW has done in trying to manage just two conflicting lines of models (Primaris-Old Marines), I do not even want to consider what they'd end up in trying to streamline and redo Guard over no less than 7 different lines. Better not touch at all. 


Seems like an impasse. I bet GW will try to stay away from it as long as it can


I'd agree with most of the above, it's a can of worms that GW doesn't want to open right now. The multiple regiment release in the 90's felt like a niche-project at the time, allowing the sculptors to play with real world stereotypes and have a bit of fun with it. I seriously doubt there was any kind of long term plan involved. Now, as long as Cadians continue to sell, I doubt they'll even consider the line in need of updating.


When the update finally does come, I think GW will make it a mono-regiment along the lines of the Solar Auxilia in 30K - simplification in rules and kits seems to be the name of the game now. One set of rules for all Guard regiments, (with generic, non-regimental traits to choose from) one line of plastic 'Guardsmen' miniatures and players are free to use previous GW miniatures as a concession to those with collections.


Rough Riders were canned from the 'Dex and the metal regiment lines discontinued in this edition - I wouldn't be surprised to see the new mono-guard in 9th.


The real question is: Are my old Valhallans and made-to-order Vostroyans worth more to sell now or a few years down the track? :tongue.:



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I agree that gsc is too close a substitute to release new guard currently, and there are problems in updating the varied units all at once. Still that newly teased arena game has some great new guard models. Though, shadowspear has me thinking about variants. What if new guard like vanguard Marines had options, e.g. a lasgun, rifle, carbine, heavy lasgun, etc? Certainly sanctioned psykers could use some updates.
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I think we are in a great place with guard.

There are 3 regiments available on GW site (Catachan, Cadian, Steel Legion)


I don't think GW will be interested in updating them soon. They have been given a trade marked name. They have models for pretty much everything in codex and huge customisation options.


Practically I can see no reason why they would be a priority.

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I would be happy with some upgrade packs for the current plastic models containing veteran style heads, some shotguns and special weapons, with different arms. I think that is more likely than the kits being re-done. But as Kinstryfe said, a whole new reigment is more likely. But there is no major regiment in the fluff that hasn't had models at some point, so i don't know where the new regiment might come from? any suggestions?

Hey man you are in luck, they do have some Cadian upgrade resin on forge world. Hostile environment, backpacks, and shotgun vets. 

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I remember when the first plastic Cadians came out and the backlash that came about with everyone being bent out of shape because they didn't look exactly like the old metals.


And I'll also like to add the fact that I've always considered the plastic Cadians to be the 'generic' Guard.


There's also the FW upgrade resin stuff for the Cadian line and... lots of other third-party stuff to use.


I love Anvil.

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I would be happy with some upgrade packs for the current plastic models containing veteran style heads, some shotguns and special weapons, with different arms. I think that is more likely than the kits being re-done. But as Kinstryfe said, a whole new reigment is more likely. But there is no major regiment in the fluff that hasn't had models at some point, so i don't know where the new regiment might come from? any suggestions?

Hey man you are in luck, they do have some Cadian upgrade resin on forge world. Hostile environment, backpacks, and shotgun vets.

The issue is a lot of the FW upgrade packs are a little bit out of proportion, so don't fit very well with the plastic cadian parts. Which is a shame.

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I’ve only just started collecting guard and I’m scared they’ll “update” the scale.

I could see them updating them a tiny bit, as even the bsf traitors are said to be a little bit upscaled, but I don't see them majorly changing the scale. My main reasoning is that for many, many years the guard have been sized in their "standard" human scaling, the same as a large multitude of other 40k and fantasy kits. They've gone so far as to use this to push sales of other products via encouraging conversions to make custom regiments. While the potential is always there it would kill so much potential that the current kit (and multiple ranges) have I'd be extremely surprised by it unless it ends up being an absolutely enormous ground-up redesign.

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I’ve only just started collecting guard and I’m scared they’ll “update” the scale.

Don't worry about that. The old metal Cadians and Catachan models are perfectly legal to play with. They're just slightly smaller than the plastic models that came out in 2002. I don't see major changes coming to the guard. There won't be any crazy narrative excuse for special snowflake Guardsmen, like the did for Space Marines. Bobby G definitely didn't tell Cawl to build a better breed of guardsman. When we get updated models, they might introduce a new regiment and they might add a few female heads to the cadian sprues.

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I would be happy with some upgrade packs for the current plastic models containing veteran style heads, some shotguns and special weapons, with different arms. I think that is more likely than the kits being re-done. But as Kinstryfe said, a whole new reigment is more likely. But there is no major regiment in the fluff that hasn't had models at some point, so i don't know where the new regiment might come from? any suggestions?

Hey man you are in luck, they do have some Cadian upgrade resin on forge world. Hostile environment, backpacks, and shotgun vets.

The issue is a lot of the FW upgrade packs are a little bit out of proportion, so don't fit very well with the plastic cadian parts. Which is a shame.



The melta and plasma upgrade boxes fit just fine on the Cadian legs. You just have to reposition/reglue/remove some of the cables that hang down and rotate the legs around a bit. For the shotgun vets, the proportion is quite a bit off but they will work with Anvil Industries legs pretty well, with strategic use of belt items. I can post some pics later...

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Okay here's some examples I just pulled out really quick in the daylight.


On the left are some torsos/heads from the plasma hostile environment Cadians on GW Cadian legs. You can see the fit is okay, although some torsos are better than others.  


On the right are some Shotgun Vets again torsos and arms from FW/GW (only get 4 torsos per box) but the legs are Anvil Industries greatcoat legs (advancing). The heads are great, and I think all the boxes on FW really expand the GW lineup and compliment it in a nice way. 






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I’ve only just started collecting guard and I’m scared they’ll “update” the scale.

Maybe your guys have poor quality rations on their ships. Maybe they're from homeworlds with minor variance in gravity. If the difference in scale is small enough, it's easy to explain away as natural variation in Human populations. Fear profits no one, trust in the Emperor ;)

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I’ve only just started collecting guard and I’m scared they’ll “update” the scale.

Maybe your guys have poor quality rations on their ships. Maybe they're from homeworlds with minor variance in gravity. If the difference in scale is small enough, it's easy to explain away as natural variation in Human populations. Fear profits no one, trust in the Emperor ;)



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