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Foes of St Hoagland (Hereteks, Xenos et al)

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In this thread i will show my projects that are narratively connected to my Mechanicus forces of Forgeworld St Hoagland and House Cydonia but who are opposed to those loyal forces. These will include, but are not limited to, a nefarious Genestealer Cult, Gellerpox Infected and Hereteks. (but these are side projects, so expect long gaps between updates).

We start with a very old miniature that i painted decades ago for some background.
My first GW game was original Adeptus Titanicus which i followed swiftly with Space Hulk. Because of the latter i painted up half my Titans as being from a Forgeworld taken over by a Genestealer Cult (something i got some flack for at the time but now there's canon examples).

So here is an example of a Titan of the Claws of the Children (original Legio name stricken from records).


The Genestealers from Space Hulk became the core of my first 40k army, which i played till late 2nd edition when the lack of support and new releases for the GSC had me experiment with Tyranids which upon the squatting of GSC became my mainstay for many years till the Knights release. On the return of the GSC i snapped up Deathwatch Overkill and then promptly went back to my giant pile of Mechanicus projects at my glacial pace. However i have painted up one of the hybrids as a test scheme piece. So here's the modern incarnation of the Genestealers infiltrating the serfs of the Mechanicus.




I'll explore the lore of this cult and the way it relates to Forgeworld St Hoagland in greater depth over time also.

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