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DDA base?

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I'm assuming most gamers, unlike GW, have realized the single flying stand base is utterly inadequate for the necron DDA/GA and some of you have come up with alternatives. If you have may I see some to avoid reinventing the wheel?

I was thinking of a large oval base with two pegs to plug into the front and back holes in the underside of the ribcage. BTW, I made my DDA the right way with the cannon on top unlike the GW example. I also put the large dome like thing that normally goes on the back of the ghost ark facing forwards on the end of the ribcage so it looks like a targeter array for the DDC.

Another base might be most of a simple rectangular frame with bits that come up from the corners and connect to attach to the dda at the front and back peg holes on the underside of the spine.

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