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HCMistborn's WIP Khornate Warband Thread

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Hey, so I'm doing an undecided legion of Khornate worshipers. I don't really feel like painting, so I will most likely hire someone to paint them for me, but I love building and converting. After selling off my piles of un-built models, I started up a small collection of chaos marines. Here is my W.I.P.

Chaos Lord Kithe Redmaw in Terminator Armor with Twin Lightning Claws


Aspiring Champion Sorvald Felheart armed with Combi-Bolter and Power Sword


Chaos Sorceror Vash Scourgeborn in Terminator Armor with Force Staff and Combi-Melta



Obliterator- Unamed so far, with a minor head conversion


My 8 Astartes Berserker Squad starting with the Squad Champion



Next my two five man squads of Chaos Space Marines built from the Shadowspear marines, with only a few modifications.


Finally I have a size comparison of the Berserker kit to the new CSM


Love the work so far mate. The headswap on the obliterator is perfect, is that from the easy to build reivers?


The size difference between the bezerker and the new kits is not as massive as I thought, I figured theyd stand a head taller or something but you could easily get away with having multiple era units in an army.


Great post Mistborn!


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