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Vigilus Iron Warriors

Mr Farson

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So my local club has an upcoming vigilus campaign event and I thought what with the new chaos releases it was time to have a dedicated chaos 40k army instead of me using my 30k models



As a result I picked up the chaos half of shadow spear and a few extras to build the core of the army.


Heres the first couple of lads in a wip format










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So managed to get the first squad up to a tabletop standard and whack their transfers on.


Ill probably go back after I get the bulk of the army done and finish up the edge highlighting and re work the bond a bit.




Time to start basing them and blocking in trim on the next squad

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Looking good, can you change out the shoulder pads or just the heads on this quick build shadowspear stuff? Mk III pads, backpacks and helm would make easy corrupted Mk V pattern armour, extra studs/ spikes and set IMO.

Some of the shoulder pads can be swapped - the one I remember doing last is the shoulder pad (left one?) on the autocannon guy. 

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is it a plague knife :unsure: !?..


your force looks great, especially with the head swaps :tu: ...so so tempting to do iron warriors....

but Black legion is the way of the future :lol:


look forward to more stuff from you!!


Cheers, Mithril




Yup! I needed a way to add on an arm after I pilfered it for a bolter marine


They look great. The guy in the front right's sword (or whatever is in his right hand) looks really interesting - how did you paint it?

Its zandri dust drybrushed karak stone washed nuln oil and then highlighted flayed flesh


Isn't that head/helmet in your 3rd picture from the original IW legion set?

Very nice job with the minis!

Yup! Its much better value than the fw kit as it comes with weapons and torsos as well as heads



Decided to add a few squads of plague marines to the army as fire support. Fluff wise they are remmants of the companies destroyer units


Here's one freshly sprayed





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