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Airbrushing Templars

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Since I justed splurged on a H&s Evolution Silverline + Compressor I was wondering, what you guys do to airbrush Templars?

I have seen a few Videos on Youtube about airbrushing Black and I guess you can put down a quick zenithal of dark grey from above, which I will take to doing, but what else do you guys do?

Let me know, be it robes or bones or energy weapons, or whatever. Lets share some airbrushing tips and Tricks.

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Big question really is how you want to highlight your "black"? As really, nothing is black


You've got cold:

  • Grey
  • Blue
  • Blue/Grey (like Reinhard's Avi pic)
  • Turquoise


  • Reds
  • Browns
  • Purples

Then the process would be:

  • I'd start by pre-shading with a white zenithal highlight over a black undercoat.
  • Then you want thin coats of a very dark version of your chosen "highlight" and apply that all over in repeated coats.
  • Lighten the tone a little and apply another zenithal highlight which is going to reinforce the change of tone you've already established.
  • Get your normal brush and use a mid tone for some edge highlights, followed by something really light for the extreme edges.
  • Then I'd get some gloss varnish and put that through the airbrush over the entire miniature.
  • Once the varnish has set properly, you want a black ink and you're going to pin shade all the true recesses and the armour "cut-aways"

Also, don't attach your shoulder pads when building your Templars, then you can use your airbrush to do them all white separately.



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Well, I just do base coats and zenithal highlights.


I use Vallejo Model Color line.




1. Primer flat black

2. VMC Black Grey all over

3. 50/50 VMC Black Grey/German Grey zenithal highlight from upper right

4. VMC German Grey zenithal highlight from upper right

5. 50/50 VMC Light Grey/German Grey zenithal highlight from upper right

6. 75/25 of Light Grey/German Grey light spot from upper right


When I'm finished  with  the other base colors, then I go in with Army Painter Strong and Dark tones into the recesses.


I also glue my shoulder pads on before painting because I really dislike post painting construction.

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I used pretty much the technique Rik describes on my Hellblasters but without the second zenithal highlight, or the ink wash. Additionally, after I was happy with the coats of my highlight colour over the white I then “glazed” black back onto the model to help reinforce the transition from the highlight to the black. This helped add some extra depth to the highlights. I sprayed the thin glaze of black over where the highlight blends into the black. My highlight colour was Incubi Darkness, so a very dark green-blue. I then edge highlighted with Fenrisian Grey and Blue Horror.

Here’s how they looked:


To be honest I don’t fully like the effect. I mean the colour looks cool but I don’t think it’s black enough for a Templar. So next time I’m going to be much more selective about where I do the highlight. Probably just on the helmet, exhausts on the backpack, and the knees.

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