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I'm trying to come up with a dark Angels it's built round primaris marines I have all the primaris units apart from the shadow spear stuff Anyone got any list they would like to share at all?


Not just hellblasters spam as I don't think the azzie castle is that good of a list

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Rather than a lists, I will talk about some units I use and why.


I moved away from helblasters myself, I find them unflexible and expensive. But I still use azrael every game, hes great with primaris and reroll all is awsome in overwatch.


I tend to favor large unit, they give little kill points and moral is really not a problem for DA.


Staples in tmy lists:


10 intercessor : with the beta bolters they are a great back bone unit, they start the game in front of azrael and they still keep some reroll when he moves out.


3-6 Inceptors with plasma: they start off board, deep strike near azrael for both reroll and protection and deal massive damage to a unit. They are super efficient but kind of a glass canon.


6 aggressor : their performance vary wildly from one game to the next and I have never use their shoot twice rules. However, when they come into play, its an allstar unit. With azrael close they are suprisingly hard to shift and their overwarch is devastating. Usually starts behind a ruins wall for protection.


Rw bikers : while not primaris, they give synergise well with my game plan, they have a respectable amount of shots and are versatile in uses. They can move block, lock in combat, buble wrap more expensive units / characters.


Recent addition:

5 black knight: if I feel I need plasma on the tabke turn 1, I would replace 3 inceptor by this more versatile version of the same thing. Not as point efficient, but qualifies for the attack squadron.


10 DW knight: a good brawler unit to trow at the mid field, used with master of maneuver talon master for the sweet reroll charges. Instantly creates a problem for the oponent, theyvcannot be taken lightly. I need more practice before they take a permanent place into my army.


Eliminator & sniper scout : I rarelly have points for a librarian, so having snipers help dealing with pesky psykers and other weak chatacters that my bad matchup depends on. Not much practice with them yet though.


Dark Talon : the only vehicule in my list, takes lots of fire away from my army while being a good independant and versatile models. I tend to relly on characters synergies a lot, so models that can be independant and fast are super valuable. Its a nee addition to my collection, cant wait to see it in action.

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Primaris wise the Castle builds are really the only thing we have going for any kind of competitive event.


I moved away from mass hellblasters are they were too slow and it was easy for things to stay out of range of their guns.


Triple Repulsor is fun but come up against a Knight list or Castellan sloted into an Imperium army and you're toast.


The only build I think would work well at the moment would be 3x6 Agressors, Azrael, Lieutenant, Banner, Apothecary and Darkshroud. This clocks in at 1340 once you add 3 scout squads to make it a battalion. This gives you 660 points to give it support (Devastators are a good choice here).


The agressors provide a load of dakka even only shooting once and they can advance and still shoot as normal making them very mobile. They have great melee punch to kill tanks along the way, and a T5 4++ makes them very durable. Once you're in the thick of it or your opponent drops on you you can stay still for some double shooting and delete most things within 18 inches.


The only reason I haven't tried this is cost. I don't own any Agressors and even with my 20% discount at my FLGS I'd still be forking out AU$403 for 3 full squads.

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I like the idea of 18 aggressor castle, master of maneuver for rerolls advance or master of the vanguard for +1 move and advance and take the people by surprise with your mobility.


I do not think its very good though. such short range mean its gonna be super hard to get all of them in range of both the enemy and azrael, the enemy can easily move out of range and make your banner useless. while a little more mobile, it has much of the same problem helblaster have, in that it can only ever have one game plan and no flexibility and get countered hard. 


The basic idea is solid, but better mix it up with intercessor and RW bikers. they do not have the same level of dakka, but better range and versatility, giving you more option in game. 


I also have to advise against investing in so many characters that do not participate in the battle, Ancien + Apo + Lieutenant is about the price of a Talon master that would bring much more to the table.

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I like the idea of 18 aggressor castle, master of maneuver for rerolls advance or master of the vanguard for +1 move and advance and take the people by surprise with your mobility.


I do not think its very good though. such short range mean its gonna be super hard to get all of them in range of both the enemy and azrael, the enemy can easily move out of range and make your banner useless. while a little more mobile, it has much of the same problem helblaster have, in that it can only ever have one game plan and no flexibility and get countered hard. 


The basic idea is solid, but better mix it up with intercessor and RW bikers. they do not have the same level of dakka, but better range and versatility, giving you more option in game. 


I also have to advise against investing in so many characters that do not participate in the battle, Ancien + Apo + Lieutenant is about the price of a Talon master that would bring much more to the table.


Only in Hammer and Anvil  deployments will you have difficulty getting them all in range. They move a lot faster than Hellblasters especially with Master of manouvre. All your characters would be advancing as well, don't know why they would lag behind? Getting close to the enemy you can also pull off some trapping of units in melee shenanigans and grab extra movement from charge rolls.


I can see maybe not including an Apothecary (though clutch healing and reviving is very handy to have espoecially with a hard to kill unit). You could easily drop the Apothecary and upgrade the Lieutenant to a Talon Master (we have extra points to play with remember).


You keep suggesting bikers whilst they are very mobile the OP asked for Primaris specific items. The Agressor castle is one of the better builds if you just want to run Primaris you just don't see people running them at Tournaments because its easier and more effective to run soup.


The "Dark Angels" list that has been working well for me so far is:


Cadian Battalion

2x Company Commander

3x Infantry Squads


Dark Angels Battalion




3x Scouts


3x Company Vets

3x Whirlwind Scorpius


Imperial Knights Super Heavy Aux

Krast Knight Crusader


For ITC it basically sits on 1 objective to get the point for hold objective every turn and the Scorpius go for the kill more points by killing squishy squads. The Knight is there to counter other super heavies and you can change him to a horde killer by changing his relic and warlord trait.

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Brother, have you ever played with aggressor?

they are kinda fragile (for points) and have a hard time getting in range. The trade off here is they have insane firepower and good resilience but short range.

a lot faster than helblaster? they move 1d6-1" more... not a lot by any mean. 


see, the thing is if you play so many Agressors they are super easy to counter.

aggressor move 5'' +1d6 (but then you cannot charge) and shoot 18'' for a total of 24''-29'' reach. 

Given the majority of deployment have 24'' "no mans land", the enemy need to deploy 6'' behind his line to be out of reach IF you deploy on your line (you should not).


And they are not that tough, 6 Hive Guard will kill a squad a turn even with azrael. Tank comanders too will make short work of them. My Deathguard would love to see your list moving up field and into position for my flammers. The new havocs will make short work of them from a safe distance etc..


I feel you have a nice Basic Idea, but will realise that aggressors are not all that and putting so much egg in one basket is a mistake.

Aggressors shine in defensive play, daring the oponent to come in range of your guns.




also, OP asked about primaris centered lists, not primaris only list. RW bikers are one of my favorite all-rounder unit in our codex and I never leave home without one unit :smile.: 

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Brother, have you ever played with aggressor?

they are kinda fragile (for points) and have a hard time getting in range. The trade off here is they have insane firepower and good resilience but short range.

a lot faster than helblaster? they move 1d6-1" more... not a lot by any mean. 


see, the thing is if you play so many Agressors they are super easy to counter.

aggressor move 5'' +1d6 (but then you cannot charge) and shoot 18'' for a total of 24''-29'' reach. 

Given the majority of deployment have 24'' "no mans land", the enemy need to deploy 6'' behind his line to be out of reach IF you deploy on your line (you should not).


And they are not that tough, 6 Hive Guard will kill a squad a turn even with azrael. Tank comanders too will make short work of them. My Deathguard would love to see your list moving up field and into position for my flammers. The new havocs will make short work of them from a safe distance etc..


I feel you have a nice Basic Idea, but will realise that aggressors are not all that and putting so much egg in one basket is a mistake.

Aggressors shine in defensive play, daring the oponent to come in range of your guns.




also, OP asked about primaris centered lists, not primaris only list. RW bikers are one of my favorite all-rounder unit in our codex and I never leave home without one unit :smile.: 


You're talking as if there is no LOS blocking terrain or even cover on the table (I know that won't help against the Hive Guard but still).


I never said an Agressor Castle is going to be a Tournament winner nor did I say that it wouldn't have any counters. All I'm saying if you want to concentrate on mainly Primaris the Agressor Castle is the better build.

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