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Chosen loadouts?

Furnace Lord

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I'm curious how people want to run Chosen with their armies. Do you think they're worth decking out for close combat? I'm kind of afraid of the unit a bit because they start cheap but it looks easy to take way too much. I was thinking maybe a small unit loaded with meltaguns in a Rhino (probably with a second unit of 5....anything along for the ride), or maybe a unit of ten with standard combi-bolters and chainswords also in a Rhino for doing terrible things to hordes? Do any marks or legion traits stand out for them?

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Well now that Havocs can't take special weapons anymore I guess they do have a role as special weapon teams as well. Though considering how squishy they are and how close they want to be to the opponent I'd try to keep them cheap. Chainaxe + Combi-bolter is a great loadout against a lot of things.

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Well now that Havocs can't take special weapons anymore I guess they do have a role as special weapon teams as well. Though considering how squishy they are and how close they want to be to the opponent I'd try to keep them cheap. Chainaxe + Combi-bolter is a great loadout against a lot of things.

That's one thing that worries me about fielding them. Despite everything they can take they die just as easily as a regular Chaos Marine.

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I wish you could give them all special weapons (like a unit of 10), but 6 is a good concentration.


Standard boilerplate of "40k is a game that favors shooting, combat units are always having an uphill fight" but you can give 10 weapon upgrades, so 10 powerswords coming out to have a talk with some guys would do some damage.


At the end of things though they are +1 attack and leadership chaos space Marines for +1 point, and wide open weapon options. It kind of feels like they are a point sink trap.


So, what I mean is, if you give these guys power swords-they would be awesome, but wouldn't Warptalons be better? I mean, native deep strike and lightning claws less attacks though, and one less AP but reroll to wound and faster with an invulnerable save and theoretical benefit from Daemonkin and Daemon strats and auras.


It kind of feels like gearing them for concentrated special weapons might be the better way, since we don't have special weapon concentration (beyond Combi and two specials in chaos tactical squad)

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Max flamers, Forward Operatives, Advance & shoot because they're Assault weapons, VOTLW and Cacophony available if needed.


Say goodbye to the enemy screen.


And if you don't trust your ability to roll for advance or the enemy kept his screen a bit back just embark them in a transport for an extra 3" of movement (or cast Warptime lol). ^^

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I play Black Legion so Merciless Killers may be of use.... Chainaxe on everyone + charging = 3 swings per guy if outnumbering at str 5, ap-1. That will mulch an awful lot of stuff. Bargain price Zerkers anyone?  15ppm chosen ain't bad for that load out since they will more then likely be moving anywho. 

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Max flamers, Forward Operatives, Advance & shoot because they're Assault weapons, VOTLW and Cacophony available if needed.


Say goodbye to the enemy screen.

I was planning a squad of warpflame rubrics, but I like the sounds of early BBQ. With chainaxes of course, which also reminds me of the 30k flamer support squad, which is a good thing in my book.

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I play Black Legion so Merciless Killers may be of use.... Chainaxe on everyone + charging = 3 swings per guy if outnumbering at str 5, ap-1. That will mulch an awful lot of stuff. Bargain price Zerkers anyone?  15ppm chosen ain't bad for that load out since they will more then likely be moving anywho. 


Basically melee Heavy Bolter for cheap. :D

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Max flamers, Forward Operatives, Advance & shoot because they're Assault weapons, VOTLW and Cacophony available if needed.


Say goodbye to the enemy screen.


If you go first. If not, goodbye Chosen!



Well it was a cheap-ish unit and everything that shoots them doesn't shoot your Havocs. :D

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I tend to run a squad of between 7 to 9 in a Rhino usually with an exalted champion. I gear them up for melee with chainswords and an assortment of power weapons like axe, maul, fist and then max combi bolters. Fun little squad with good quality attacks and quite nasty against Imperium units. If any die the chainsword and combi bolter guys go first, only 16pts so it's not that bad.

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So I am planning on running my new CSM from ShadowSpear as Chosen, rather than have 1 unit of CSM look vastly better compared to the old models.

I was thinking of champ with chain axe and combi-bolter

then 4 x chainsword and plasma

and then 4x chainsword or chain axe and bolter

and a heavy with a Reaper Chain Cannon.


where do you guys source your combi weapons ? 

anybody know of any good plasma weapons that fit the new chaos look, I don't particularly like the FW ones and the standard GW ones look a bit too imperial to really fit the new chaos vibe. am I just gonna have to suck it up and pay through the nose for ebay bits from new kits?

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where do you guys source your combi weapons ?

anybody know of any good plasma weapons that fit the new chaos look, I don't particularly like the FW ones and the standard GW ones look a bit too imperial to really fit the new chaos vibe. am I just gonna have to suck it up and pay through the nose for ebay bits from new kits?

I use the combibolters from the now old termies, which i got from making combi plas nators out of them. I cut them off very carefully and then i put them on pistol hands where i cut off thd pistols, so.that the fingers stay.

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I agree that too much wargear is a points trap, but can still be fun for that old-school vibe. Either loaded up with special weapons, or maybe some cheap stuff (my next build is 5 combi-bolters and chainaxes at +3 pts per model)

I made this squad when they intro'd the cc/combi/bp FAQ (right most has combi-flamer on backpack, second from right holstered his power sword):

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My World Eaters/Red Corsairs are decked for close combat. Now post-vigilus, they're all equipped with Chainaxes (nice and cheap) except for the champion who's got a Thunder Hammer.


My Scourged are decked for shooting, basically keeping to the old adage of "put as many plasmaguns in the unit as possible". Still a Thunder Hammer on the Champion though, there's still some synergy with their renegade trait, and it would be a waste of his A3 otherwise.

My Thousand Sons...ran out of Chosen 10.000 years ago. :(

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Squike, I bought my CSM combi-plasma bitz from Kromlech in Poland. I glued Kromlech's legionary plasma gun to GW's bolter and called it a day (after drilling out the barrels of course).


Chaos terminators with my jury-rigged magnetized plasma combi-bolters


And Chaos Chosen with my plasma combi-bolters


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They've got a lot of options, but other units tend to just do it better. And they suffer from having the standard MeQ statline, which just isn't very good even with 2 attacks.


Melee? Berzerkers are far more effective and efficient. Possessed too these days.


Ranged? Havocs can't take special weapons anymore, but they are tougher and can move and shoot. And Chain Cannons > Special weapons anyway except plasma.


Plasma users? Well they can spam more of it than terminators, but still need to get in range, and are like half the durability per point. Terminators can deepstrike, and so do it better.


Dakka with Combi-bolters? Terminators can get all 4 shots at 24", and double the durability. So terminators again.


I had hoped that Black Legion would get a way to take them as troops, in which case they'd get used a bit. But no luck!


So there's just not much of a use for them. If basic marine stats were good, then there probably would be. But for now, they are a fluff choice.

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Since chaos codex 2, I'm thinking I'll do a unit or two all of them carrying thunder hammer/ chainsword


That unit would be incredibly expensive and a huge bullet magnet considering how much damage they could do, no way your opponent is going to let that unit stay alive for long. Weapons that expensive, especially on a melee unit just aren't a good choice. 


Drudge good points there as always. Unfortunately chosen are a highly versatile unit with a lot of choices in a game system that currently rewards more specialized units that can really hone in on their role, opposed to being a mixed role unit like chosen. 

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Since chaos codex 2, I'm thinking I'll do a unit or two all of them carrying thunder hammer/ chainsword


That unit would be incredibly expensive and a huge bullet magnet considering how much damage they could do, no way your opponent is going to let that unit stay alive for long. Weapons that expensive, especially on a melee unit just aren't a good choice. 


Drudge good points there as always. Unfortunately chosen are a highly versatile unit with a lot of choices in a game system that currently rewards more specialized units that can really hone in on their role, opposed to being a mixed role unit like chosen. 


Yeah. If you're going to go for a "few dudes with huge smashy weapons," 3 Masters of Executions would be cheaper, more durable, and more productive than equivalent number of wounds in TH Chosen, given the character protections and no penalty to hit.

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