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A question on apothecaries


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In the Narthecium rule for the various Apothecaries in our codex, it says that "a unit can only be the target of the Narthecium ability once each turn."


The Helix Adept rule has a similar effect to the Narhecium but is limit to the Helix Adept's own squad.


Does that mean that the new Infiltrator squad could revive and heal in a turn if an Apothecary is nearby?

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In the Narthecium rule for the various Apothecaries in our codex, it says that "a unit can only be the target of the Narthecium ability once each turn."


The Helix Adept rule has a similar effect to the Narhecium but is limit to the Helix Adept's own squad.


Does that mean that the new Infiltrator squad could revive and heal in a turn if an Apothecary is nearby?

If you go with RAW, id say yes.

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