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Executioners Chapter Color Scheme

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So I'm thinking with all the new chaos releases I'm going to make a Red Corsairs aligned warband, and I want the core of the warband to be based around Executioner chapter renegades that chose to stick with Huron after the Badab War. While that would technically make them Red Corsairs, I'd like to incorporate some of the old original color scheme of the chapter into the design. Not really sure what color to use, the Executioners are kinda a bluish/grey/silver for their main color. Really stuck on what colors to use so suggestions would be most welcome. To show their allegiance to Red Corsairs I think I'll do the red shoulder pads of the corsairs. 


For reference here's an executioner chapter marine: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/a/a4/Executioners_Marine.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180223193357







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