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The Brotherhood of Abomination

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Awright, fluffy post.
I'm currently doing some oldschool Red Corsairs, for the fun of it. I love the new model range we're getting, however there's godamn amount of trim and I don't like that for my corsairs, so I'm using primaris conversions for them, because those models suit better the style am after. So I'll be using the new, sweet, gorgeous chaos models to finally flesh out the CSM warband I had in mind for years (got some DV chosen waiting for that since forever); the Brotherhood of Abomination.

The Abomination is the imperial designation of a large space hulk tainted by chaos, and the base and home of the Brotherhood. The warband itself (origins unknown) is totally corrupted by the warp entity that has possessed the space hulk.
The Brotherhood wears dark grey, biomechanical power armour, their eye lenses and baroque decorations ablaze with seething fire.

Gamewise I don't want the warband to be focused on one god, fluffwise I'll treat each mark as an aspect of the fiery (minor) god that inhabites the Abomination. I wanted the warp being to be the personification of consuming fire, so I thought to bring even more heresy to 40k by using a Warhammer Fantasy chaos god.
He is the Father of Darkness, fire and oppression.

And I think is very fitting for what I have in mind. What do you think?


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Hashut chaos warband, that sounds fun. I think it would be really cool if you combine your dark armor scheme with lava/fiery bases, and very fitting for Hashut. Maybe some bronze as well for certain aspects of the warband like on their weapons or shoulder pads. 


I feel you on wanting to avoid tons of trim painting, after years of painting Word Bearers I'm tired of trim and would rather figure out a scheme to cut down on trim a bit. 


Lore sounds pretty solid to me, looking forward to seeing some of the new models in your scheme. 

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Thanks brother, I have in mind lava bases and a new technique I want to try for that when I have the paints. Maybe the bronze can be used in chainmail/blades instead of silver? It'll give some nice, fluffy contrast imho. As for painting the new models, well, have to wait to the paycheck! However, I want to start on one of the DV chosen this weekend to further refine the scheme.


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Bronze blades/chainmail would be very good for the chaos dwarf/Hashut vibe, I would definetly give that a try. If you have the old Tamurkhan warhammer fantasy book from Forge World, there's some good ideas for the Hashut theme there.


I feel you on the financial strain, my plan is to split shadowspear then play around with themes on those models until the warchest is filled for the more expensive new kits. 

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Oh hey, you're on the B&C :) I was the one who responded to your Facebook post about the bull stuff and whatnot. I'm only just returning to the hobby and was a little hesitant to try the Hashut theme myself, but seeing this gives me some bolstering. As my painting and modeling skills are still coming along I'm sure I'll be assembling things a bit slower. Still, praise the Father of Darkness! I'll follow your progress with great interest.

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Bronze blades/chainmail would be very good for the chaos dwarf/Hashut vibe, I would definetly give that a try. If you have the old Tamurkhan warhammer fantasy book from Forge World, there's some good ideas for the Hashut theme there.


I feel you on the financial strain, my plan is to split shadowspear then play around with themes on those models until the warchest is filled for the more expensive new kits. 

I don't have that book, but I'm sure Google can help with some images of it :D


Oh hey, you're on the B&C :smile.: I was the one who responded to your Facebook post about the bull stuff and whatnot. I'm only just returning to the hobby and was a little hesitant to try the Hashut theme myself, but seeing this gives me some bolstering. As my painting and modeling skills are still coming along I'm sure I'll be assembling things a bit slower. Still, praise the Father of Darkness! I'll follow your progress with great interest.

Glad to see you here Furnace Lord (a fitting name indeed!). I don't have much models to work with, so do not expect a fast pace either, although I have some ideas boiling in my mind :)


"Raise the icon. Load the pyres. The Father will have the spoils today, that we may be blessed tomorrow."

- Drughaz the Taker

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Well, what can i say? Happy with the armor and the bronze, not so much with the fire. First purchase of the month will be paints, not models.


Hope you like it :smile.:

P.S: Thinking about changing the scheme a bit, maybe with really old weathered bronze. Not sure yet, but since I want to give this project all my love, I don't want to rush it.

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You might be interested in Promethean Painting's tutorial for how he did the molten skin on his Daemons for his Hakanor's Reavers for the fiery glowing areas


The result is definitely what you seem to be going for:


Wow, yes, those are awesome. Thanks for the recommendation, I have the tutorials bookmarked for future reference, thanks! :D


So uhh...


I bloody LOVE this idea. So much!

Thanks Charlo, glad you like it.


Today I managed to get more progress and just some details are left (for this test model at least). Not sure if the bones on the shoulderpad should be painted, highlighted or leave them as they are, thoughts?





I think that his new OG backpack suit him very well tho ^_^


Also I've bought some paints today to have better quality fire (paintwise ofc, my sloppy hands will remain the same I'm afraid). A juggernaut is also coming my way, because looks like I need more plastic besides my horrendous backlog.



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I will refrain myself to paint anything until the GW goodies arrive (hopefully next week), but I have some conversion ideas in my mind. I will ask you for advice since I only have two models and don't want to ruin them forever. One is Krannon the Relentless, the other one, the current Exalted/Aspiring Champion. The thing is I want to behead them, at least one, and use the head for my incoming chaos lord, is this possible? Have any of you did it successfuly?

And then comes the lore.

Been doing some research through various sources, including this mighty board, to flesh out a bit more the background of the Brotherhood. Then I stumbled (a happy coincidence) with the Flame Falcons, a Coursed Founding chapted declared Excommunicate Traitoris around M36 -more or less the era I had in mind, since this project is also a humble homage to the game that got me into WH40k: Space Crusade- and almost wiped out by the Grey Knights.

The Flame Falcons escaped, at least some of them, and their current whereabouts are unknown. The fact that they are engulfed in flames fits with the theme, so there's that. However, it seems that some of the Flame Falcons are still loyal to the Imperium (couldn't find, however, official sources confirming that point) and that bugs me. I guess I can bypass that by having a couple of spacecrafts that managed to escape the wrath of the GK, one of them, being lost in the warp.


So, the basic skeleton of the background would be that one of the ships, a single strike cruiser with almost a company of marines, managed to warp-travel, severely damaged by the GK fleet. Some time after that -don't know how much, but enough to get out of supplies, their numbers somewhat reduced and the ship damaged beyond repair- they found some sort of haven within the Empyrean; a calm place and silent space hulk.


From there I need to go through  the hulk exploration, their desperation in the darkness of the ship, the anger of how the Imperium turned on them. The voices, the whispers of Hashut, the embrace, and the conflict with those who see the heresy of their actions. The reforging of the former chapter, rites, dogma and doctrine.

Since they will stay in the warp for some time (from M36 until the creation of the Cicatrix Maledictum), there's plenty of time to develop a new culture under the guidance of the Father of Darkness.

Any ideas, advice and criticism would be greatly appreciated :)

Excellent stuff, as a user of ancient backpacks too I salute you!


Btw totally planning on stealing this idea in some form. Hashut ftw.

Those are some of the best csm backpack to me, and please steal away :D

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