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Chaos Space Marine plans?

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Ok am I missing something with BL? I see their chapter tactic and think...meh. Then I see some of the renegade chapters (brazen beasts stands out the most I like melee) and want to go that route. I know BL gets Abby but that’s kind of where the bonus ends in my mind. I will admit I’m new to chaos so maybe there is something I’m overlooking?
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Black Legion got a lot of new stuff in vigilius ablaze. I think they got 5-6 new stratagems, 5 new warlord traits, bunch of new relics and a formation, plus improved rules for Abaddon. Yeah, their trait is terrible but there's lots of other stuff they have access to which I think makes them fun to use. All that being said, I think Black Legion is an army you want to play because you love their background and look, not necessarily their rules. 

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Looking at the Brazen Beasts stratagem, the benefits are obvious for the Maulerfiend but could it not complement the sometimes maligned Heldrake fairly well? An extra D3 or 3 mortal wounds every turn it manages to get stuck in could make it fairly dangerous.
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I’m thinking of venomcrawlers too Dumah. Lord of discordant with 2 venomcrawlers and 1 maulerfiend. Make sure a greater possessed runs behind for +1 str then a herald on bloodcrusher (since everything will have mark of Khorne) for another +1 and now the 4D3 str 10 shots going downfield then a maulerfiend running in will be fun
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I'll probably try to wrap up my ragtag Black Legion force by snapping up oldmarines on the cheap when and where I can get them.


These new model prices are prohibitively expensive for my tiny budget, especially for a rather neglected side army. I could deal with $50 for 10 Rubrics because I love Thousand Sons; I was disappointed to see Plague Marines at $50 for 7, but at least the relatively cheap starter sets kept the resale market prices low; but now $60 for 10 CSM is pushing what I'm willing to pay for non-TS infantry.


I could see myself returning to the idea eventually and building a small Scourged force, but I'll have to lurk around for some deals before that's economically feasible.

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I inherited a pretty large collection of Iron Warriors (goblin green 25mm base era) that I'm going to strip and and then paint them and new CSM as Black Legion Iron Warriors, mix in a lot of Daemon engines and have them be the forces of Gallium from the Black Legion novels.
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Black Legion got a lot of new stuff in vigilius ablaze.

Basically, yrah. Black legion have a terrible trait, but, specially after vigilus ablaze, strong stratagems, warlord traits, relics, and a semi-decent legion exclusive specialist detachment. They also have abaddon, who is a beast and a half, whether we're talking model or rules. And Haarkon, who's not *completely* terrible.


Even so, pure blavk legion forces are unlikely to be as common as mixed forces of nlack legion plus red corsairs or alpha legion, but that's not all that bad a thing given that in the fluff the black legion work with other chaos forces as often as not.

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That's how I'm feeling about it too, Huron and Abaddon kicking butt together is a cool sight. I'm just having trouble figuring out my build. I'm finally starting to settle on a Daemonkin Engine army, with a Spearhead of Venoms and Maulers led by a Lord Discordant, and a BL Battalion with chaos marines, Obliterators, a Termie Squad, and Abby himself ready to rip and tear.
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The red corsairs strategem, does that cost reinforcement points? If not, it looks like a handy little tool to use :smile.:

It doesn't. Only when you create a new unit you have to pay reinforcement points, but with that Red Corsairs Stratagem you just bring one of your units back at full strength. It's the same as the Cultists Stratagem. ;)

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I never sell old armies, i always give it away to a youngling at a game club, it's my way of having no regrets about whether i made enough money? or did some 40k cheesehammer guy just get the better of me? :laugh.:

At least this way i get to start fresh and with better skill(hopefully:sweat: ) and some kid gets into 40k for free and has a whole new world to jump into... i can walk away from that happy (and i recycled too)


i just got shadowspear and Abaddon...some Thousand sons troops (allies) and i'm intending to get the Lord discordant and a few forgefiends and i always wanted to get a Chaos Chicken!


as for painting...i hear "Black" is the New Black :thumbsup:



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I had been slowly building up an army using BaC and BoP marines, half probably unassembled. They scale ok enough with new stuff and will mix great. I’m going to have a nice mix of Black Legion, Red Corsairs, The Purge and Scourged. In 2nd ed Chaos armies were a delightful multihued affair and I enjoy that. I like the idea of several different detachments that I can paint different ways and plug and play alongside my Daemons of the various gods. What a great time to be back in the hobby!
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