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Killer Combo!


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This is rather silly than strong but here goes:


Aeronautica Imperialis Martyrdom Protocols (AIM-P)

  1. An officer of the fleet (OOTF) rides in a Valkyrie (Valk).
  2. Valkyrie flies near a target.
  3. OOTF disembarks (e.g. using grav chutes).
  4. OOTF uses "attack coordinates transmitted" ability to mark the target.
  5. Valk shoots at the target (rerolling rolls of one due to OOTF).
  6. Then the OOTF adds an airstrike to the attack.
  7. In addition, the OOTF adds the incredible power of one BS 3+ laspistol shot to the attack.
  8. (optional) OOTF heroically charges the remaining targets.


Ofc. only dropping one OOTF is not the best use of a Valk.


Do note: The OOTF ability buffs all flying aeronautica imperialis units shooting at the designated unit. If you'd run 3 Valks and 3 OOTF, you'd be able to perform this trick a total of 3 times (but still only once per battle round) and all three Valks (and other flying aeronautica imperialis units) would benefit (if they're shooting at the target unit).

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Bookworm rulehole tactics:

1. Take a Commissar of your favorite rank as your Warlord with Master of Command WT and Laurels of Command (for the chance of one more order)

2. Add max number unit of Mordian Conscripts

3. Put both units in 6" of each other 

4. Walk them into Lasgun's Rapid fire range

5. Use Volley Fire stratagem on the Conscripts and FRFSRF issued by your Commissar Warlord.

6. Enjoy your ~160 Lasgun shots.

Note that you do not need to roll 4+ for the order because Commissar doesn't have OFFICER keyword which is mentioned in Conscripts nerf. And FAQ allowed a Commissar warlord to issue orders to any <REGIMENT>.


I hate the fact that this is absolutely legal rulewise.

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Don't you need the Officer-Keyword to equip the Laurels of Command?


You also forgot to boost them with a Sabre Searchlight for +1 to hit (which also affects volleyfire) ;-)


Honestly, this is probably more effective to do with 2 or 3 regular infantry squads merged with Consolidate Squads.

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How do you get that mordian conscript blob within 12" on the first turn? The only way I can see you doing that is with a stormlord, a lucky advance role, an officer with laurels of command and 3x4+ rolls. Not very reliable! I think the commissar bypassing the 4+ conscripts order role is a bit gamey in general for me. If you don't get the conscripts into range in the first turn then how would you keep them alive to get into range? The only guaranteed ways I can see would be the dagger relic or the tallarn stratagem which can be used from turn 2 and you can't use the gamey commissar with either of those! I'm in agreement with the chap who says combining squads is the most efficient way with the mordian strategum. 2 valkyries seem like the most efficient delivery system.
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I had this shot down by adepticon head judge. Said relic asks for regiment and since there is no regiment, relic is done. I know the general interpretation is that it's fine. Just be aware you could get ruled against.


Deep Striking Bullgryns with a Officer of the Fleet (20pts) with the Dagger relic.

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How do you get that mordian conscript blob within 12" on the first turn? The only way I can see you doing that is with a stormlord, a lucky advance role, an officer with laurels of command and 3x4+ rolls. Not very reliable! I think the commissar bypassing the 4+ conscripts order role is a bit gamey in general for me. If you don't get the conscripts into range in the first turn then how would you keep them alive to get into range? The only guaranteed ways I can see would be the dagger relic or the tallarn stratagem which can be used from turn 2 and you can't use the gamey commissar with either of those! I'm in agreement with the chap who says combining squads is the most efficient way with the mordian strategum. 2 valkyries seem like the most efficient delivery system.

The truth is that in many (most) cases all you need to get in range is your normal 6" move. I agree that this is not a combo to build army around. It is more like a distraction that is hard to ignore.

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I had this shot down by adepticon head judge. Said relic asks for regiment and since there is no regiment, relic is done. I know the general interpretation is that it's fine. Just be aware you could get ruled against.


Deep Striking Bullgryns with a Officer of the Fleet (20pts) with the Dagger relic.



***warning codex not handy, pasting from battlescribe***


"The infantry unit must have the same <REGIMENT> keyword as the bearer if the bearer has one."


If that text is accurate, I don't know why they would rule against it since it says "if the bearer has one"


I'm pretty sure "aeronautica imperialis" isn't a regiment

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Speaking about awesome combinations. Give a Mordian mortar squad take aim and then use the volley fire stratagem. It makes Mordian mortars more efficient than catachan and cadian mortars.

Wait what if you put the execution order on a mortar squad with the volley fire strat :O


Is that even possible?

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30 Mordian conscripts would get my attention and work it's way up my target priority. More importantly 30 Mordian's in tight formation would look awesome! I prefer the extra reach of my steel legion rapid fire weapons. 27 and a bit inches rapid fire threat range without advancing when jumping out of transport. My distraction is 3 chimeras with: 2 infantry squads pretty bare, a plasma special weapons squad, an astropath, a primaris psyker, a company commander with a bolter, a company commander as warlord with the laurels of command and the vigilus trait, Eisenhorn and 3 acolytes with bolters. With the exception of the company commanders I chuck the infantry forward and move one chimera up in support. I consolidate the infantry squads. Psychic is: psychic barrier on the combined squad from the primaris, psychic maelstrom from the astropath, mental fortitude and either smite or dominate from Eisenhorn. Shooting would normally be the combined squad and the plasma squad being ordered by the warlord from a chimera, lots of combos possible especially when you factor in strategems like the steel legion reroll 1's can be handy sometimes but vengeance for cadia is fantastic on the combined squad. Plus you'll probably be ignoring cover because the astropath also has a 27 and a bit inch threat range with his ability. The acolytes are mainly there to stop the characters from being shot if the rest of the screen goes down, although they do tend to get ignored. I follow up the chimera that's moved with a grenade launcher command squad and another plasma special weapons squad which is ordered to mount up by the non warlord company commander. I'll also load up the other chimeras with infantry. Hopefully my opponent will be having to deal with a large squad of infantry that'll have a 3+ save to shooting and 4+ in close combat that can't battle shock and the knowledge that I'll do exactly the same the next turn. The emperor's blade assault company and the points reduction to chimeras have been very kind to my steel legion!
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Vigilus Tempestor Drop Force.

Tempestor Prime w/ field commander-drop force commander


Tempestor Prime w/ warlord trait old grudges

Scions/ Scion command squads w/ lots of plasma

Valkyries and vultures.


Grav chute all your dudes T1


T1 your scions can be hitting on 2's, rerolling 1's with 5's and 6's getting an extra hit roll (within half range), rerolling all wounds against vehichles and monsters (orders).


They'll hit more times than they shoot. 1.33 hits per initial shot on average at half range. 12 plasma guns will hit 32 times on average.


Use old grudges on a big T3/4/5 ground threat and have the Valkyries and vultures open up at +1 to hit (vulture rule and valk hover rule), rerolling 1's and rerolling all failed wounds.


This is weak to good screening because of the short range and all the T3 guys will melt on T2 but it hits so very hard. I include 2 astropaths to deny cover since the opponent is probably going to use prepared positions of going second.

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3 Death Korps Grenadier Storm Squad (2 with Flamers, Heavy flamer Weapons Team, Watch Master).


Place each of them in a Death Korps Centaur Light Assault Carrier accompanied by a Death Korps Field Officer (the Grenadier Weapons Team only counts as a single model). Spread the Centaur across the board 17-18" apart.


Pre-battle the Centaur can move 9". First turn they disembark 3" and advance 7-12", then move move move 7-12", before using their flamers on the first screening units that should now be within 8".


To protect them from return fire next turn, the Centaurs can potentially advance and place themselves in front of the unit to block LoS (as long as 1 model can see the front screening unit they are firing on, then LoS isn't blocked for the flamers).


You may not wipe the screening unit with just the flamers, but it will dent them (avg around 5 wounds to an infantry squad), and you've taken forward field position.


Morale won't be an issue for these guys, and they are ok in combat against chaff units. Plus it fills out a Battalion or forms the first part of a Brigade.



Edit: can't move move move and shoot the flamers, so the screen would need to be 26-31" from your deployment zone to be in range without the extra advance. On the plus side you can potentially charge that screen with your centaur after the flamers have shot.

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Another one for Death Korps:


Officer of the Fleet (20pts) with the Dagger relic deepstriking with Yarrick (100pts).


2 Hades Breaching Drill with Death Korps Combat Engineers inside (145pts each).


Carcass shot on the shotguns wounds anything (except vehicles) on a 2+. You lose them on a roll of 1, but that's what Yarrick is there for!


Yarrick can also join the drills charging whatever vehicle is in range.


Bonus points if you flank Death Rider Commanders with them, and order the engineers to re-roll wounds of 1.


40 shots, hitting on 3s, re-rolling 1s. Wounding on 2s, re-rolling 1s. No AP, but 2 Dmg each. That's 40 wounds to something with a 5+ save, 30 to a 4+, 20 to a 3+.

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3 Death Korps Grenadier Storm Squad (2 with Flamers, Heavy flamer Weapons Team, Watch Master).


Place each of them in a Death Korps Centaur Light Assault Carrier accompanied by a Death Korps Field Officer (the Grenadier Weapons Team only counts as a single model). Spread the Centaur across the board 17-18" apart.


Pre-battle the Centaur can move 9". First turn they disembark 3" and advance 7-12", then move move move 7-12", before using their flamers on the first screening units that should now be within 8".


To protect them from return fire next turn, the Centaurs can potentially advance and place themselves in front of the unit to block LoS (as long as 1 model can see the front screening unit they are firing on, then LoS isn't blocked for the flamers).


You may not wipe the screening unit with just the flamers, but it will dent them (avg around 5 wounds to an infantry squad), and you've taken forward field position.


Morale won't be an issue for these guys, and they are ok in combat against chaff units. Plus it fills out a Battalion or forms the first part of a Brigade.

Few small issues with this:

LoS works from the model. So all your flamers need to be able to see at least one model in the enemy unit when you start shooting with your flamer-unit.


You also can't fire after move move move, because the order states you move and advance instead of shooting.


You'll still get them up fast this way though and it'll hurt screens for sure.

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