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Killer Combo!


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I believe they act as if fighting phase, so yes they get to do the pre and post attack consolidations

So, if you find yourself with a vehicle and an infantry squad locked in close combat you could combine another infantry squad and use fix bayonets? Then if the attacking squad is wiped you could fire both vehicle and squad?

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Yes, since Wassa pointed out there doesn't appear to be a restriction to acting normally afterwards (ie shooting) you could order the units to attack, clear the opposing unit and then fire again


Kinda handy when you think about it :D 

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I've never thought about combining squads that were locked in combat and giving them fix bayonets. That's not a bad idea. It could give you the extra attacks you needed to break kill enough enemies to free up a tank that was touched during consolidation. It's still a big risk to potential remove a squads worth of lasguns from shooting, but if they win the fight with fix bayonets, they can still shoot and a tank that was locked up could now shoot.
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30 Mordian conscripts would get my attention and work it's way up my target priority. More importantly 30 Mordian's in tight formation would look awesome! I prefer the extra reach of my steel legion rapid fire weapons. 27 and a bit inches rapid fire threat range without advancing when jumping out of transport. My distraction is 3 chimeras with: 2 infantry squads pretty bare, a plasma special weapons squad, an astropath, a primaris psyker, a company commander with a bolter, a company commander as warlord with the laurels of command and the vigilus trait, Eisenhorn and 3 acolytes with bolters. With the exception of the company commanders I chuck the infantry forward and move one chimera up in support. I consolidate the infantry squads. Psychic is: psychic barrier on the combined squad from the primaris, psychic maelstrom from the astropath, mental fortitude and either smite or dominate from Eisenhorn. Shooting would normally be the combined squad and the plasma squad being ordered by the warlord from a chimera, lots of combos possible especially when you factor in strategems like the steel legion reroll 1's can be handy sometimes but vengeance for cadia is fantastic on the combined squad. Plus you'll probably be ignoring cover because the astropath also has a 27 and a bit inch threat range with his ability. The acolytes are mainly there to stop the characters from being shot if the rest of the screen goes down, although they do tend to get ignored. I follow up the chimera that's moved with a grenade launcher command squad and another plasma special weapons squad which is ordered to mount up by the non warlord company commander. I'll also load up the other chimeras with infantry. Hopefully my opponent will be having to deal with a large squad of infantry that'll have a 3+ save to shooting and 4+ in close combat that can't battle shock and the knowledge that I'll do exactly the same the next turn. The emperor's blade assault company and the points reduction to chimeras have been very kind to my steel legion!

How’d you get to a 3+ save from shooting? I thought psychic barrier gets you to 4+? Also why grenade launchers vs more plasmas to take advantage of the rapid fire trait?

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Combining units before issuing orders is very effective technique.


Tallarn can use ambush stratagem on 3 units - a throw away distraction is two infantry units and a platoon commander. Combine squad before orders, then one order works on the single combined unit.

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Hi CyberC1. Sairence got it right with the take cover strategum. I forgot to put that in, my apologies.


Plasma vs grenade launcher on the command squad.... lots of reasons. Firstly the battalion isn't short of rapid fire weapons that benefit from the doctrine. In my list I'm currently taking 3 plasma special weapons squads, 4 infantry squads worth of Lasguns and some bolters. Assault weapons make the squad a little more mobile and independent of orders, I don't mind the -1. From turn 2 onwards I try to keep as far away as possible from targets, whilst remaining in maximum efficiency range. Being 24" from the enemy is more safe than 18". 4 grenade launchers costs 1 point more than 1 plasma on vets. Grenade launchers are innocuous compared with plasma so they tend to not be targeted. It's the kind of squad that'll clear off the last couple of models off of an objective turn 5 to claim it but won't have done a lot up to that point. Finally I've lots of grenade launchers sitting around doing nothing and it seems the best way to use them!

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Hi CyberC1. Sairence got it right with the take cover strategum. I forgot to put that in, my apologies.


Plasma vs grenade launcher on the command squad.... lots of reasons. Firstly the battalion isn't short of rapid fire weapons that benefit from the doctrine. In my list I'm currently taking 3 plasma special weapons squads, 4 infantry squads worth of Lasguns and some bolters. Assault weapons make the squad a little more mobile and independent of orders, I don't mind the -1. From turn 2 onwards I try to keep as far away as possible from targets, whilst remaining in maximum efficiency range. Being 24" from the enemy is more safe than 18". 4 grenade launchers costs 1 point more than 1 plasma on vets. Grenade launchers are innocuous compared with plasma so they tend to not be targeted. It's the kind of squad that'll clear off the last couple of models off of an objective turn 5 to claim it but won't have done a lot up to that point. Finally I've lots of grenade launchers sitting around doing nothing and it seems the best way to use them!


Ah that definitely makes sense.  Interesting usage... I've a number of grenade & plasma specialists so will have to play around with them.

Was considering fielding 2 command squads with plasmas, consolidating the squad and then using "Take-Aim" strategem to deliver 16 3+ re-roll 1 shots from overcharged plasmas into folks, think that would be a nasty surprise coming out of a transport. 

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You can only combine the basic infantry squad, not infantry units so no combing command squads. I think of the reroll 1 to hit stratagem as an AND. So firing plasma after advancing AND reroll 1 to hit or first rank fire AND reroll 1 to hit. That's why I like the combination of the trait to allow you to issue orders from a transport and the laurels. Then it's possible to get frfsrf AND reroll 1 to hit AND reroll 1 to wound.
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You can only combine the basic infantry squad, not infantry units so no combing command squads. I think of the reroll 1 to hit stratagem as an AND. So firing plasma after advancing AND reroll 1 to hit or first rank fire AND reroll 1 to hit. That's why I like the combination of the trait to allow you to issue orders from a transport and the laurels. Then it's possible to get frfsrf AND reroll 1 to hit AND reroll 1 to wound.


ah huh - see the restriction now. poop. 

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Get Cameleoline, Iron Discipline for officers and Close Order Drill to start. Those are all kinda automatic picks imo- then it's your choice of 2 from the list; Storm Troopers squads, Grenadiers, Special Weapon Squads, Heavy Weapon Squads, (these aren't all the choices, just the ones I'd recommend) Veterans, Drop Troops or Mechanized. What you get is high morale troops who can deep strike and hit with the same initiative as a Space Marine.


Don't go Warrior Weapons, pls, the extra attack just ain't worth it. Plus you can't combine it with Drop Troops (my personal fav). Technically, you could combine WW with Light Infantry and/or Hardened Fighters, but seriously, who takes those anyway? I've heard some people go Cameleoline and Carapace Armor? but I don't think it's worth it. That's 90 points base for a guardsmen squad. Uh, no thanks.


If you're going to go for something clever/clever, go Special Weapon Squads and Light Infantry with demo charges. Now your infiltrating tons of squads which can all chuck 3 pie plates each, supposing the enemy doesn't root them all out first. Still, all it takes is one good hit to mash a squad of Terminators...





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Get Cameleoline, Iron Discipline for officers and Close Order Drill to start. Those are all kinda automatic picks imo- then it's your choice of 2 from the list; Storm Troopers squads, Grenadiers, Special Weapon Squads, Heavy Weapon Squads, (these aren't all the choices, just the ones I'd recommend) Veterans, Drop Troops or Mechanized. What you get is high morale troops who can deep strike and hit with the same initiative as a Space Marine.


Don't go Warrior Weapons, pls, the extra attack just ain't worth it. Plus you can't combine it with Drop Troops (my personal fav). Technically, you could combine WW with Light Infantry and/or Hardened Fighters, but seriously, who takes those anyway? I've heard some people go Cameleoline and Carapace Armor? but I don't think it's worth it. That's 90 points base for a guardsmen squad. Uh, no thanks.


If you're going to go for something clever/clever, go Special Weapon Squads and Light Infantry with demo charges. Now your infiltrating tons of squads which can all chuck 3 pie plates each, supposing the enemy doesn't root them all out first. Still, all it takes is one good hit to mash a squad of Terminators...





I think you're looking at a very old Codex. Doctrines have not been around for about 5 editions or so...

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