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Move! Move! Move! Embark!

The Titanz0r

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An interesting circumstance came up in a game I played recently, which I've never heard of happening before. If we interpreted the rules properly, it opens up a clever, albeit limited, avenue of tactics for those of us that utilize transports. The circumstance happened when I had a couple Chimeras move up, and disembark their troops. A Company Commander was already on the field and out of position after losing his squad, which I had moved behind the Chimeras to get cover. So, at the start of the Shooting phase, I had two squads of Infantry, with two Company Commanders, one of which (the one out of position) had no line of sight to any enemy models. The out of position Commander happened to have Laurels of Command, so I issued the FRFSRF and Take Aim combo to the two Infantry squads with him, leaving the second Commander only able to order himself and the first Commander. With no real options, I had the second Commander order Take Aim on himself and Move! Move! Move! on the first Commander. This lead to my questioning whether or not I could then embark him into a Chimera, since it was the Shooting Phase and had already moved and disembarked Infantry during the Movement Phase. We consulted the rulebook and the Codex to figure it out. The rulebook only states that units can embark within a transport if they end their movement within 3" of a transport, and Move! Move! Move! states the ordered unit moves as if it were the Movement phase, but must advance as part of it. Concluding that nothing prevented embarking in this manner, my Commander booked it into the nearest Chimera, which allowed him to fire the lasgun arrays, giving me six extra lasguns to fire.


My question is if this is rules legal. Are you able to embark via the Move! Move! Move! order? I had asked the resident rules lawyers and Guard players of my FLGS, and none of them saw any issue with using a series of orders and movements this way. If this holds true, it will certainly be something to keep in mind. Perhaps even opening up more possibilities if used with the Emperor's Blade detachment.

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A proper break down of the rules involved is what's required (the OR might be best for that, also I don't have my rules to hand), in particular the details/limitations on embarking, but from the sounds of your bits that is indeed correct! Not the greatest boon in the World if so, but would certainly be useful for protecting a unit or relocating from further away :smile.:

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I imagine that it could be useful for a veteran squad that got chewed apart. Have a backup squad jump out of the chimera to preserve your special weapons that hit on 3+. Not to mention, if they were to make it to the chimera, they can escape and still provide 6 lasgun shots. I'm assuming that he a person would activate infantry before the chimera in this scenario.
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Page 183 – Embark

Change the first sentence to read:

‘If all models in a unit end their move within 3" of a

friendly transport in the Movement phase, they can

embark within it.’



Move move move says to move the unit as it is the movement phase.


I think you are legal on the same basis that warptime and other such powers let people use "Fly" as if it were the movement phase.

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Guess not, sorry. Further down in big rulebook faq.


Q: Can units embark inside a transport in a phase other than the

Movement phase, such as when they are using the Fire and Fade

Stratagem from Codex: Craftworlds, or when a unit performs a

Soulburst action to move again?

A: No, unless the rule in question specifically states that

the unit can embark inside a Transport.

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