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Smash Lords


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I'm waiting to read Vigilus for my self and start looking at build combos but my initial idea of having Abaddon up front with a buff lord hanging back to provide auras for a firebase of Scorpius Whirlwinds and Butcher Leviathans but not I'm liking the idea of having a chainlord gunning it up the board behind some daemon engines and just melting whatever he slams into.


Lot of new options and combos that's for certain

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For my World Eaters, a Host Raptorial (1CP) field commander (1CP) with hammer and Talisman of Burning Blood.


Run with a squad or three of Warp Talons, with a Khorne Daemon Patrol detachment so they can get the locus reroll and +1 Strength (1CP to deep strike the herald).


He might not be as strong as a Slamguinius, but being able to drag a bunch of WE Warp Talons with him is pretty good. 

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For my World Eaters, a Host Raptorial (1CP) field commander (1CP) with hammer and Talisman of Burning Blood.


Run with a squad or three of Warp Talons, with a Khorne Daemon Patrol detachment so they can get the locus reroll and +1 Strength (1CP to deep strike the herald).


He might not be as strong as a Slamguinius, but being able to drag a bunch of WE Warp Talons with him is pretty good. 

I was thinking something similar with the Brazen Beasts, but instead of Raptorial, with a Juggernaut, so he can also benefit from the Herald. Now I am again undecided, thanks :lol:

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For my World Eaters, a Host Raptorial (1CP) field commander (1CP) with hammer and Talisman of Burning Blood.


Run with a squad or three of Warp Talons, with a Khorne Daemon Patrol detachment so they can get the locus reroll and +1 Strength (1CP to deep strike the herald).


He might not be as strong as a Slamguinius, but being able to drag a bunch of WE Warp Talons with him is pretty good. 


Black Legion/Hounds of Abaddon could run the Chainlord on a Jug so he gets the DAEMON keyword. Drop an allied Khorne Herald with the Crimson Crown next to him before charging. He will get +1 Strength, Reroll charge, and get an additional attack for every 6+ to wound, which means 5 from Vets. So each 5 or 6 on the die is generating 2 MW and an extra attack. Even crazier, have an Apostle dump Soultearer Portent on him For another +1 to Wound in the Fight Phase. The Jug will get many of these bonuses as well.

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For my World Eaters, a Host Raptorial (1CP) field commander (1CP) with hammer and Talisman of Burning Blood.


Run with a squad or three of Warp Talons, with a Khorne Daemon Patrol detachment so they can get the locus reroll and +1 Strength (1CP to deep strike the herald).


He might not be as strong as a Slamguinius, but being able to drag a bunch of WE Warp Talons with him is pretty good. 

I was thinking something similar with the Brazen Beasts, but instead of Raptorial, with a Juggernaut, so he can also benefit from the Herald. Now I am again undecided, thanks :laugh.:



The point of making him part of a Host is to give him +2" to charge range. The Talisman then gives him a reroll to charge, giving him a ~83% chance of a successful charge from deep strike.


Putting him on a Juggernaut makes him more powerful (though the +1S from the Herald or Greater Possessed doesn't help as much - there's not a huge difference between S10 and S12), but since he's not transportable he can be fairly easily avoided by the enemy. The Host makes him scary from anywhere, especially if you have Havocs to take care of screens.

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For my World Eaters, a Host Raptorial (1CP) field commander (1CP) with hammer and Talisman of Burning Blood.


Run with a squad or three of Warp Talons, with a Khorne Daemon Patrol detachment so they can get the locus reroll and +1 Strength (1CP to deep strike the herald).


He might not be as strong as a Slamguinius, but being able to drag a bunch of WE Warp Talons with him is pretty good. 

I was thinking something similar with the Brazen Beasts, but instead of Raptorial, with a Juggernaut, so he can also benefit from the Herald. Now I am again undecided, thanks :laugh.:



The point of making him part of a Host is to give him +2" to charge range. The Talisman then gives him a reroll to charge, giving him a ~83% chance of a successful charge from deep strike.


Putting him on a Juggernaut makes him more powerful (though the +1S from the Herald or Greater Possessed doesn't help as much - there's not a huge difference between S10 and S12), but since he's not transportable he can be fairly easily avoided by the enemy. The Host makes him scary from anywhere, especially if you have Havocs to take care of screens.


My bad for not explaining it fully. It was not intended for a host raptorial, and the herald can help him besides the +1S if he wears the Crimson Crown. Too many choices... :sweat:

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My bad for not explaining it fully. It was not intended for a host raptorial, and the herald can help him besides the +1S if he wears the Crimson Crown. Too many choices... :sweat:



No need to apologise - I understood what you meant and that it was intended as an alternative to a Host Raptorial lord. My point is that the Host Raptorial would benefit a Smash Lord (especially a Khornate one) more than a Juggernaut would, IMHO. S10 and bonuses from Daemon auras are all well and good, but you're still limited to a 8+D6" move. 


The Crimson Crown is great, but works best when you have plenty of attacks and/or a bonus to your wound rolls. A Brazen Beasts lord doesn't have a lot of attacks and their only bonus to wound rolls comes from a Dark Apostle.

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For my World Eaters, a Host Raptorial (1CP) field commander (1CP) with hammer and Talisman of Burning Blood.


Run with a squad or three of Warp Talons, with a Khorne Daemon Patrol detachment so they can get the locus reroll and +1 Strength (1CP to deep strike the herald).


He might not be as strong as a Slamguinius, but being able to drag a bunch of WE Warp Talons with him is pretty good.

Black Legion/Hounds of Abaddon could run the Chainlord on a Jug so he gets the DAEMON keyword. Drop an allied Khorne Herald with the Crimson Crown next to him before charging. He will get +1 Strength, Reroll charge, and get an additional attack for every 6+ to wound, which means 5 from Vets. So each 5 or 6 on the die is generating 2 MW and an extra attack. Even crazier, have an Apostle dump Soultearer Portent on him For another +1 to Wound in the Fight Phase. The Jug will get many of these bonuses as well.

The juggernaut lord can't benefit from vets. He is neither infantry or bike.

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For my World Eaters, a Host Raptorial (1CP) field commander (1CP) with hammer and Talisman of Burning Blood.


Run with a squad or three of Warp Talons, with a Khorne Daemon Patrol detachment so they can get the locus reroll and +1 Strength (1CP to deep strike the herald).


He might not be as strong as a Slamguinius, but being able to drag a bunch of WE Warp Talons with him is pretty good.

Black Legion/Hounds of Abaddon could run the Chainlord on a Jug so he gets the DAEMON keyword. Drop an allied Khorne Herald with the Crimson Crown next to him before charging. He will get +1 Strength, Reroll charge, and get an additional attack for every 6+ to wound, which means 5 from Vets. So each 5 or 6 on the die is generating 2 MW and an extra attack. Even crazier, have an Apostle dump Soultearer Portent on him For another +1 to Wound in the Fight Phase. The Jug will get many of these bonuses as well.

The juggernaut lord can't benefit from vets. He is neither infantry or bike.


Correct. Whoops. Just Portent then.

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So, guys, I see that you don't go the terminator route for the lords/sorcerers...

Well Terminator armor has a load more disadvantages than advantages. You can't put them in anything besides landraiders/forgeworld stuff, they are slower and aren't significantly stronger or harder to kill than power armor Lords.


In my games, tda Lords are just pants. Besides, I got an army where I play mostly terminators (grey Knights).


Man I wish exalted champs could take jump packs.

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I used a juggernaut lord with a hammer and the brazen beast relic, oh and +1 attack warlord trait. He was glorious.

Killed a maulerfiend, a daemon prince warlord, unit of terminators and a keeper of secrets.

Man of the match.

Can I join your cult? :lol:


I mean, wow, that's great. What kind of list and tactics did you used? I've never ran a juggerlord and any hints and tips will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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So far I'm torn on Chainlord.  A Lord w/Jump Pack is good because of the 4++, but you really need him as the Warlord to get the trait for mortal wounds on top of the Chainsword.  But then you also want Host Raptorial for the +2" charge (not a must have, but useful) which pushes even more points on Raptors/Warp Talons.


Alternatively, a Sorcerer w/Jump Pack can take Diabolic Strength and Warptime, and via Council of Traitors can take the WLT (freeing up Abaddon as the Warlord for +2 CP) at the cost of not having an invulnerable save, which makes him more of a kamikaze or "ganker" as the MMO term goes where he isn't jumping headlong into things like the Chainlord would, but lurking behind the lines to strike out and kill things.  Basically, you play him like a predator; he waits for an unsuspecting victim and then pounces in for the kill.


Not sure which one would be better right now.  Leaning to the Sorc just because I really want Abaddon as the Warlord rather than a character who is expected to attack and put himself in harm's way.


The best part is I can build the guy the same way and use him as either.

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You can also just keep the character on the file d and move up with a blob, fly over and charge after.


Also, what about a sorc in termy armor? You’d get your invulnerable that way, no?

Terminators can't take chainswords, so he can't get the relic.

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Yeah it's a really tough choice because giving up 2CP from Abaddon is pretty big, but the Chainlord gets way nastier with that second way to get Mortal Wounds.  He does seem pretty good even without it (not as good of course), so that might be a compromise approach.

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I used a juggernaut lord with a hammer and the brazen beast relic, oh and +1 attack warlord trait. He was glorious.

Killed a maulerfiend, a daemon prince warlord, unit of terminators and a keeper of secrets.

Man of the match.

Can I join your cult? :lol:


I mean, wow, that's great. What kind of list and tactics did you used? I've never ran a juggerlord and any hints and tips will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

I played brazen beasts army. All units had Mark of khorne and were 8 models strong. Had five rhinos.

There was no tactics :D

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Yeah it's a really tough choice because giving up 2CP from Abaddon is pretty big, but the Chainlord gets way nastier with that second way to get Mortal Wounds. He does seem pretty good even without it (not as good of course), so that might be a compromise approach.

Why not use the Field Commander strat? That way you can have Abby as your warlord and Chainlord can still benefit from the Raptorial warlord trait.
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Yeah it's a really tough choice because giving up 2CP from Abaddon is pretty big, but the Chainlord gets way nastier with that second way to get Mortal Wounds. He does seem pretty good even without it (not as good of course), so that might be a compromise approach.

Why not use the Field Commander strat? That way you can have Abby as your warlord and Chainlord can still benefit from the Raptorial warlord trait.


The problem is that if he uses Abby, the chainlord can't have the flames of spite trait, which means losing half the killing power.

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