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Smash Lords


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Fury of khorne costs 3cp. You need 4cp total to activate that and veterans.


Also, Fury of Khorne activates at the end of the combat phase, even if you charge, so your lord needs to be able to survive a round of attacks from whatever he's trying to mortal to death, which might be a bit tricky if you're going up against a titan or primarch or the like.

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I'm thinking of running the Chainlord setup but not trying completely optimizing it to use for really big game hunting; to me, the build is meant to overwhelm mid-range targets that are tough/dangerous, but 3-4 double mortals (I'd aim for a 5+ activation) stacked on top of the regular attacks could easily gut a linchpin aura character and if the dice are with you it might not even require the second round of fighting. If you're not trying to get the planets to align so this one model can have all the tricks he's a cheap Lord that's going to force its target to make lots of saves on top of dealing out a fair number of mortal wounds on average. Naturally, this will be a build prone to hot and cold streaks, but this is the kind of random I don't mind so much; good risk-reward balance instead of random for the sake of random. One good roll and it has the potential to completely wreck something for a not too steep investment, maybe not down a Knight, but it won't be a threat that can be ignored once it's grinding into a flank or shredding a key hidden character.

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Noob alert. What's a chainlord?

I know I am a bit slow, but I don’t have Vigilus. What is a Chainlord? What is this fancy relic and what does it do? Cheers!


EDIT: sorry I have just repeated the Emperor is Scottish’ question - at least it is not just me!! :biggrin.:

There is a Black Legion relic in Vigilus Ablaze that replaces a character's chainsword and basically turns it into a power sword that does a mortal wound for each attack roll of 6+.


A Chaos Lord with the relic is a chain lord.


Yeah, internet linguistic shortcuts can be confusing.

A Chainlord can also be a Lord with simply dual chainswords and Flames of Spite for Mortal Wounds. Also sometimes known as a Spitelord....though there are Spitelord variants that use other weapons, such as Lightning Claws.

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There are a ton of good ideas here. I'm so glad chaos lords can have some quite brutal builds now.


I've been playing around with some lists, and brigades and red Corsairs keep coming up as viable options. Obviously a Red Corsair Lord is far from the most killy character...but one on a Bike with just a Thunder Hammer and a support biker sorcerer as a effective means of filling those brigade HQ slots, while having a fairly decent melee dude that has an incredible threat range (and if he isn't the warlord he has the option to Kamikaze). The ability to possibly move 40" and then charge may force your opponent make less optimal movements in order to screen his valuable units that are vulnerable to melee.

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I mean doesn't matter what legion/renegade chapter you're running, you always have the option to take a chaos lord with a thunder hammer, MoS and elixir for 5 s10 attacks which is always going to be solid. I tried that out today in my red corsairs army and did rather well, had no trouble beating up enemy units. 

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I ran the chaos lord with the relic chainsword and MW WLT. Just at that with Votlw he wiped a 5 man wildebeest unit. It was glorious. Of course, he died right after as they swung back with thunderhammers.


So, you don’t necessarily need a big investment to make this guy potent, at all.

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I was thinking of using the MoP spell "incursion", to summon some daemons. With 1 or 2 maybe 3 venomcrawlers around him adding 1 each for summoning.

1. Can I summon turn 1?

2. can the entered unit move after being summoned sucesfully? Fire? Charge?

3. what do you think of sumoning with MoP with  several venomcrawlers? It could be a way to protect the Discordant? With one MoP (2?) in the middle of other unit, they are not targettable.


Edit: Sorry wrong topic.

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The benefit of the chainlord would be how cheap he is for the damage output. When I use a chaos lord I always tend to give him blade of the hydra, while there is no mortal wound output with him, he puts out some good damage.


Being alpha legion I also dont have to worry about him giving up slay the warlord

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Last night, I ran a Chainlord with Ghorisvex's Teeth and Flames of Spite.


Against a Watch Captain, he got 2 6s to wound, inflicting 4 mortal wounds. In the next round, he did the same to a Veteran squad.


Are the MWs from the relic and the warlord trait supposed to stack like this? Seems legal but possibly too good. Another 6 would have wiped the Veterans without a save.

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Last night, I ran a Chainlord with Ghorisvex's Teeth and Flames of Spite.


Against a Watch Captain, he got 2 6s to wound, inflicting 4 mortal wounds. In the next round, he did the same to a Veteran squad.


Are the MWs from the relic and the warlord trait supposed to stack like this? Seems legal but possibly too good. Another 6 would have wiped the Veterans without a save.


Yeah they stack like that. It's not too good though since you are relying on 6s.

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Last night, I ran a Chainlord with Ghorisvex's Teeth and Flames of Spite.


Against a Watch Captain, he got 2 6s to wound, inflicting 4 mortal wounds. In the next round, he did the same to a Veteran squad.


Are the MWs from the relic and the warlord trait supposed to stack like this? Seems legal but possibly too good. Another 6 would have wiped the Veterans without a save.


Yeah they stack like that. It's not too good though since you are relying on 6s.


On 5+ if you use VoTLW, not to mention other buffs.

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Smash Lord has higher guaranteed damage due to having a flat 3D off a Thunder Hammer whereas Chain Lord has higher damage potential through higher attacks and the ability to be knocking out 2 mortal wounds on a 4+ off 6 attacks (or more if DttFE is a thing) so all those really annoying storm/ion shields mean sweet FA

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So I see a lot of people going for the chainlord over smashlord. What's the pros and cons from one over the other?


It's more gimmicky and different and people are still trying things out. That's probably the reason. ^^

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It also have to do with models.  Many people (such as myself) don't play with proxies, so won't be fielding a smash lord until we build and paint a model with a thunderhammer.  Whereas for the chainlord, its a variant on an existing build so those who are inclined to try it out likely already have a model with 2 chainswords that they can use.

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So one is better for character hunting where the other is better for taking on elite units? I.e wulfen, scorpions, terminators?


Sorry ruled aren't my forte.

Very much a collector/painter. I'm hoping to remedy this.


I wouldn't necessarily say it's more a case of one kills characters better whilst the other does units. Both kill characters and big nasty units like knights - they just have different approaches. For the smash lord you get him fighting twice with a thunder hammer and all that lovely flat 3 damage because he has the buff to suck up the -1 to hit penalty so whatever he's fighting has to be very careful in failing saves/invulns - huge difference with a guaranteed damage value vs the d3 for power fists/force weapons etc.


The Chainlord requires more tune up/set up because of the buffs needed to get him into gear fully but when it all comes together then he has a vastly higher potential damage output vs the smash lord, and in ways that makes annoying things like ion shields redundant. Think someone else did a decent math breakdown in this thread or elsewhere but off 6 attacks you could be hitting 2s, re-rolling 1s, having (against imperials) death to the false emperor procing on 4+ (council of traitors, first among traitors on the apostle + prescience off a sorcerer) that then could generate 2 mortal wounds on a 4+ (+1 to wound prayer and veterans of the long war) and even the piddly regular chainsword could still get a bonus attack on 4+ and do a mortal wound on 4+


It needs lots of command points to work, and the stars to align in terms of placement of both the buffing apostles/sorcerers and the unit you want to obliterate but you're looking at a maximum potential of 26 mortal wounds and 14 wounds vs 4 mortal wounds and 24 wounds off the smash captain



It also have to do with models.  Many people (such as myself) don't play with proxies, so won't be fielding a smash lord until we build and paint a model with a thunderhammer.  Whereas for the chainlord, its a variant on an existing build so those who are inclined to try it out likely already have a model with 2 chainswords that they can use.




I'm having trouble with this myself at the moment, there's just not the models to make a proper conversion. Was tempted by the Night Lords Praetor in power armour since he has trophies and Jump Pack but still looks a little clean for my taste


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It also have to do with models.  Many people (such as myself) don't play with proxies, so won't be fielding a smash lord until we build and paint a model with a thunderhammer.  Whereas for the chainlord, its a variant on an existing build so those who are inclined to try it out likely already have a model with 2 chainswords that they can use.




I'm having trouble with this myself at the moment, there's just not the models to make a proper conversion. Was tempted by the Night Lords Praetor in power armour since he has trophies and Jump Pack but still looks a little clean for my taste



Get this guy and give him a Jump Pack. Done. ^^


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Whatever aesthetic you want to go for, really. Just like Blood Angels player got real creative with their Captain Smashs Jump Pack in form of angel wings and whatnot, Chaos players can do the same with more daemonic wings .... or just stick to one particularly good looking regular Jump Pack if you don't want to go for the mutated look.

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