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The Iron Tide: Can Mass Marines Work?

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Further suggestions ranging from logical extrapolations to "weird stuff from left field...."


Deredeo Dreadnought to give the more important squads 5++ on the move. Combined with, Apostles, etc. it could be nice.


Perhaps one Phalanx of IW Rubricae? Fearless Rubricae who ignore cover and get an optional 6+ wound ignore could get interesting.


Noise marines were mentioned above. Fearless Plague Marines might be worth a look, or for a Distraction Carnifex at the head of the army, one squad of IW Berzerkers for that 3rd Edition Index Astartes feel.


Sprinkling in some bionic Possessed might not be out of line, given fluff. I've found they make good counter-chargers in an IW gunline, even a moving one like this.

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A 5++ is not that important for Marines to be fair. It would only come into play against Plasma and similar weapons and would only make them a bit more durable. Against all the other anti-infantry that makes life hard for Marines it has no effect. ^^

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A 5++ is not that important for Marines to be fair. It would only come into play against Plasma and similar weapons and would only make them a bit more durable. Against all the other anti-infantry that makes life hard for Marines it has no effect. ^^

True. Was thinking specifically about plasma equivalents and in hand to hand when fighting Genestealers, Bloodletters, and the like that manage to reach the lines.

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