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Termite Drills for CSM?

Evil Eye

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Pretty basic question- are Termites any good for CSM armies (including Death Guard)? I'm not a tourney player or anything but I'd like to know if they're worth considering for friendly/fluffy games or if they're so appallingly bad that taking them is a complete waste of points regardless of "skill level" (see: Pyrovores before 8th edition). The idea of Noise Marines (or Plague Marines) popping out of the ground in giant drills is awesome, after all.

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One Terrax Drill with basic equipment costs 10pts less than two Rhinos, however, it brings enough firepower and close combat punch that it can actually be a threat on its own so your opponent will be forced to deal with it and the payload it delivers; and with room for 12 a 5-man Terminator + Character is also an option. Pay the points for the Volkite if you want it to clear chaff even better, but don't expect it to live very long so that might be points better spent elsewhere. The points seem a bit steep for it to be a serious competitive choice but it's not a lemon by any stretch either. I'm tempted to get 1 or 2 since I could have them pull double duty with my AdMech army, but there are other projects to complete first.

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I think they are pretty decent but cost quite a lot. Kinda like taking any other big tank. I wouldn't fill it with expensive units though since it comes only in turn 2 and if you use it for something like Terminators or whatever you have a LOT of your army not doing anything turn 1 and some even not in your turn 2 (as you can only disembark turn 3 the earliest).

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I think they are pretty decent but cost quite a lot. Kinda like taking any other big tank. I wouldn't fill it with expensive units though since it comes only in turn 2 and if you use it for something like Terminators or whatever you have a LOT of your army not doing anything turn 1 and some even not in your turn 2 (as you can only disembark turn 3 the earliest).

No, you can actually disembark turn 2 when it appears, like with a drop pod. Putting termies in is still pretty pointless, as they have their build in deepstrike either way, so you don’t gain anything from doing it.

The only unit I could think of right now that might make sense is a chosen plasma squad.

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I think they are pretty decent but cost quite a lot. Kinda like taking any other big tank. I wouldn't fill it with expensive units though since it comes only in turn 2 and if you use it for something like Terminators or whatever you have a LOT of your army not doing anything turn 1 and some even not in your turn 2 (as you can only disembark turn 3 the earliest).

No, you can actually disembark turn 2 when it appears, like with a drop pod. Putting termies in is still pretty pointless, as they have their build in deepstrike either way, so you don’t gain anything from doing it.

The only unit I could think of right now that might make sense is a chosen plasma squad.



You can? My bad then. I still wouldn't put something expensive in it though. :P

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I'm currently running one with a 2 havoc chainreaper cannon squads or one havoc with chain and one 5 man troop with a chaos lord. Armed with storm bolters to take advantage of beta bolter and reduce costs. Gets the chainreapers in good range without worrying about first turn alpha death. Pops up and does quite a bit of damage and causes a major distraction, allowing the rest of my army to move up. The havocs may die after they get done shooting...but if 64 shots can clear a bunch of stuff before dying and cause a distraction...I'm ok with that not to mention the giant drill that just popped up with melts and close combat goodness. Add in an apostle to boost weapons or minus to hit squad inside. It can transport 12 models so theres room for 2 squads of 5 or 10 dudes plus a character or 2.
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I think they are pretty decent but cost quite a lot. Kinda like taking any other big tank. I wouldn't fill it with expensive units though since it comes only in turn 2 and if you use it for something like Terminators or whatever you have a LOT of your army not doing anything turn 1 and some even not in your turn 2 (as you can only disembark turn 3 the earliest).

No, you can actually disembark turn 2 when it appears, like with a drop pod. Putting termies in is still pretty pointless, as they have their build in deepstrike either way, so you don’t gain anything from doing it.

The only unit I could think of right now that might make sense is a chosen plasma squad.


You can't transport terminators anyway.


I'm currently running one with a 2 havoc chainreaper cannon squads or one havoc with chain and one 5 man troop with a chaos lord. Armed with storm bolters to take advantage of beta bolter and reduce costs. Gets the chainreapers in good range without worrying about first turn alpha death. Pops up and does quite a bit of damage and causes a major distraction, allowing the rest of my army to move up. The havocs may die after they get done shooting...but if 64 shots can clear a bunch of stuff before dying and cause a distraction...I'm ok with that not to mention the giant drill that just popped up with melts and close combat goodness. Add in an apostle to boost weapons or minus to hit squad inside. It can transport 12 models so theres room for 2 squads of 5 or 10 dudes plus a character or 2.

I think that's a good set up, however, if you're not going to bring characters you may be better with a cheaper dreadclaw.

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Thanks for the responses! Looking at the rules, I'm tempted to run two or three for my Noise Marines (assuming I ever finish them...). Now I just need to figure out what to convert them from, as the FW model, cool though it is, is a tad expensive at £75 a pop.

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Thanks for the responses! Looking at the rules, I'm tempted to run two or three for my Noise Marines (assuming I ever finish them...). Now I just need to figure out what to convert them from, as the FW model, cool though it is, is a tad expensive at £75 a pop.


Manticgames would be a cheap alternative.




It can even be made larger with an additional kit.





Slap some Melta bitz on it and do some greenstuff magic and it should fit in pretty well. It doesn't look as great as the FW model imo but for less money you get less as well I guess.

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I'm currently running one with a 2 havoc chainreaper cannon squads or one havoc with chain and one 5 man troop with a chaos lord. Armed with storm bolters to take advantage of beta bolter and reduce costs. Gets the chainreapers in good range without worrying about first turn alpha death. Pops up and does quite a bit of damage and causes a major distraction, allowing the rest of my army to move up. The havocs may die after they get done shooting...but if 64 shots can clear a bunch of stuff before dying and cause a distraction...I'm ok with that not to mention the giant drill that just popped up with melts and close combat goodness. Add in an apostle to boost weapons or minus to hit squad inside. It can transport 12 models so theres room for 2 squads of 5 or 10 dudes plus a character or 2.

I really like this idea, especially because the general consensus seems to be chain cannon havocs will probably pop off one round of shooting upon emerging from a rhino only to be erased afterwards. It also goes perfectly with my love of threat saturation.

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I think what I’m seeing most is the Chaingun bomb. I feel old fashioned and will probably stick to Rhinos but really the drill is the chaos drop pod everyone’s been waiting for. There are successful AdMech lists unloading Mars units for mortal wounds and it seems to work well. I think this is better and well suited for the 24” Chaingun.
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Yeah, I was rambling without properly reading the rules, ignore my babbling about Terminators. The main point was the extra space is nice because, as others mentioned, you have room to take a full squad or two and still fit in a Character or two if you want. It can be easy to get hung up on the points and it's true that it's not cheap, but it's only 15pts more than a Dreadclaw and it brings much more offence, more transport capacity, and the same delivery mechanic. Get it out of the ground, unload the cargo, and fling it at something large because it's actually quite dangerous in close combat; 6x S14, -4AP, 3D is nothing to sneeze at, and I like the 'chewing grinding' rule for the drill itself as a cherry on top.

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The Fragdrill is a good idea. It's bigger than I thought it was too, looks to be the perfect size.


The other option I've considered is using a Ferratonic Furnace as the basis for a kitbash; I've seen a really neat conversion using it, some robotic spider legs and a Lego drill piece to make a rather nice looking Termite.

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The Fragdrill is a good idea. It's bigger than I thought it was too, looks to be the perfect size.


The other option I've considered is using a Ferratonic Furnace as the basis for a kitbash; I've seen a really neat conversion using it, some robotic spider legs and a Lego drill piece to make a rather nice looking Termite.

If you want to stay all GW, the designer actually made it compatible with the galvanic servohaulers, so you can use the carriages from that.


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The Fragdrill is a good idea. It's bigger than I thought it was too, looks to be the perfect size.


The other option I've considered is using a Ferratonic Furnace as the basis for a kitbash; I've seen a really neat conversion using it, some robotic spider legs and a Lego drill piece to make a rather nice looking Termite.

If you want to stay all GW, the designer actually made it compatible with the galvanic servohaulers, so you can use the carriages from that.


If you can, check out his Instagram as well. He gives awesome tips and tricks for using the various terrain pieces to make other things. There was a lot of thought put into the terrain, it's really cool.

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I made my Termite out of a mechanicus smokestack and some gubbins!



I run it pretty consistantly with my daemonengine/helbrute lists, and it brings a lot to the table. It's basically a really tough dreadnought in combat, and can also carry troops! If you want something just to bring boots to the table, take a rhino instead. To lascannons, they're exactly the same.

I've found that the deepstrike is only really useful for ranged units, like noisemarines or chosen. Pop out at 12" and blast away. For melee units like berserkers or possessed, it's better to start on the table along with all your other threat saturation. They can disembark turn 2 and reasonably get into combat in time (especially with help from warptime or red-corsair trait).

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I made my Termite out of a mechanicus smokestack and some gubbins!



I run it pretty consistantly with my daemonengine/helbrute lists, and it brings a lot to the table. It's basically a really tough dreadnought in combat, and can also carry troops! If you want something just to bring boots to the table, take a rhino instead. To lascannons, they're exactly the same.

I've found that the deepstrike is only really useful for ranged units, like noisemarines or chosen. Pop out at 12" and blast away. For melee units like berserkers or possessed, it's better to start on the table along with all your other threat saturation. They can disembark turn 2 and reasonably get into combat in time (especially with help from warptime or red-corsair trait).

That's quite similar to the kitbash I was talking about, and I love it. That maw up front is brilliant. :wub:

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