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What is the best load out for havocs


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Just picked up a box of the new havocs I feel like the obvious choice is to just load them out with nothing but the reaper chaincannon. Since there is only 1 in the kit and only 2 heavy bolters for easy Modding, what is the best load out for the other 2 heavies? Should I be looking at using the Las cannons or auto cannons I've heard that the ML is kinda crap. Also what's the best load out for the champ I would assume cheap as possible so pistol and Chainsword. Anyway thank you for the feedback as always
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Afaik, unless you convert the mini's, you can either make 2 ML's or 2 Lascannons, and either 2 Autocannons or 2 HB's (or 1 Chaincannon) in the new kit.

So for 4 ML's/Lascannons and 4 Autocannomns/HB's you'd need 2 boxes.

As for loadouts, some people swear by 4 Chaincannons, and with VotLW and Cacaphony, it's certainly extremely potent. 
It's also expensive (both pointwise and moneywise - unless you find some other bits to make chaincannons of) and more or less requires a Rhino for protection and speed.

I like 4x Autocannons myself. Noticeably cheaper, won't make them as big a target, and doesn't require a Rhino.

As for the champion, he's basically the only fodder-model in the unit, so keeping him cheap sounds like a good plan.  Either a humble bolter or if you have 2 points to spare, a combi-bolter. 


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I mean there is no doubt that 4x chainreapers with MoS is pretty scary. One turn of endless cacophony, votlw and preciense or the new +1 to hit DA prayer on that unit will see them hitting on 2s (possible rerolling 1s if a chaos lord is nearby), wounding even a knight on a +4 or anything below t5 on a +2, with 64 shots. Understandably the potential there is pretty big, but because of how potentially devastating that unit it's going to be a massive bullet magnet, and the 24" range means it can't sit too comfortably way backfield, it needs to be a bit up closer where it's easier to target. 


My plan is to do one 4x lascannon havoc squad, and one 4x autocannon squad, as it sounds likely modeling wise that's a good fit and I'm not a fan of mixing heavy weapons in one unit. I agree with everything Minsc said on autocannons, but I'd also add that autocannons are really excellent weapons against armies with medium toughness/save vehicles, like necrons and dark eldar in particular. Lascannons pretty much speak for themselves, yes an expensive weapon but still a premium quality tank punching weapon. I will save chainreapers for my standard marine squads. 


As for the other weapons, a single missile launcher is good against fliers, but otherwise outclassed by the other heavy weapons, while heavy bolters are sadly just nothing compared to chainreapers so I can't consider them anymore. 

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I am doing two squads with 2 autocannons and 2 lascannons, champion cheap with a combi-bolter and chainaxe. This also allows me to go 4 of each in a squad if I wanted.


Especially with how the kit is with the weapons one piece to make it very hard to remove, I will keep chaincannons on CSM squads.

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Yup, two-by-two Auto and Las is my plan too, but I'm not even going to use the point for the Chain Axe. Let him plink out 4 shots with the Combi if they stand still, that's actually respectable for 2pts. But, if they've been caught in close combat something has gone very wrong and one axe isn't going to mean a thing. Might as well just take a Chainsword. Anyhow, in many cases, Chain Axes are going to be in serious demand for other units that can make better use of them.

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I love the idea of the 4 chaingun salute, but that unit is getting exploded immediately.


I am probably going to get two boxes, build one as 2x chaingun/2x autocannon, and the other unit as 2 lascannon and 2 missiles. Ideally I would rather have 2 autocannons in the second squad too, for ablative wounds, but I'd have to snag those bits from the CSM box just to make the guns, then you run into the issue of the pose. So 2 missile/2 las it will probably remain.


Note that if you make a chaingun, you only get one autocannon out of the box, since they share some bits.

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New Havocs can't take specials can they? T5 plasma gun guys would be nastiful...well....maybe not.


Is the T5 a gimmick maybe? If they had multiple wounds it would put a dent in incoming and it helps but what impact has it made for anybody so far?

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Is the T5 a gimmick maybe? If they had multiple wounds it would put a dent in incoming and it helps but what impact has it made for anybody so far?

Well it makes Bolter weapons of all types, Plasma and long ranged stuff like Missiles and Lascannons wound them worse which is quite neat. Unfortunately it doesn't change anything if your opponent decides to shoot with S6 or S7 stuff at them (so Autocannons, Assaultcannons, T'au Missile Pods and so on).

Ultimately I don't think it will have much of an impact. It'll help but not enough to say "woah, those guys are durable now!"

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Well, at 150 points for a unit with 4 chainguns, I do think it's worth it even if they are wiped out the next round, because they're more than likely to get their points back.

So I'm thinking about a spearhead devastation battery, so there will be other threats.

2x5 chain havocs in dreadclaw

1x5 las havocs

2 twin las/ML helbrutes

1 leviathan with 2 butchers

That'll be around 1000 points (give or take, just did some quick headmath)

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Note that if you make a chaingun, you only get one autocannon out of the box, since they share some bits.

The amount of bull:cuss in that box is incredible.

What parts are shared?

I hope there is a way to kitbash something to get both weapons useable...

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The amount of bull:cuss in that box is incredible.



What parts are shared?


Straight out of the box you can build 2 Lascannons or 2 Missile Launchers, and 2 Autocannons or 2 Heavy Bolters, one of which can be a Chaincannon.


So if you want a Chaincannon you can only get 1 Autocannon or Heavy Bolter, unless you're willing to do some heavy converting. 



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The amount of bull:cuss in that box is incredible.



What parts are shared?


Straight out of the box you can build 2 Lascannons or 2 Missile Launchers, and 2 Autocannons or 2 Heavy Bolters, one of which can be a Chaincannon.


So if you want a Chaincannon you can only get 1 Autocannon or Heavy Bolter, unless you're willing to do some heavy converting.


I've just built 2x Missile Launcher and 2x Lascannon from my box, there ARE enough bits there to do it without converting or chopping anything.


Edit: And actually, you can build any combination of four Autocannon/Heavy Bolter/Chaincannon as well. The only shared part between them is the frame of their backpack, of which there are four anyway; the shoulder weapons use a different bit (of which there are also four).

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I can totally understand GW making their kits so they're incompatable with 3rd party bits, that's their perogative and they have to protect their product(s). However, if they are going to do this then they must sell all the options in the kit they produce and we as a community need to tell them this is what we expect. It was clear that 4 x of any weapon is the prefered load out of most players, to not give us the options to do this outside of buying multiple kits is shameful and demonstrates utter contempt for the GW community and fan base. Who is going to spend £130 (£104 at 25% stockists) to get 4 havocs with chaincannons?

If GW had not have done this I would have dropped £250 on the new models already, as is I am holding off and seriously considering just letting this release go, I love Black Legion and would love to add these new models to my collection, but I feel sour about the whole thing which is kinda sad.


As for their uses and keeping them safe, how does 5 x havocs with 4 x chaincannons in a Rhino with 5 CSM with 1 x chaincannon sound? Uses the Rhinos full capacity and lets you use the CSM to shield the havocs. Decent firepower if that Rhino has 2 x combi-bolters on it too. Loads of dakka at 24"...

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I got two boxes, intend to build 4x lascannon, 4x chaincannon (converted from heavy bolters), then will use remaining heavy weapons in csm squads. May get a third havoc squad for another 4x chaincannon down the line.


Will be proxying before i assemble though. If range is an issue, may switch the chaincannons to autocannons.

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The amount of bull:cuss in that box is incredible.



What parts are shared?

Straight out of the box you can build 2 Lascannons or 2 Missile Launchers, and 2 Autocannons or 2 Heavy Bolters, one of which can be a Chaincannon.


So if you want a Chaincannon you can only get 1 Autocannon or Heavy Bolter, unless you're willing to do some heavy converting.


I've just built 2x Missile Launcher and 2x Lascannon from my box, there ARE enough bits there to do it without converting or chopping anything.


Edit: And actually, you can build any combination of four Autocannon/Heavy Bolter/Chaincannon as well. The only shared part between them is the frame of their backpack, of which there are four anyway; the shoulder weapons use a different bit (of which there are also four).




That's actually a bit irritating, I was planning on building full havoc squads of autocannons/lascannons and then using the chainreapers in marine units, but without the backpack the chainreaper model is probably going to look a bit silly. Will have to figure out a way around that, already buying enough havoc boxes as is.  

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The amount of bull:cuss in that box is incredible.



What parts are shared?

Straight out of the box you can build 2 Lascannons or 2 Missile Launchers, and 2 Autocannons or 2 Heavy Bolters, one of which can be a Chaincannon.


So if you want a Chaincannon you can only get 1 Autocannon or Heavy Bolter, unless you're willing to do some heavy converting.

I've just built 2x Missile Launcher and 2x Lascannon from my box, there ARE enough bits there to do it without converting or chopping anything.


Edit: And actually, you can build any combination of four Autocannon/Heavy Bolter/Chaincannon as well. The only shared part between them is the frame of their backpack, of which there are four anyway; the shoulder weapons use a different bit (of which there are also four).


That's actually a bit irritating, I was planning on building full havoc squads of autocannons/lascannons and then using the chainreapers in marine units, but without the backpack the chainreaper model is probably going to look a bit silly. Will have to figure out a way around that, already buying enough havoc boxes as is.

If you're buying 2 Havoc boxes anyway to get the requisite number of Lascannon and Autocannon, you will have enough spare backpack bits to build Chaincannons in your CSM squads.

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I dropped 2 squads of 5 each out of a dreadclaw just to see how they performed (and if it's worth the pain and misery of getting hold of 8 of the damn things).


In short, yes. The firepower they pump out is incredible even without VotLW or prayers/powers/endless cacophony. What they need however is a unit or 2 that can melt any screening units that are sitting pretty well ahead of the big tasty targets, because without them being pasted before the drop all those shots are going to be wasted on guardsmen or cultists etc

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How competitive would big units of 20 man CSM be in conjunction with havocs then? I'm thinking 2x20 with Abaddon as a fulcrum to make them immune to moral. Then run the chaincannon havocs behind them? Or maybe just drop 10 slaanesh terminators with combi-bolters next to their screen and melt it then move the havocs up? I can't help but feel that move and shoot heavy weapons is a huge nod to using rhinos again, especially as 5xT5 3+ W1 dudes are not resilient enough to take any kind of focused shooting they inevitably will get.

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If you are going to run 20 man squads I'd personally load them up on plasma to benefit from beta bolter/black legion trait and put a pair of apostles in there to give them the -1 to hit screen, quite zippy up the board and with no need to panic with morale could really own board control. They'll get shot to death eventually but every turn that it's knights/dark reapers/oblits etc etc that are having to do the damage to them is another turn where the real heaver hitters are left in peace. Double Battalion seems to be the way to do it atm

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New Havocs can't take specials can they? T5 plasma gun guys would be nastiful...well....maybe not.


Is the T5 a gimmick maybe? If they had multiple wounds it would put a dent in incoming and it helps but what impact has it made for anybody so far?

Only champion can take special.


The kit is a real mess. Looks great but the kit design is one of the worst I've seen. Even the design is annoying. The weapon arms having half the cables going to the backpack makes it annoying to fit.

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I dropped 2 squads of 5 each out of a dreadclaw just to see how they performed (and if it's worth the pain and misery of getting hold of 8 of the damn things).


In short, yes. The firepower they pump out is incredible even without VotLW or prayers/powers/endless cacophony. What they need however is a unit or 2 that can melt any screening units that are sitting pretty well ahead of the big tasty targets, because without them being pasted before the drop all those shots are going to be wasted on guardsmen or cultists etc

A 20 CSM unit from the Red Corsairs could do that for the right price :pirate:

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New Havocs can't take specials can they? T5 plasma gun guys would be nastiful...well....maybe not.


Is the T5 a gimmick maybe? If they had multiple wounds it would put a dent in incoming and it helps but what impact has it made for anybody so far?

Only champion can take special.


The kit is a real mess. Looks great but the kit design is one of the worst I've seen. Even the design is annoying. The weapon arms having half the cables going to the backpack makes it annoying to fit.

The last two Devastator kits were the same way with the cables so I can't say km surprised.

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