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Noise Marine rule question

Furnace Lord

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I'm reading the Noise Marine entry, and it appears to be legal to give an Aspiring Champion in the unit a pistol, chainsword, sonic blaster, and doom siren. Am I reading that correctly? Can they use the blaster and doom siren in the same round of shooting....I know you can't mix shooting normal guns and pistols. Sorry if this is horribly obvious, I'm still learning and this one is messing with me.
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I think the sonic blaster replaces the chainsword, but you are otherwise correct.  Indeed, you could further arm the model by replacing the pistol - my noise marine aspiring champions have swapped their pistols for combi-bolters.


But yes, models can fire all their weapons unless the rules state otherwise.  The only exceptions off the top of my head are:

1.  Pistols, which can only be fired with other pistols;

2.  Grenades, which can't be combined with anything;

3.  If you advance, you can only fire weapons that you can fire after advancing (so, you couldn't advance and fire both a sonic blaster and a combi-bolter, as you can't fire a comi-bolter after advancing).

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