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Got my Tax return- Sicaran V Repulsor?


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So I'm thinking of adding to my force. I'm pretty happy with my lists and current army but I want to add something heavior. I'm thinking a FW baby. I have a Leviathan and, but its also such a damn points sink that I wonder what else I could be slotting in those points to fullfill a similar role and threaten heavier toughness targets.   


(I also have a Loyal 32 Bat w Mortars and a Basilisk that I could add more shooting to, since Guard do it well and leave the assault to the boys in Red).


So for the hell of it- 


Would you all mind giving me your take on the Sicaran Battle tank? and What niche it fullfills for you in your lists?  I find the cost of it alluring and it just seems better all around than a Predator with its special rules and wounds. 


A Repulsor also has tickled my interests as a Dakka platform/transport, and I think that is future proofing me for all the future installments of GW primaris releases. I know it also dropped points wise in CA18. 



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Honestly, the choice between buying a Sicaran BT or a Repulsor in no choice at all for me. Sicaran is one of the most beautiful (if not the most beautiful) tanks ever produced by FW - if you can afford it, buy it. It's like choosing between Xiphon and Stormhawk. Not to mention that with FW habits, you can't tell how long it is going to stay in production.


Sicaran BT is Predator++, because in terms of firepower it has similar limitations like Predator Destructor (i.e. one with autocannon). Great against heavy infantry and T7, struggles against harder targets. If you want dedicated antitank, go for Sicaran Venator - Repulsor with lascannons is no match for it.

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Personally I am tempted by a Contemptor Mortis with CML. Lascannons or Autocannons will pack quite a punch. I think it outperforms the Predator as a gun platform and it pop "Wisdom of the Ancients" for buffed shooting if Captain Smash is off hitting things.

Just to flip the argument, the Repulsor is T8 (making it twice as durable against massed S4 attacks) and has FLY. Fly is probably the most valuable keyword in 8th edition as it means your opponent cannot bog a shooty unit down in melee, you just Fly off and blaze away.

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Just to flip the argument, the Repulsor is T8 (making it twice as durable against massed S4 attacks) and has FLY. Fly is probably the most valuable keyword in 8th edition as it means your opponent cannot bog a shooty unit down in melee, you just Fly off and blaze away.

Just to look at the flip side, many things get bonuses to shooting at models with the fly keyword. Just worth noting if your meta has a lot of these weapons (like those ork traktor cannons, ew), fly does have some drawbacks.

I own 2 repulsors and a sicaran and have used both rather frequently. They each are excellent models in their own rights and it really depends on what you're trying to do. My vote is on the sicaran if only because it is a beautiful tank with solid rules and I don't feel like I have to use it as a transport to get the full value out of it.

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Thanks guys my Sicaran is Enroute :biggrin.:

Nice! Any plans to paint it during this year's ETL?



Probably not. 


I paint because I find it relaxing :D I am a more competitive about the "playing" aspect of the hobby, the painting is more to a rule of cool standard/dealing with work.

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