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Under the Radar - V2 CSM Best "Legion" Trait


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Hi folks, I was browsing the net on new CSM stuff and heard a lot about Black Legion, Chainlords, Lord Discordant's and Red Corsair CP batteries. 


What I did not read much about but noticed Don Hooson (that Death Guard player who did well with blightlord terminators) is advocating the Purge renegade trait. 


It is one heck of a trait at that - You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by units with this trait that target enemy units that have lost one or more wounds already this turn.  


Note - that is not just failed to hit rolls, it is re-roll hit rolls which is really good vs negative modifiers. This trait in my opinion is straight up very strong and possibly the best one in the book. 


Re-rolls are very important this edition. Usually you need a very expensive character to get re-roll all hits and then have to play within their aura bubble and hope not to face those pesky Vindicare assassins. The Purge have this built in once they start knocking off wounds. 


You lose veterans of the long war as they are renegades. That aside I am surprised that the Purge aren't getting more coverage as they appear to be the strongest trait. 


Perhaps I am off here - but is this not the best trait in the CSM book? 

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The Purge Trait is a strong one for sure, but it needs a certain dose of coordination to work. Lets say you have a nice little Knight Castellan in the back lane. You cant Smite it, as he is to far away, so the easy way to first wound is barred. What now? Use LasCans until you damage it? That could take a while. What I mean is, that you cannot 100% be confident that you have this reroll. And then you lose VotlW, which would be quiet handy on mentioned Castellan. And then lets see the Warlord Trait. Reroll 1 to wound and reroll damage. A slight improvement on the Warlord Trait that CSM already have. The Stratagem is quiet handy, shooting in melee is fun. And then the relic... Lets not discuss it, as I would go into rage why GW is even putting this Garbage (Like all Holy Grenades) into the game.

I personally think the Flawless Host Trait is more interesting.

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I was able to use the Purge trait very well this weekend. I had moved a Rhino into range of his 10 man marine unit holding an objective plus I used the strat to redeploy my 20 man Cultist squad within 9" of the same unit. Shot my two combi-bolters at the marines and killed one. Then shot my 18 autoguns and 2 hvy stubbers into the same unit, after rerolling my hits I killed off 7 more. Charged my Rhino killing 1 more, he failed his moral test and ran away, giving me control of his objective. At that point I controlled all the objectives and he conceded turn 3.

Now I haven't tried out Flawless Host, so it may be better, but I have already thought of other ways I could use this to my advantage and can't wait to try them out.


*I meant hits*

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Purge is ridiculously good. I take a vanguard with sb termies and 2 squads of zerkers, led by an exalted champ.


The termies are my horde clear - rerolling everything once your stray smites or bolters kill one dude on the squad. Has the enemy chaff pinned one of your models? No fear, 1cp to shoot into combat and kill them anyway.


And the zerkers... two activations rerolling everything, including 3s with power fists, without needing to shuffle along support characters? It’s fantastic. (The EC really helps them tackle big stuff without vets). I had a lone zerker champion kill about 6 bullgryn over 2 fight phases.


If you are sad to miss out on vets, no big deal - bring a standard Legion detachment and use it there.

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I was able to use the Purge trait very well this weekend. I had moved a Rhino into range of his 10 man marine unit holding an objective plus I used the strat to redeploy my 20 man Cultist squad within 9" of the same unit. Shot my two combi-bolters at the marines and killed one. Then shot my 18 autoguns and 2 hvy stubbers into the same unit, after rerolling my wounds I killed off 7 more. Charged my Rhino killing 1 more, he failed his moral test and ran away, giving me control of his objective. At that point I controlled all the objectives and he conceded turn 3.

Now I haven't tried out Flawless Host, so it may be better, but I have already thought of other ways I could use this to my advantage and can't wait to try them out.


Do you mean re-rolled your hits? Purge trait is hits not wounds (unfortunately)

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I think the relic is decent myself. Against character huddles and flyers it could be good as it dishes out mortal wounds on a 4+ or 2+ which isn’t bad. The range is limiting but aside from that doing mortal wounds within a radius isn’t half bad in my opinion!


Regarding ninja post, pretty sure he is referring to close combat and a exalted champion. With the purge you can get re-roll everything in combat.

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I think the relic is decent myself. Against character huddles and flyers it could be good as it dishes out mortal wounds on a 4+ or 2+ which isn’t bad. The range is limiting but aside from that doing mortal wounds within a radius isn’t half bad in my opinion!


Regarding ninja post, pretty sure he is referring to close combat and a exalted champion. With the purge you can get re-roll everything in combat.

its 4+ or 6+ on Vehicles. And its way to random to be of any use except you really need to trigger the Army trait on a certain (non-vehicle) unit, and even then its only a 50% chance, 75% if you want to spend a CP for a reroll-

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