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  • 2 weeks later...

Good job on the Ogryns.



Outstanding work.



Quality stuff as always. 



I had a lot of pictures to catch up on! Wonderful! This is quite the army now, you should be super proud of it :thumbsup: That horde of infantry is peak Guard :biggrin.:


Thanks for the positive feedback guys, its really appreciated :D 

Greeting Commanders,


I am happy to report that I have fully painted my Veterans for 2nd platoon :) I used a mixture of classic metal models, converted cadians and snapfit models to make up this squad. My favourite model in the unit is the Sgt, it is an old Colonel Shaffer from the now OOP Last Chancers. I have had this guy for a while but I rarely used him because in previous editions his weapon load out was too expensive. Now in 8th edition, plasma pistols and power swords are cheap as chips and so I can finally field Shaffer as the Emperor intended.


For conversion, I used a mix of Anvil industry Caps and Scion Beret heads. I actually really like the berets and I think they fit in nicely with the caps. I must have at least 40 of these heads and I think it would be really good to incorporate them into more squads going forward. I might even use them to fully equip 3rd platoon with beret heads and build up some fluff around them to explain it :D


With these Veterans completed I have reached another milestone in the Great Mordian Restoration Project, I now have enough models completed to put together a 2000pts army of pure infantry Mordian Iron Guard. I am very excited to start using the 50th Rifles in some proper games and battle reports.


Now I will admit that the current army, whilst usable at 2000pts, is not very efficient. I have lots of fluff upgrades and units that I would not normally take in a competitive, such as the Ogryns. However, it is a very fun force with lots of love and attention put into the models, which I am proud off. 


The next step in the project is to fully build up the Assault Korp, the elite Grenadier/Stormtrooper force of the regiment. I have over 60 classic stormies and kasrkin models which will make up the force, with the plan being to field a full battalion/platoon.


As always, pictures in the spoiler below:


The power sword wielder (the captain?) looks rough, due to the torn sleeves- like a Catachan colonist instead of a Mordian.

My Mordians have a very high attrition rate and so they get replacements from where ever they can to keep the regiment at fighting strength . As a result they tend to absorb remnants from other Regiments. So its no surprise that some rougher characters are present in the army!

  • 5 weeks later...

Greetings Commanders,


It has been over a month since I updated this thread, life has understandably been mad these last few weeks! Fortunately, I have been able to take solace in my painting to help cope with these uncertain times and my work on the Mordian 50th has progressed well.


I took part in the Chalnath Liberation Hobby event and was able to successfully vow two squads of classic Stormtroopers and a Tempestor Prime. As always I got a real kick out of painting these classic sculpts, but I also got to do some minor conversion work on the Prime. The model I had was missing a hand and I replaced the missing laspistol with a plasma pistol from the current Scion kit. The scale of the part worked with the older model, which is great as sometimes these older models look silly with the newer over sized bits of current boxes. I also noticed that the pistol arm for this model is a bionic one, which I had never realized before and is nice touch to the sculpt. 


I have also begun work on bringing up 1st platoon to same standard of 2nd platoon. For those out of the loop, 1st platoon has been "finished" but it was done before I had learned advanced painting techniques. In order to make sure all the models in the army are completed to the same high standard, I am having to go back over first platoon and add edge highlights and dry brushing. This does not actually take very long and I am able to update a squad in an evening or two :smile.:


So that is the big update! 11 new models added to the force and 14 models updated, with the plan being to continue updating the early models in the project. As always, lots of pictures in the spoilers below:


Storm Troopers:



Updated Models:

Edited by Mordian Glory

Looking good :thumbsup:



Hrmmm maybe I should do a couple of sgts with hazard stripe Chainswords...


Do it!


Gorgeous, like always. Those classic stormtrooper models hold up surprisingly well.


Thank you! The old boys look ok from a short distance, but upclose you can see the issues with the molds :P


Love the hazard chainswords.

Yeah I have started doing them and now I cant go back!

  • 5 weeks later...

Greeting Commanders,


It has been a very busy month of painting and modelling! As I mentioned in my previous post, I decided to focus on bringing the early models in the project up to the same standard as the rest of the army. This has now been completed and I now have 2 full platoons of Mordian Infantry, as well as a decent sized Stormtrooper Force for the Assault Korp!


In total this is 207 infantry models and I am extreamly happy with the progress I have made, although there is still a very long way to go.


I have included lots and lots of pictures of the full army with some close up shots. Enjoy!


Full Army:



Lots of Close Ups:


Great work, looks fantastic!



Great looking army. :thumbsup:



That is a wonderful army shot :wub: Nice work indeed, you should feel very proud of it! Loving the old Stormies too :thumbsup:


Thanks everyone, the positive feedback and constructive tips I have received over the last year have been a major factor in keeping myself motivated with this project :)

I was going to take a break from the Mordians and paint some Bolt Action, but I don't feel burned out at all so I decided to dive straight back into the project after just a week off painting! I have started work on the 3rd platoon, which are going to be all converted Cadian Plastic models, outside of maybe a few metal Cadian special weapons and characters. 


The first models I completed for the platoon were 3x Heavy Bolters. I converted these guys about a year ago to have Scion beret heads and I really like the look of them. In fact I like it so much that I have decided to try and do the whole platoon with them! I have enough Beret heads to equip 50+ models with them. 


Now obviously the beret is not a peaked cap and so these guys might look a little out of place next to my Mordians. However, I am going to paint them the exact same as my peaked cap guys, so from a distance it shouldn't be too obvious. When I am running 300 men at 2k points if 20% of them have berets it shouldn't stand out :tongue.:


Fluff wise for the regiment I think I am going to say that the 3rd platoon is the Recon Platoon for the Mordian 50th Rifles and to denote their special role they are allowed to swap out their peaked caps for a beret. That way if I end up mixing the beret models in with peaked cap ones in the future (who knows what the future squad load outs will be) I can say that the beret models are scouts or pointmen for the squad.


I also completed a couple of classic metal characters, a really old Warhammer Empire Priest and a Junior Officer with Bolt Pistol and Chainsword. The priest model is one that I have always wanted since I was a kid, its just so iconic! And I am always happy to paint up one of the old school officer models :biggrin.:


Now that these models are completed, I am working on the first half of the Infantry Squads for the platoon, which are going to be armed with Heavy Bolter, Grenade Launcher and a Bolter on the Sgt. At this point I am going to stay away from the big models like Ogryns and just paint up as many regular infantry as I can.


As always, pics below.





Junior Officer:



Heavy Bolters:

Edited by Mordian Glory

Was that a head swap for the Empire priest? What year is it from? I think I only remember the "newer" one which may still be 15 years old at this point, or older. :sweat: 




No head swap, its a 2 piece metal model (the hammer is separate). I don't know the exact year but the model is over 20 years old, I remember seeing it in old white dwarf battle reports when I was about 5-6 years old.

  • 1 month later...

Greetings Commanders,


Another month has passed and much progress has been made! Over the last few weeks I completed the first 3 squads for 3rd platoon. Each of these squads had the same load out, Sgt with a Bolter, Grenade Launcher and a Heavy Bolter.


I have committed to the idea of giving 3rd platoon the beret heads and all of these models are converted Cadians. Continuing with the Scion theme for these units, I made sure that a few members of each squad had extra bits of equipment from the Scion kit. 


These guys were some of the roughest I have had to restore! They were all over 10 years old with many many layers of paint and broken parts (many of which had been poorly fixed). I think that they have come out fairly well, although if you look closely enough you can see some cracks and damage round some old glue lines. 


I am going to be taking a short break from my Mordians. I have painted 237 models in 1 year and I want to make some progress on other projects that I have been neglecting, such as my Japanese Bolt Action army. Don't worry, I am not stopping the project, I just want to avoid getting burned out :)


As always pics below:


Squad 1:



Squad 2:



Squad 3:


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