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Is anyone using basic terminators?

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A 10 man blob with chainaxes would mitigate some of my complaints but I'd still go with a chainfist on the sergeant.

I wouldnt really object to that.  I mean it is already an inefficiency to play models that are t4, 2 or 3+ for more than around 10 points per wound. So what is extra 10 points ontop of a 290 point blob?  It still wont be better than semi competitive with or without that chainfist. 


If only terminators were as points efficient as intercessors that only pay 8.5 points per t4, 3+ sv wound?  They would end up costing 20ish ppm?  I'd buy that for a dollar! 

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After reading this thread I think it's fair to say it's worth mixing in one or two better close combat weapons into each squad. They should be in close combat with weaker units and act like bullies where their 2+ saves will work harder.


For my part I imagine going for two lightning claws on my champ, a combi weapon and chainfist on one guy and the three remaining as basic dudes.

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