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Black Legion Test Minis Old and New Models

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The Chaos release especially the Abaddon and Havoc releases were almost 20 years in the making for me, so I was ecstatic. Black Legion was the first army I ever played when I began in late 2nd/early 3rd, and I have been waiting on a range refresh ever since. I am still going to mix in the older sculpts as they're nostalgic to me, but here are my test minis for my new Black Legion. I sold my original army off during my hiatus from the game, so this will a complete rebuild.


These aren't as flashy as what I usually post but these are clean and simple. They have been painted in the late 2nd/3rd ed color scheme from when I started the game. The old has met the new. :)









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I like them both.


I also like how you DIDN'T highlight the armour panels where it is next to the trim, which always confused the hell out of me when GW and others do it. That's not where a highlight would form :lol:


Also, they are very glossy black. Did you varnish them with a gloss coat or do something with the armour?

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I like them both.


I also like how you DIDN'T highlight the armour panels where it is next to the trim, which always confused the hell out of me when GW and others do it. That's not where a highlight would form :laugh.:


Also, they are very glossy black. Did you varnish them with a gloss coat or do something with the armour?

I am right there with you. I have never understood that...


And honestly I think it's the lighting. I used Matte Varnish on them, and they aren't that shiny in person. I just used the Chaos black Spray and a Nuln Oil wash for the basecoat. 

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I approve of these, especially the 2nd/3rd edition callback. But, where are the bright yellow pipes? :tongue.: On a more serious note, do you have any of the metal Chaos Marines to mix in? They had some awesome sculpts, even if the proportions are all kinds of wonky now.


Edge highlighting panels from every angle is done by GW in order to give contrast between different parts of the sculpt for promotional photography. It helps differentiate armour panels and so on, which in turn gives a clear, easy to see definition of the sculpt for buyers. I don't like the technique, because it looks unnatural and has a show room quality instead of a realistic one. But I can't deny it's effectiveness and I completely understand why GW switched to that style of painting.


Other people do it because they just copy GW, either because they don't know better or they genuinely like the style and want to emulate GW.

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Its nice to see such a good comparison between the old sculpts and the new, I hope people don't just ditch their old boys in the bin because you can still easily run them without too much hassle. great paintjob btw buddy looks fantastic, love the highlighting work :D

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Its nice to see such a good comparison between the old sculpts and the new, I hope people don't just ditch their old boys in the bin because you can still easily run them without too much hassle. great paintjob btw buddy looks fantastic, love the highlighting work :biggrin.:

Thank you. I mad sure to buy up all the old sculpts my local hobby shop had once they announced the new models. I am rebuilding my Black Legion from scratch, and the old models have such a nostalgic feel for me that I couldn't pass them up. 

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