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Painting Sanguinis

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Hail Brethren!


I assume many of us wi be getting our copies of our liege lord shortly and so wanted to discuss and share how we all plan to paint him up. What will be your wing recipes? Armor recipes? Flesh and hair recipies?

Will you be going against the grain for his hair, adding any face tattoos like the tears?

Do tell!




EDIT: so to get this started I will post my own thoughts on the subject.


I find that on the boxes and pictures, our liege lord looks like an old coot...i personally attribute that to his skin tone and so will be going with something more fair colored to bring him some youth:

Rakarth Flesh

Reikland Fleshshade

Kislev Flesh


My other point of contention will be the hair. Im still undecided between Sanguinius in mourning(Black Hair) or The Angel Sanguinius(Blonde Hair). My issue with blonde hair is that i would like to use the same recipe on all my BA models and i already use Ushtabi Bone on the shoulder pads...if I use the following do you believe the difference will be noticeable or will they have "bone coloured hair"?

Balor Brown

Seraphim Sepia

Ushtabi Bone

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I haven't invested in Sanguinius yet although I am tempted. Personally, I would really like to see him painted in red armour as that is how he was described in the original fluff. Not sure when the current golden armour made its way into the fluff.

If I were to go with gold armour, I would probably sue the recipe I used on my Sanguinor which turned out quite nicely.

Basecoat: Retributor Armour

Wash: Aggrax Earthshade (gloss)

Highlight: Liberator Gold

2nd wash: Seraphim Sepia (applied lightly, almost like a glaze)

2nd highlight: Stormhost silver (applied light to pick out the edges of the armour.


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Sanguinius will be more like an never ending project for me. I plan to use way more time painting it than any of the other models, so I think it will be ready by the end of this year. If I'm lucky ;)


The plan is to add some red tint to the armour, or at least part of it, but still keep the golden feel. I also plan to use a bit stronger contrasts on the colours than FW painted version has. That is all I have planned this far. I usually don't have a solid plan, so it's difficult to share anything at this point.

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Thanks, the wings were sprayed Fire Red from Vallejo Air, then airbrushed at an angle with white.  Then I dry brushed them lightly with white to pick out the highlights.


The gems are just painted Khorne Red, Mephiston Red, Evil Sunz Scarlet, and Fire Dragon Orange with a white dot and a black line down them.  I also put on some ardcoat on all the gems after the model is dullcoated.

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I was close to getting one but it would've been a model just for the shelf as I don't play 30k and considering that I'm about to buy lots of Chaos stuff I didn't really feel like 'wasting' that much money lol

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Thought I'd add some pictures of my Sanguinius:







Not to detract from the painting (red basecoat for the wings is quite unusual)... but he seems to have beheaded all of the sanguinary guard.


Granted, there are occasional games where they warrant it...

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Thought I'd add some pictures of my Sanguinius:







Fantastic job!

I really like the armor and the gems are simply gorgeous! Also really nice work on the face - soft, but not too much.

I must say though that his hair lack a bit of brownish shade - currently they look a bit like if his head was on fire.

But again - fantastic job overall :)

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The Sanguinary Guard don't have heads because I paint them separately.  They're currently on my painting table.  It's the same with those Hetaeron Guard with Valdor.


The yellow hair is just a quirk of my painting.  For some reason, I really like it when I paint hair that bright yellow.  Not really sure why.  Hence why Valdor's hair is the same, though it's muted somewhat because it's only a short mohawk and the skin wash around the edges dulls it down some.

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The Sanguinary Guard don't have heads because I paint them separately. They're currently on my painting table. It's the same with those Hetaeron Guard with Valdor.


The yellow hair is just a quirk of my painting. For some reason, I really like it when I paint hair that bright yellow. Not really sure why. Hence why Valdor's hair is the same, though it's muted somewhat because it's only a short mohawk and the skin wash around the edges dulls it down some.

What was your recipe for the face?
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It's just:


1) Cadian Fleshtone

2) Reikland Fleshshade

3) Cadian Fleshshade Highlights

4) Cadian Fleshshade + White Mix Highlights

4) Cadian Fleshshade + more White Highlights


The Cadian Fleshshade and White highlights don't have a specific mix.  It's just what looks right when I eyeball it.  Pretty basic.  No real trick to it.

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It's just:


1) Cadian Fleshtone

2) Reikland Fleshshade

3) Cadian Fleshshade Highlights

4) Cadian Fleshshade + White Mix Highlights

4) Cadian Fleshshade + more White Highlights


The Cadian Fleshshade and White highlights don't have a specific mix. It's just what looks right when I eyeball it. Pretty basic. No real trick to it.

To some of us it is a big help!
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Damn thats a fine looking Sangy :ohmy.:


Can I ask what your recipe for gold is? Its got a nice soft tint to it that I quite like :smile.:


It's mainly Vallejo Metallic Air Bright Brass.


How I did it is:


1) Black Primer

2) Vallejo Metallic Air Gold

3) Vallejo Metallic Air Bright Brass (angled)

4) Gloss Coat the model

5) Nuln Oil+Agrax Earthshade wash

6) Vallejo Metallic Air Bright Brass (angled)

7) Vallejo Metallic Air Bright Brass + Silver light spray at an angle (only a touch of silver.  The Vallejo Metallic Silver will overpower the Bright Brass even on a 10:1 BB to silver mix). 

8) Bright Brass and a little more Silver highlights with a brush

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You know Dolchiate Remembrancer, you can paint Blonde hair without making it too close to the bone colouration.


This Blood Angel Deathwatch member I did up has blonde hair, using almost the same palette that you posted with one difference:


I used Zandri Dust > Cassandora Yellow instead of Seraphim Sepia > Ushabti Bone and it INSTANTLY went from "bone-ish" to flat-out Blonde.

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I'm using Averland Sunset followed by thin shade of Agrax Earhshade, followed by Flash Gits Yellow highlight for my blondies.
This gives a lively color, but still not too bright.

I like your more muted effect effect Gederas. I would gladly use it for some variety.

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I know how to do blonde hair, I just like how I did it.

That's good, but the hair discussion is related to DR's edited post at the beginning of the thread ;) And the whole idea of it is to help those that have yet to paint their Sanguinius model.

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I know how to do blonde hair, I just like how I did it.

That's good, but the hair discussion is related to DR's edited post at the beginning of the thread :wink: And the whole idea of it is to help those that have yet to paint their Sanguinius model.

The most difficult part for me will be the wings.


I have some Krylon Colormaster Ultra-Flat Grey primer, which I'm thinking of using as the base, then using Ulthuan Grey, Nuln Oil and a drybrush of some kind of white?

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