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Organised event guides clarifies that all Leman Russ datasheets count as the same for the purposes of rule of three, regardless of whether they are in the Codex or a FW Index.


So with Pask and Tank Commanders we're back to 13 Russes max. ^^


Shame about the Valkyrie. It's still a good ability, but with less utility now.

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Q: When a rule allows a model or unit to take an action (move, shoot, charge, fight or attempt to manifest a psychic power) outside of the normal turn sequence, and that rule explicitly mentions to make that action as if it were a different phase of the turn structure to the current one, e.g. ‘That unit can shoot as if it were the Shooting phase’, do rules that are normally used during that phase (in the example this would be the Shooting phase) take effect? Is the same true of Overwatch attacks?

A: With the exception of Stratagems, all rules (e.g. abilities, Warlord Traits, psychic powers etc.) that would apply in a specific phase apply to actions that are taking place ‘as if it were that phase’. However, if a Stratagem specifies that it must be used in a specific phase, then it can only be used in that phase (e.g. you cannot use a Stratagem that says ‘Use this Stratagem in the Shooting phase’ to affect a unit that is Shooting ‘as if it were the Shooting phase’). For the purposes of this FAQ, Overwatch attacks are also considered to be attacks made as if it were your Shooting phase.


Does this mean Cadian Leman Russes overwatch with double shots from the turret rerolling 1's to hit?

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We can’t get back command points on predepolyment stratagems like the extra relic stratagem and the bombardment rule.


Morrdians got beefed pretty hard from being able to fire their gun again to only getting another shot.


More clarification on uses of the dagger relic.


The rest of them I’m not sure if they were from previous faqs or not.


I think we came out of it pretty fine to be honest. I think the people who got hurt the most were those using soup. Like people using assassins, costs 2 CP now.

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I’m not convinced we should count overwatch as a shooting phase.


Else you cant overwatch characters unless they’re the nearest?


The valk nerf is annoying. It was niche before and now even more so. I doubt I’ll take it anymore.

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Well, they are specifically stating "Overwatch attacks are also considered to be attacks made as if it were your Shooting phase." There isn't much wiggle room.

As for character targeting, this is exempt by the rulebook FAQ: "Q: Can a unit fire Overwatch at a Character if, when it declares its charge at them, there are other visible enemy models that are closer? A: Yes."

After careful consideration I am however not so sure about using Grinding Advance for overwatch. The rule reads: "If this model moves under half its speed in its Movement phase it can shoot its turret weapon twice in the following shooting phase."

You could argue that, while overwatch does count as a shooting phase, it wouldn't be the following shooting phase.

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Well, they are specifically stating "Overwatch attacks are also considered to be attacks made as if it were your Shooting phase." There isn't much wiggle room.

As for character targeting, this is exempt by the rulebook FAQ: "Q: Can a unit fire Overwatch at a Character if, when it declares its charge at them, there are other visible enemy models that are closer? A: Yes."

After careful consideration I am however not so sure about using Grinding Advance for overwatch. The rule reads: "If this model moves under half its speed in its Movement phase it can shoot its turret weapon twice in the following shooting phase."

You could argue that, while overwatch does count as a shooting phase, it wouldn't be the following shooting phase.

You could argue that it is a following shooting phase. Shooting isn't directly after movement, so I interpret it to be until the next movement phase.

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I find it interesting with their treatment of as the x phase. So overwatching stationary cadians now reroll 1s? If I'm reading that correctly.


I also feel like with all the nerfs to anti tank that more lists are suddenly viable. No more 25 loota squads, no more double shooting dark reapers, castellan getting boned. We might actually see a vehicle on the table again.

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I find it interesting with their treatment of as the x phase. So overwatching stationary cadians now reroll 1s? If I'm reading that correctly.


I also feel like with all the nerfs to anti tank that more lists are suddenly viable. No more 25 loota squads, no more double shooting dark reapers, castellan getting boned. We might actually see a vehicle on the table again.

I might use my shadowsword again.

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I was thinking about the Cadian rerolls for Overwatch now, hadn't considered Grinding Advance.


It's pretty specific though. If it moves less than half in ITS movement phase it can shoot twice in THE following shooting phase. Not just any following sbooting phase.


So this I think pretty definitevly refers the the shooting phase following its own movement phase, which would then stop as soon as that particular shooting phase ends.


I don't have my Codex right now, but what's the exact wording on the Cadian doctrine? (Was it Born Soldiers?)

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There was also an FAQ change to another factions unit "Dark Reapers" that explicitly says Overwatch is not the shooting phase". So now I have no idea what they intend.

That is because dark reapers always hit on 3+. Who want to see opponent dark reapers hit you on 3+ in OW??! GW must keep the additional paragraph there to fix that.
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I was thinking about the Cadian rerolls for Overwatch now, hadn't considered Grinding Advance.


It's pretty specific though. If it moves less than half in ITS movement phase it can shoot twice in THE following shooting phase. Not just any following sbooting phase.


So this I think pretty definitevly refers the the shooting phase following its own movement phase, which would then stop as soon as that particular shooting phase ends.


I don't have my Codex right now, but what's the exact wording on the Cadian doctrine? (Was it Born Soldiers?)

But the 'as if shooting phase'-moment happens after the movement phase, if i recall correctly. And in practice is still a following shooting phase. There is no movement phase's shooting phase. if we take your way It's possible to state that grinding advance cannot be used if there is something between movement and shooting phases, beacuse shooting phase would not follow movement phase which stops it from being 'following'. 

For example reserves arrive in the end of the movement phase and dehthwatch can shoot them, but it's not a shooting phase, it is 'as if it was shooting phase' which in your turms is another shooting phase. so when the 'real' shooting phase comes grinding advance would not be possible be cause this phase was not following the movement phase.


Damn good Lho-stick i've got here, huh


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The FAQ in question also states: "Overwatch attacks are also considered to be attacks made as if it were your Shooting phase."

Therefore I'd argue overwatch isn't some additional shooting phase, but for all rules purposes it is considered to be my regular shooting phase. So Grinding Advance should work.

However this opens a new question for the Cadian Doctrine. It states: "Re-roll hit rolls of 1 in the Shooting phase for units with this doctrine if they did not move in the previous Movement phase." If overwatch counts as my shooting phase, then the Movement phase I need to check for is my own. If you'd argue overwatch is an additional shooting phase of sorts, then the previous movement phase would be the opponent's. 

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I was thinking about the Cadian rerolls for Overwatch now, hadn't considered Grinding Advance.


It's pretty specific though. If it moves less than half in ITS movement phase it can shoot twice in THE following shooting phase. Not just any following sbooting phase.


So this I think pretty definitevly refers the the shooting phase following its own movement phase, which would then stop as soon as that particular shooting phase ends.


I don't have my Codex right now, but what's the exact wording on the Cadian doctrine? (Was it Born Soldiers?)

But the 'as if shooting phase'-moment happens after the movement phase, if i recall correctly. And in practice is still a following shooting phase. There is no movement phase's shooting phase. if we take your way It's possible to state that grinding advance cannot be used if there is something between movement and shooting phases, because shooting phase would not follow movement phase which stops it from being 'following'.

For example reserves arrive in the end of the movement phase and dehthwatch can shoot them, but it's not a shooting phase, it is 'as if it was shooting phase' which in your turms is another shooting phase. so when the 'real' shooting phase comes grinding advance would not be possible be cause this phase was not following the movement phase.


Damn good Lho-stick i've got here, huh

I think this is were the details come in. The Auspex shooting against reserves activates as if you were in the shooting phase (I assume), yes. So you use the shooting phase rules. But that doesn't change the fact that you are still taking the action in the other player's movement phase. This doesn't end until the active player declares the he is advancing on to his shooting phase. It's a small difference, but from my reading of GW rules they put a lot of emphasis on them.


Same with the difference in wording to the Cadian rerolls and Grinding Advance. The tank ability refers to YOUR previous movement phase, which took place in your turn, regardless of what else happened in between. The Cadian rule just refers to THE previous movement phase which, if you are firing overwatch, would generally have been your opponents movement phase.


Acting as if you are in a specific phase does nothing to change the general order of phases, so the wording if relevant to determine which conditions you should refer to.


Mind you, it speaks volumes about GWs rules writing that we're having this discussion about their FAQ...

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Sairence, the problem is that the change to overwatch is a major change to the game's core rules. This change alone needs its own FAQ. Overwatch is a shooting phase now which is a massive change to how the game is played. Does a tank commander get to order himself if he's charged? I mean, if he's supposed to treat it as a shooting phase for himself, he can definitely order himself too.
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