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I partially agree with your points, Sairence. But consider for a moment that if there were no movement phase, your units had no opportunity to move, which makes them automatically non-moved in movement phase.

GW dropped the ball... Again. And the ball is damn huge.

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A guy on reddit was doing the mathhammer on the shadowsword Vs the new castellan. It was found to do 13.82 wounds on a T8 knight with a 4++. I’m no mathammer expert so if someone could check and see if this true it would be greatly appreciated.


If it is true then that’s pretty freaking awesome.


Edit: I was reading further: apparently it does 19.85 as a cadian with born soldiers and Overlapping fields of fire.

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A guy on reddit was doing the mathhammer on the shadowsword Vs the new castellan. It was found to do 13.82 wounds on a T8 knight with a 4++. I’m no mathammer expert so if someone could check and see if this true it would be greatly appreciated.


If it is true then that’s pretty freaking awesome.


Edit: I was reading further: apparently it does 19.85 as a cadian with born soldiers and Overlapping fields of fire.

Yeah I forgot a step in my calculation

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A guy on reddit was doing the mathhammer on the shadowsword Vs the new castellan. It was found to do 13.82 wounds on a T8 knight with a 4++. I’m no mathammer expert so if someone could check and see if this true it would be greatly appreciated.


If it is true then that’s pretty freaking awesome.


Edit: I was reading further: apparently it does 19.85 as a cadian with born soldiers and Overlapping fields of fire.

Did he calculated how many wounds a Raven Castellan would put on an 0 isv IG super heavy per turn?
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All of the wounds. It puts all of the wounds on it



A guy on reddit was doing the mathhammer on the shadowsword Vs the new castellan. It was found to do 13.82 wounds on a T8 knight with a 4++. I’m no mathammer expert so if someone could check and see if this true it would be greatly appreciated.


If it is true then that’s pretty freaking awesome.


Edit: I was reading further: apparently it does 19.85 as a cadian with born soldiers and Overlapping fields of fire.

Did he calculated how many wounds a Raven Castellan would put on an 0 isv IG super heavy per turn?
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Okay, here's a question. Assuming orders now continue to apply during Overwatch, how does that interact with each order? Specifically, Armageddon's Mount Up! or Tallarn's Get Around Behind Them! orders. Mount Up! says the ordered unit can shoot and immediately embark into a transport. Does that mean, if the unit does not embark after shooting initially, then that unit gets charged, can it then embark immediately after firing Overwatch, thus removing the target unit from being charged entirely? The same goes for Get Around Behind Them! where the ordered model can move up to 6" before or after it shoots. Leman Russ shoots, stays put, gets charged, fires Overwatch, then backs up 6"?

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Orders and grinding advance last until the end of a specific shooting phase. Orders in the phase they are issued, and grinding phase in the next shooting phase following the movement phase when grinding advance was applicable (aka your shooting phase).


Overwatch is done in your opponent's charge phase. Your shooting just has any effects/abilities applied to it, as if those shots were done during a generic shooting phase. This means that things like sgt harkers rerolls would work (or cawl for mars, which was previously unclear if it worked or not). This phase is not the same phase orders and grinding advance refer to, so you don't get the benefit.


Based on the wording, I do think born soldiers works as it checks if the unit moved in the previous movement, which would be your opponent's movement phase.


There is no reason to believe that when you overwatch, you go back to your most recent shooting phase, otherwise you wouldn't be able to overwatch if you advanced in your previous turn because of move move move! (which you can).

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I don't think that you can get orders, especially for your infantry. You might be able to have a tank commander order himself, but that seems like an exploit due to clunky wording and not the intention of the rules change. Grinding advance is more of a debate. I tend to lean towards it not working due to the grinding advance rule's wording. I would actually like an FAQ to confirm that it doesn't work, but being as I'm the only guard player in my local league, I will not use it.
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Apparently this was a flash in the pan for most Commanders in the barracks...


I was travelling when it dropped and haven't gone through the whole FAQ yet, but I did skim some of the major changes


I have to admit I'm kinda bummed that for some reason my Mordians took a double nerf

Firstly that their exploding 6's only allow a single extra shot (vs re-using the weapon) and then the Valkyrie change.

I'm not sure why the volley fire was nerfed, the scariest it could be was with 4 plasma guns in rapid fire range, I rarely actually got any additional shots out of it. Upside, I don't have to spend the CP on it any more.

My double Valk, bullgryn list also got a good battering, again I'm not sure who was winning top tables with this tactic? It is also the nail in the coffin for my thoughts about running melta scions... :ermm:


How's everyone else handling the changes?


Although I didn't like the weird things they did with "FLY" it was nice being able to screen in assault, looks like we need to be pedantic about our spacing again when it comes to Custodes bikers which I'm sure we'll see a return of.


Also does anyone know why they made the change to ratlings? Another unit I rarely see.

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Apparently this was a flash in the pan for most Commanders in the barracks...


I was travelling when it dropped and haven't gone through the whole FAQ yet, but I did skim some of the major changes


I have to admit I'm kinda bummed that for some reason my Mordians took a double nerf

Firstly that their exploding 6's only allow a single extra shot (vs re-using the weapon) and then the Valkyrie change.

I'm not sure why the volley fire was nerfed, the scariest it could be was with 4 plasma guns in rapid fire range, I rarely actually got any additional shots out of it. Upside, I don't have to spend the CP on it any more.

My double Valk, bullgryn list also got a good battering, again I'm not sure who was winning top tables with this tactic? It is also the nail in the coffin for my thoughts about running melta scions... :ermm:


How's everyone else handling the changes?


Although I didn't like the weird things they did with "FLY" it was nice being able to screen in assault, looks like we need to be pedantic about our spacing again when it comes to Custodes bikers which I'm sure we'll see a return of.


Also does anyone know why they made the change to ratlings? Another unit I rarely see.

I assume that volley fire was nerfed due to it making missile launchers extremely powerful. Let's say that you would have fired a missile launcher squad with frag missiles. If you rolled 6 to hit 5 times, you could shoot 5 the missile launchers 5 more times except that you would now be shooting 5 krak missiles in a squad with only 3 missile launchers. It was possible although extremely unlikely that the missile squad could get 18 krak missiles shot in 1 turn. The nerf that nobody would have complained about would have been to stipulate that you must use the same firing mode.

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How's everyone else handling the changes?


Although I didn't like the weird things they did with "FLY" it was nice being able to screen in assault, looks like we need to be pedantic about our spacing again when it comes to Custodes bikers which I'm sure we'll see a return of.


Also does anyone know why they made the change to ratlings? Another unit I rarely see.


Nothing much to handle. The FAQ was pretty boring for Guard and despite the fact I play with lots of Aircraft, I'm only mildly put out by the new Aircraft keyword. It just means that if you want to screen, you have to make sure you place your flyers next to your troops to prevent the enemy from getting base to base. Makes it a bit harder, but you can still do it since they can't end on top of you. They finally addressed deepstriking flyers officially so that was nice, but other than that... meh?

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What was the deep striking fliers change?

It's part of the units coming onto the board rules. Units coming onto the board are considered to have moved at their maximum move. Before units arrived on the board and were considered moving, but it said nothing about how far they had moved. Depending on your interpretation, that meant a flyer deepstriking could be considered to have moved, but not have moved its minimum movement characteristic and thus explode.

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