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BA FAQ/Errata Spring 2019


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(You want the BRB and BA one for this discussion)




For the commentary and BIG FAQ run through.


Take homes:

* no more banner shenanigans

* D6 hand flamers

* No more beta bolters on vehicles

* No more cherubs reloading mortal wounds



... And loads more too.

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Mmh I'm kinda underwhelmed. Some interesting things, some bigger changes for the top table armies, but overall just lots of things that nobody asked for. At least we can charge over models again I guess.

The things I hoped the most for aren't there though. Nothing adressing CP generation and Bolter Discipline is still doing nothing for Marines when they are where they usually want to be (rapid fire range) ... instead it still promotes 'long' range gunline Marines. :dry.:

Not sure why they took it away from vehicles though. RIP Landraider Crussader (again).

Oh and a big nerf to Princeps of Deceit as you are forced to re-deploy the unit without using any special kind of deployment. So no infiltartion shenanigans.

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doesn't the upon wings of fire stratagem go back down to 1cp as the beta rule is no longer in the big faq?


It was never a beta rule. It's still in the Blood Angels FAQ/Errata.


Page 136 – Upon Wings Of Fire

Change the Command Point cost of this Stratagem

to 2CP.

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The nerf to Princeps is really disappointing. Not allowing units to redeploy into deep strike is reasonable and makes narrative sense, but a scout in the middle of the field not being able to take a step to his left makes no sense at all.
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Pt costs have not been adjusted anywhere. Hand flamers are the superior choice vs. bolt pistols. Possibly expect Chapter Approved 2019 to fix that wholesale I am guessing.

Nothing significant really. Getting back the fly over models ability in charging is nice but assault in general is still not where it needs to be for a book with a lot of them with MEQ stats.

Regarding banner shinanigans, how exactly was it nerfed? From what I am reading, it just looks like they wrote essentially the same thing, but different:

"Add 1 to the Leadership characteristic of models in Blood Angels units whilst their unit is within 6" of any friendly Blood Angels Ancients with this ability." (new)
"BLOOD ANGELS units within 6" of any friendly BLOOD ANGELS ANCIENTS add 1 to their Leadership"(old).

That reads almost the same because it's saying that whilst the unit is within 6" of a BA Ancient, models in the unit gain +1 leadership. Seems like it just clarifies that models in the unit get a benefit as long as the unit is within range? Furthermore, it still says within a BA Ancient so any ancient on the field give off the aura. If someone can help me understand this better and why it nerfs things?


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Pt costs have not been adjusted anywhere. Hand flamers are the superior choice vs. bolt pistols. Possibly expect Chapter Approved 2019 to fix that wholesale I am guessing.

Nothing significant really. Getting back the fly over models ability in charging is nice but assault in general is still not where it needs to be for a book with a lot of them with MEQ stats.

Regarding banner shinanigans, how exactly was it nerfed? From what I am reading, it just looks like they wrote essentially the same thing, but different:

"Add 1 to the Leadership characteristic of models in Blood Angels units whilst their unit is within 6" of any friendly Blood Angels Ancients with this ability." (new)


"BLOOD ANGELS units within 6" of any friendly BLOOD ANGELS ANCIENTS add 1 to their Leadership"(old).

That reads almost the same because it's saying that whilst the unit is within 6" of a BA Ancient, models in the unit gain +1 leadership. Seems like it just clarifies that models in the unit get a benefit as long as the unit is within range? Furthermore, it still says within a BA Ancient so any ancient on the field give off the aura. If someone can help me understand this better and why it nerfs things?

I dont have the codex with me, but I think they changed the hitting back before dying to just a single attack.

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It clarifies that it only procs off the Company/Primaris Ancient as only he has the ability, not the other Ancients.

Ah, yes. It's the last bit. For some reason it didn't register they changed the last caveat part rather than the wording of the first part.



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Yeah I was hoping for some Infiltrators love. Maybe once they get their solo release ... I won't hold my breath though. They don't really fit into my army concept anyway, it just would've been nice to have an infiltrating unit to play around with lol

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Personally I’m quite happy overall. I’m not too upset by vehicles losing Bolter Discipline, as the only relevant vehicle in my army is the Stormraven, which is fast enough for it not to matter much. I’m very excited by the ability to charge over units coming back to the game. Once more Slamguinius will rule the tabletop, and we shall have... blood!
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Agree with sPanzer that the bolter rule makes little sense for marines and I hate the style of play it encourges, and also removing it from vehicles is somehow even worse, because a few marine tanks for a brief period didn't feel like absolute trash when they got to use it, and now its gone again, and I think that's somehow worse then them just never being useful at all. Crusaders and double storm bolter rhinos are sad puppies again.


1 Pt D6 handflamers are hilarious though, expect that to get changed mighty quick, cause that's way to much fun for GW to let us keep that.

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1 Pt D6 handflamers are hilarious though, expect that to get changed mighty quick, cause that's way to much fun for GW to let us keep that.

If I remember correctly it's 3pt for Battle sisters so I would expect that to be amended later this year. 3pts is still pretty effective IMO.

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1 Pt D6 handflamers are hilarious though, expect that to get changed mighty quick, cause that's way to much fun for GW to let us keep that.

If I remember correctly it's 3pt for Battle sisters so I would expect that to be amended later this year. 3pts is still pretty effective IMO.


Not necessarily. Not all weapons have the same point cost across different armies. 


Regarding Infiltrators, I don't think they've been out long enough to warrant a points change yet. At least as far as GW is concerned. I wouldn't expect a points change to come until after a multipart kit is on sale. Then, if they're not seeing enough play because people think they're overcosted, they'll get a points drop. 

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