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BA FAQ/Errata Spring 2019


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I am really surprised that the consensus seems to be that deepstrikers kill scouts and then get shot.


It is very easy to lock these units in combat to prevent getting shot.

Yeah, that's been my experience. They make the 9" charge, lock down the scouts, can't be shot, and therefore present a threat to me that is hard to resolve.


Infiltrators not having to deal with that makes them more flexible for me.

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Most things that are a melee threat from deepstrike will rip through a squad of scouts easily. 

It takes some good positioning and possibly a high charge roll to get the unit set up so only a couple of models take can attack the scouts (so they don't kill them) and then consolidate into them so they are then locked in combat. I would say it's an advanced skill/tactic. If you're playing in a more competitive meta or the more top tables at tournaments, you'll probably experience it more. But I would guess that most players aren't going to really use that tactic often. 

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For interest /information sake - I'm playing 5man scout squads.  

I'm not quite sure what is worth striking and charging that can't kill 5x 4+ save models.  Also, unsure of what can wrap-lock it if its not the case.  This has just been the case with the games i've played though! Will let you know if that changes next week in the tournament! 

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For interest /information sake - I'm playing 5man scout squads.


I'm not quite sure what is worth striking and charging that can't kill 5x 4+ save models. Also, unsure of what can wrap-lock it if its not the case. This has just been the case with the games i've played though! Will let you know if that changes next week in the tournament!

You can position a unit that has made a successful 9" charge so it does not kill its target.


But even if they do kill your scouts, you've just ceded that board control. Do you have the units to take it back 100% of the time?


Not ever having to make that judgment call is why I've found Infiltrators to be of immense value. For an army like marines that struggles to control the board and can be contained relatively easily against highly mobile forces, the Infiltrators help slow everything down and have the resilience to make the opponent earn the kill.


Though I do see your point that there's value in the relatively expendable nature of scouts as a speed bump. If you're going to cede ground, best to do it as far from your deployment as you can. The only given here is that you'll be making the decision between taking one or the other since they both bring so much.


I just believe in the combination of scout deployment and omni-scramblers as immensely valuable tools to the point that I find they push aside scouts. Any price reduction, or the ability to equip any of the other special carbines in the inevitable multi-part release will serve to skew this further.

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I'm happy to let the discussion on this continue, providing its respectful, gents.


I don't mind the debate and disagreement, it's healthy.


But keep it cordial, thanks.


Not sure there's much left to say regarding the value of Infiltrators, though I would like to hear a lot more about what scouts can do for you. I'd share my successful experiences, but then it would really just be me talking to myself again. Nasty habit.


Haven't had a chance to really try out jump pack units following the fix to fly. Has anyone had some experiences there?



Don't get it twisted.... I've done AMAZING things with scouts. But Infiltrators deploy exactly like scouts, have superior bolters, have the same wounds per point, better armor... and stronger board control. The fact that they're equal points per wound is great. Think about how Infiltrators will be much more durable in melee as well..which is great for Blood Angels.

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