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Big FAQ April 2019

Doom Herald

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What changes are people satisfied with and what changes does everyone feel still needs to be addressed?


The fact that Bolter Discipline is official and added FALLEN is nice. In regards to FALLEN, I am happy that the way they resolved the summoning in an IMPERIUM army issue was resolved by removing IMPERIUM from the keywords of FALLEN ANGELS instead of adding No One's Puppet to FALLEN sorcerers. I would still have liked to see FALLEN Sorcerers get clarification that they can use their powers on FALLEN, or even just add HERETIC ASTARTES to the keywords of FALLEN or FALLLEN ANGELS.


The Dark Apostle relic interaction was resolved, though I still question if you can just take a Power Maul since it was Index wargear, but the way this was addressed indicates the answer as "no."


Chiropteran Wings will work in the Charge Phase. (Yes!)


I am very disappointed the only changes to the renegade rules were the adding <MARK OF CHAOS> restriction to certain warbands and the same change made to Legion Traits, that now Helbrute, Bikers, Infantry, and Characters gain the trait. This change was a good one for sure, but the Renegade rules are still mired in poor wording. For those disappointed that they can no longer have SLAANESH PURGE units, you can still use the Warband trait regardless of allegiance due to Warband Trait rules wording, though Relics, Warlord Traits, and Strategems are not covered by this.


Obliterators were adressed.


Noise Marines got a nerf. Music of the Apocolypse no longer allows them to shoot out of combat. If it goes off in combat, they now can ONLY use their bolt pistol and it must be the nearest enemy unit.


Chosen of the Pantheon has not been clarified.


Finally, summoning has been officially, explicitly said to work on turn 1 and why.

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I'm a bit shocked they didn't address the wording with Renegade Traits.  It's the only thing in the game which says "If your Chaos Space Marine army is taken from a Renegade Chapter" before it goes into how you can choose to take a trait from either the Codex or Vigilus Ablaze.  They adjusted the second sentence to affect CHARACTERS, which is fine,  but the question is what does "your Chaos Space Marine army" mean in this context?  I interpreted it to mean your entire army (i.e. your whole army needs to be from a Renegade Chapter to pick Renegade Traits; no Black Legion + Red Corsairs) but almost everyone else thinks it just means detachments like normal or simply skip over that first part of the first sentence.  I was hoping they'd clarify it because if you have to have all Renegades to get the Renegade Traits, that throws a wrench into a lot of people's plans.


Overall though I'm happy with the FAQ.  A bit saddened to see that soup/CP batteries are here to stay but it's not unexpected at this point in time.

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Where is the Bolter Discipline becoming official?  I can't seem to find it.


What's the Noise Marine nerf?  Is it that out-of-phase shooting now uses all the shooting rules?  If so, I'm actually in favour of it (despite playing Emperor's Children).


I do like that <LEGION> traits now go to all <LEGION> characters - meaning that the Lord Discordant and Index characters on steeds now get it.


As well, the 4 new renegade chapters (the Purge, the Flawless Host, ect.) now have to have the appropriate mark - a nerf, but one I don't mind as IMHO it should have been there is originally.

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I really like the change to adding CHARACTERS to legion rules. This finally allows all the index lords to have legion rules. My Lord on Steed of Slaanesh can finally get the bonuses. 


The Vigilus renegade changes makes sense, as people were realizing some nasty combos. 


What Nerf are you seeing on Noise Marines? 

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Best things hands down are the fact that the four god specific Renegade warbands are locked into their proper marks and that the Lord Discordant benefits from Legion traits. A Flawless Host Lord Discordant will be glorious!


The Noise Marine nerf is ridiculous.

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@Doom Herald, 
How does the purge trait work with non nurgle marked units? Not doubting it and as I like the purge trait, would quite like it to work that way! 
In general FAQ for chaos is fine. Surprised Red Corsairs did not get their tide of marines limited to once a game. 115pts oblits were expected. 
I note that Death Guard and Thousand Sons can still run 40 man cultist blobs for those who miss their big unit(s). I thought that would be changed.





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Prior to the FAQ the Music of the Apocolypse rule stated that they could make an attack with their weapon even if their unit was within 1" of an enemy model. That portion is not present in the rewritten version of the second sentence provided by the FAQ.
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Prior to the FAQ the Music of the Apocolypse rule stated that they could make an attack with their weapon even if their unit was within 1" of an enemy model. That portion is not present in the rewritten version of the second sentence provided by the FAQ.

They can still use their pistols, which is all it said you could use within 1'' before. It's status quo, but with condensed wording. 

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@Doom Herald,


How does the purge trait work with non nurgle marked units? Not doubting it and as I like the purge trait, would quite like it to work that way!



In general FAQ for chaos is fine. Surprised Red Corsairs did not get their tide of marines limited to once a game. 115pts oblits were expected.


I note that Death Guard and Thousand Sons can still run 40 man cultist blobs for those who miss their big unit(s). I thought that would be changed.


Second paragraph under Renegade Traits:

"If your chosen Renegade Chapter does not have an associated Renegade Trait, you can instead pick the trait that you think best represents your army."


Out of the Renegade rules, only Renegade Traits have a statement like this. You don't need the matching keyword to take the trait you want. Other special rules you get for Warbands still require the exact <LEGION> stand-in which now requires a specific <MARK OF CHAOS>.

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Prior to the FAQ the Music of the Apocolypse rule stated that they could make an attack with their weapon even if their unit was within 1" of an enemy model. That portion is not present in the rewritten version of the second sentence provided by the FAQ.

They can still use their pistols, which is all it said you could use within 1'' before. It's status quo, but with condensed wording.

No, it's not. The previous FAQ only said that if you use your pistol for this, it must target the nearest enemy unit. If you wanted to shoot the unit you were in combat with, you had to use pistols because shooting rules require a viable target not be within 1" of friendly models, pistol rules over-ride this. If you wanted to shoot a completely different enemy unit, one not in combat, you could, even if your noise marines were in combat because Music of The Apocolypse explicitly stated they could shoot even within 1" of an enemy.

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Prior to the FAQ the Music of the Apocolypse rule stated that they could make an attack with their weapon even if their unit was within 1" of an enemy model. That portion is not present in the rewritten version of the second sentence provided by the FAQ.

They can still use their pistols, which is all it said you could use within 1'' before. It's status quo, but with condensed wording. 



Nope, before this change the wording allowed you to use your Bolters, grenades, doom siren, blast masters or sonic blasters to shoot out of combat at a different unit as it allowed you to shoot while being within 1" of the enemy unit (but didn't allow you to shoot at a unit that is within 1" of one of your models). It even explicitly mentioned grenades.

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Prior to the FAQ the Music of the Apocolypse rule stated that they could make an attack with their weapon even if their unit was within 1" of an enemy model. That portion is not present in the rewritten version of the second sentence provided by the FAQ.

They can still use their pistols, which is all it said you could use within 1'' before. It's status quo, but with condensed wording.

No, it's not. The previous FAQ only said that if you use your pistol for this, it must target the nearest enemy unit. If you wanted to shoot the unit you were in combat with, you had to use pistols because shooting rules require a viable target not be within 1" of friendly models, pistol rules over-ride this. If you wanted to shoot a completely different enemy unit, one not in combat, you could, even if your noise marines were in combat because Music of The Apocolypse explicitly stated they could shoot even within 1" of an enemy.


Ah, ok. I think that was one of those interactions that I just never realized was there. 


I know the other two are better, but I've got a lord on steed model that's finally decent, especially for casual games.  Sometimes it's the simple pleasures. 

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Most of it was not surprising. I was pretty confident they'd put Obliterators back to Shadowspear cost in what was clearly an error, and amend the four renagade warbands to only allow their chosen God's marks. I was pleased that Incursion was addressed, and surprised but pleased that they expanded Legion traits to Characters so Lords Discordant can use them. I play Black Legion so it's not really going to affect me personally, but nice addition all the same and hopefully the first step in expanding traits beyond existing units.
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Most of it was not surprising. I was pretty confident they'd put Obliterators back to Shadowspear cost in what was clearly an error, and amend the four renagade warbands to only allow their chosen God's marks. I was pleased that Incursion was addressed, and surprised but pleased that they expanded Legion traits to Characters so Lords Discordant can use them. I play Black Legion so it's not really going to affect me personally, but nice addition all the same and hopefully the first step in expanding traits beyond existing units.

I'm quite happy that Rubricae were clarified in the way they were.

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So it looks like we can now take Twin-Linked Lascannons on Hellforged Contemptors, and can also take big guns on both arms for them now. And can add a havoc launcher without replacing anything. Does this make this unit worthwhile?

Chaos Decimator with dual Butcher cannons is 140. Contemptor with dual Butcher cannons is 166. The decimator has 1 more attack, heals, and has the Daemon keyword. The Contemptor has an extra WS and BS, but they both degrade, and so does its movement. It can heal from melee kills and has a better invul in melee. And it can get Legion traits, meaning as alpha legion they are pretty nasty.

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All I will say is I love my alpha legion double Butcher contemptor. It's definitely worth the points. The Havoc launcher isn't, though.


The havoc isn't great, but it isn't bad. At 6pts, its cheap enough that it will often use up some extra pts that can't get you another unit or model.

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Chiropteran Wings will work in the Charge Phase. (Yes!)



They'll also work during Warp Time now because when you're moving "as if in the Movement Phase" all of the rules apply as they normally would except the activation of Stratagems, which can only be activated during the phrase they mention.

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Bolter Discipline is now an official rule, yes.


I forgot to check the Forgeworld stuff. I am extremely disappointed they did not address special sub-warbands of legions such as The Faithless. We still don't know how changing <LEGION> to FAITHLESS works. Technically, we haven't even been told that FAITHLESS as a <LEGION> stand-in matches the FAITHLESS keyword on Arkos' datasheet.


At this point, it's so screwed they should probably make these Warbands specialist dettachments of their Legion.

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Bolter Discipline is now an official rule, yes.



Can you point to where it says that?  I recall reading that, but I can't find where - if I can't point my gaming buddies to it, I don't feel right using it. :)

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So it looks like we can now take Twin-Linked Lascannons on Hellforged Contemptors, and can also take big guns on both arms for them now. And can add a havoc launcher without replacing anything. Does this make this unit worthwhile?


Chaos Decimator with dual Butcher cannons is 140. Contemptor with dual Butcher cannons is 166. The decimator has 1 more attack, heals, and has the Daemon keyword. The Contemptor has an extra WS and BS, but they both degrade, and so does its movement. It can heal from melee kills and has a better invul in melee. And it can get Legion traits, meaning as alpha legion they are pretty nasty.

This makes me so happy have been wanting to field Twin Las on my Chaos Contemptors for ages
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