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New DA FAQ has been released! Thoughts?


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So, april the 29th brough us the new DA ERRATA.


No changes to DW units, that much is expected.


So, how about the other changes?


1) Speed of the Raven's wording means attack bikes that use it still fire at -1, since they count as not having advanced, which is not the same as firing without penalty.


2) Hellfire Shells and Flakk Missiles can no longer be used for a 2-for-1 effect with Armorium Cherubs in matched play (but could be used in narrative play, where you can play the same stratagem more than once per phase)


3) Interestingly, drop pods got a clarification on how they work. Someone would have to actually use them at all, for this to be noteworthy, but maybe that in itself is noteworthy.


Gotta say, I find this all very underwhelming.


Any other thoughts out there? Anyone had any specific expectations for the FAQ?

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The Dark Talon losing bolter drill really hurts, and I'm not entirely sure its worth taking for 200 points anymore. A friend mentioned that all characters get chapter tactics to the talonmaster would reroll 1s to hit if he sat still which would be nice I guess, but I can't find that part anywhere. Gotta agree with it being underwhelming, and tha'ts at best. Its a solid nerf at worst. 

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The probvlem in the room is and always will be soup. They ignored it.


The fly charges change makes sammael and talon master even better. Bolter drill on dark talons was nice, but not essential as so mobile, but absolutely pointless as the only problem hurricaine bolters had was giving them fuill wound re-rolls, not the rapid fire.

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Or, our codex might be rehauled, and changwd from Dark Angels, to Ravenwing-ers? a codex of JUST ravenwing.

if they do that im sorry but im leaving the angels and rebranding as a sanguine son better to continue the fight as a vampire then live to see the black wearing gotta go fast heresy continue

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Well, it changes DA very little imho.  Some things got a little better, some a little worse but we're probably still around where we were before it dropped, maybe slightly into the negative with the Dark Talon losing Bolter Discipline.


At the moment I'm up in the air with my list an unsure what to focus on next, I was hoping this would give me some direction...sadly not :huh.:

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Well, it changes DA very little imho.  Some things got a little better, some a little worse but we're probably still around where we were before it dropped, maybe slightly into the negative with the Dark Talon losing Bolter Discipline.


At the moment I'm up in the air with my list an unsure what to focus on next, I was hoping this would give me some direction...sadly not :huh:

I'm very much in the same boat not sure where to go army wise. I guess tanks might be worth a look now with the crutchstellan not being as good now?

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A good faq for the entirety of the game.


I count 4 nerfs to Dark Talons

1. no bolter discipline

- ‘aircraft’ keyword meaning...

2. No move blocking

3. No charging units while in hover mode that would cause them to fall back and therefore not shoot next turn

4. No benefit from prepared positions



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You put a points buff

You take a points buff out


You put a beta rule in

You take a beta rule out

In out in out

You shake it all about

You do the Dark Talon poky and you turn around

That’s what it’s all about

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One day GW with put out an FAQ that doesn’t effect the Dark Talon

But today is not that day.


I am not a tournament player but I keep an eye on what’s happening and it’s not like 3 Dark Talons or 3 Land Raider Crusaders have been crushing it because of Bolter drill so what unit is this Bolter drill change aimed at.

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The vehicles benefitting from it previously gained an unintented boost. I actually thought it was silly vehicles got it, so from a perspective of fluff/sense, I like that they updated it. I was never that keen on running 3 dark talons, just doesn't appeal to me, so I am quite happy I didn't decide on that for the tourney I will be attending in june.


The biggest hit with the change was taken by deathwatch. No wombo-comboing specialist ammo with doubletapping storm bolters at 24".


Except for the dark talon, storm raven and LRC, the changes to beta bolters don't make much difference to us. And the two fliers won't have too many problems with getting in range for doubletapping anyways. It's good to have it as an official rule, though, so no opponent should be surprised anymore (if they keep up with changes).

Can't find these changes for bolter beta rules. Can someone tell me where to look?



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I meant which vehicles were causing the issue that resulted in them removing Bolter drill from vehicles.


Even with Bolter drill my LRC wasn’t over powered.

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I meant which vehicles were causing the issue that resulted in them removing Bolter drill from vehicles.


Even with Bolter drill my LRC wasn’t over powered.



I don't think it was a huge balance issue, more of a fix of something that wasn't actually intented. I's supposed to be marine'esque models that know how to use bolters, not rhinos and flyers.

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I meant which vehicles were causing the issue that resulted in them removing Bolter drill from vehicles.


Even with Bolter drill my LRC wasn’t over powered.

I don't think it was a huge balance issue, more of a fix of something that wasn't actually intented. I's supposed to be marine'esque models that know how to use bolters, not rhinos and flyers.

It’s a shame because it did make some weaker units a bit more playable.


Oh well.

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In the games I've been running a dark talon it's been a fire magnet. When my opponents have been unable to take it out turn 1, it's done it's job well of bombing something and then killing some infantry (usually), but then it would normally die on turn two. If it's worth the pricetag of 200 I am not sure, I find it doesn't stack well with the specialist detachment for RW due to it already having strafing run, and it's harder to keep in range of Sammael and Talonmaster for the buffs.


Never actually used it for movement blocking, even though it could do it. Not allowing your opponent to move is not a thing I fancy doing, as I feel it takes away some fun of the game.

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I was taking it every game before beta bolters and plan to continue doing so even at 200. I wish it was less, but it always does work.


Bomb + some scout shooting will usually allow you to target something your opponent didnt expect it would be able to. It can also be a great distraction carnifex.


It is usually pretty survivable. 'Armor of Contempt' is a good strategem to keep in mind when facing mortal wound focus. 1cp is very worth it if multiple spells/mortal wounds are expected.

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It is a shame that things like Rhinos don't benefit from BD anymore.  I never quite understood why GW insists on having the same profile for Imperial weapons instead of doing like they do with the other armies and make one version for vehicles and one version for infantry.


It doesn't make much sense that a single Inceptor puts out an equal number of shots as a Razorback, but is significantly more accurate when jump the same distance the Razorback moved.  Or that the Inceptor can move 50% further and shoot with equal accuracy.  What stabilization does the Inceptor have hurtling through the air that would be superior to the Razorback's wide stance and tracks.  And before you go with a fluff argument about Primaris vs the more traditional Space Marine, consider that the same space marine sitting in the Razorback gunner's chair has the same accuracy there as he would if he was hauling the gun on his shoulder. 

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