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New DA FAQ has been released! Thoughts?


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Vehicles with gunners (i.e. literal "hands on" gunners) should have Bolter Drill. Those with remote or AI controls, no.


I find the Drop Pod rules to be total crap.  The ruling should have been, "The doors don't count for anything, ever; only the Hull of the Drop Pod matters." Instead, see the two objective markers on the table? If I put my Drop Pod between them, and then fold the doors down, now my model is 9" wide, and now controls/contests both of them. Oh, and when I disembark, do I choose to measure from the tips of the doors, or the hull? I really want to cheese up that bonus door distance, as my Drop pod is filled with a Command Squad and FIVE Characters. So, I fold the doors down and now Disembark my units from the tips of the two farthest apart doors, such that they can initially be spread out in a line up to 15" long, probably allowing for up to SIX Charge declarations! Hmmm. How many Drop Pods do I have in my list again?


EVERYTHING should be measured from the Hull. Period. It's simple. No shenanigans. As to the doors on a working model, just address that particular thing so far as them not counting for purposes of being within a certain distance of models, or when moving models near them (ONLY distance to the Hull matters), and that if the doors are left down then the Drop Pod can be shot through (LOS permitting), and if they are left up then the whole Drop Pod blocks LOS (but this decision MUST be made immediately after the unit(s) inside have disembarked). Was that so difficult to figure out?  Just keep it simple, while also eliminating the bullcrap. Just a plain stupid crappy job on the the Drop Pod FAQ, as it feeds the jerk in every a-hole player who will very purposely insert this crap into games, because "The rules explicitly state I can do it!" Anybody plan to Drop Pod the hell out of people like this? We do have stuff that can totally take advantage of this close combat-wise, and a gun-line army (now a highly mobile Drop Pod gun-line army) can use this to literally set up firing lines too - how would you like to set up half your force in enfilade?


Perhaps this will usher in a new Unbeatable Army List blog post on what will become known as "The "Drop Pod @#$! YOU! List," most often used by Black Templars (re-roll charges baby! - you're so screwed!!!) players, but that also has a growing following among Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and gun-line players.  Chunks of sky falling, I tell you! :tongue.:


Have I mischaracterized/misinterpreted something, such that it is not as bad as it seems?

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Im trying a las canon, HB, cherrub squad.

For 105 pt.

First turn the las can shoot twice, hitting on 2 rerolling witg hell fire shell in option.

I feel its a good filler squad to finish the job behind other heavy hitting units.

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Im trying a las canon, HB, cherrub squad.

For 105 pt.

First turn the las can shoot twice, hitting on 2 rerolling witg hell fire shell in option.

I feel its a good filler squad to finish the job behind other heavy hitting units.

Interesting. I'd been contemplating 3 Lascannons and a Heavy Bolter but found it too expensive. This could be interesting with 2 squads.

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I just had my first post-FAQ game tonight. DA Battalion Ravenwing Attack Squadron, DA Air Wing with 3 Dark Talons (also RWAS), and an Astra Militarum battalion to flesh out bodies.

Dark Talons not having the extra range did affect some of the shooting, but not so much that smart play couldn't mitigate it. Scouts holding position were getting great use out of the Bolter Drill still. RW continue to impress as the primary force. I don't think anyone should be afraid to run the Dark Talon.

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I just had my first post-FAQ game tonight. DA Battalion Ravenwing Attack Squadron, DA Air Wing with 3 Dark Talons (also RWAS), and an Astra Militarum battalion to flesh out bodies.


Dark Talons not having the extra range did affect some of the shooting, but not so much that smart play couldn't mitigate it. Scouts holding position were getting great use out of the Bolter Drill still. RW continue to impress as the primary force. I don't think anyone should be afraid to run the Dark Talon.


Scouts often earn me the majority of my VP's.  Love those little guys.

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