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Obliterators worth using?


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Since Obliterators got updated, I have heard nonstop from the guys in my local meta that they aren't worth it. "Overcosted, underpowered" blah blah blah. Every. Single. Time. I decide to bring them to the table.


I haven't had a single game yet where they haven't made their points back and then some. Even with low rolls on their weapon stats. I've had them start on the table, DS in, with and without Mark of Slaanesh/Endless Cacophony and VotLW. Literally every single game I've run them, they do exactly what I want them to do and they do it well. Even when I lose my games.


Yeah they're pricey points-wise. But they're this weirdly good balance between Terminators and Havocs that just works whenever I bring them. I have yet to regret bringing them to any of my games. And I keep pointing this out to those guys who yell at me "Obliterators suck! Overcosted!" yada yada blah blah blah!

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That's a result of the echo chamber that is the internet. I haven't used mine a ton, but i haven't wished of spent the points elsewhere


They've probably been following the whinefest thread on Dakka about it. The conclusions there are mind boggling and in total contradiction to what the simple math shows.

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It’s just too many mathhammer theorists without enough real world experience.


I said pages ago that although I feel they could do with a slight reduction, it’s not like at 100 points each I’m fitting in that Leviathan Dread all the sudden.


The intangibles I can’t ignore are the deep strikes, the invuln and the synergy with MoPs. Most importantly it’s the deepstrike though.


Although it’s not apples to apples, there is some merit in comparing them (in roles) to Centurions. The thing that bugs me about Centurions is short of a Landraider there’s simply no reasonable way of keeping them 100% safe from an alpha strike of some nature.


I was in a tournament that ruled the opposite (historically) on the determining of the gun stats and you kept that into Cacphony but I can live with it.


One thing I wonder is how people are handling altering those weapon stat results with the MoP power or a CP reroll. Do you roll all three stats then figure out what you want to change? Or do you reroll immediately ?

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That's a result of the echo chamber that is the internet. I haven't used mine a ton, but i haven't wished of spent the points elsewhere


One could equally argue the echo chamber from those saying they are fine on the internet. I ended up getting 4 online at a cheap price from people splitting up Shadowspear. Only because I have a concept for a Mk I terminator demon prince I want to do. They will get a points cut sooner or later. At worst they will be pretty paper weights on my desk that I can practice an IW variant paint scheme I have in mind for my veteran units.

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