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Vigilus Ablaze: omitted wargear options?


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I was interested in kit bashing the aspiring champion from Shadowspear into a dark apostle. Only to learn that the previously  legal option to arm a dark apostle with a plasma pistol has been omitted in vigilus ablaze. Can you substitute the previous weapons options with the new data sheets, like you could with index only options? 

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In the nee chaos codex its the same, he has his bp/cursed crozius and grenades and no option to change his wargear whatsoever.

Unlike models with index version this dark apostle is totally new in terms of skills/datasheet so i don’t see it being reasonable to arm him ‘as per index’ You might get opponent to be open to old datasheet on request but then you might be paying new points, and losing new abilities.

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You currently can legally use index options for him. Doesn't matter how different the datasheets are, they're still the same unit so you can still use those options.


However, with GW tending to lean towards only providing rules for units in the kit, I don't expect this option to be around forever.

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Yeah RAW the two Datasheets have the same name and it says only to give the new Datasheet old options, not to replace it completely so you should be fine using the new stuff and still using the old wargear options. Don't be too surprised if GW takes that away though.

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