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Let's talk about the astraeus super heavy tanks


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It, like most other FW choices, seems to be expensive for what it does. I have only seen parts of the "shootout" batrep from miniwargaming between the two superheavies, the astraeus doesn't strike me as particularly interesting. I'd probably rather have a fellblade, if I were to get a superheavy tank that doesn't stink of AM ;)

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It, like most other FW choices, seems to be expensive for what it does. I have only seen parts of the "shootout" batrep from miniwargaming between the two superheavies, the astraeus doesn't strike me as particularly interesting. I'd probably rather have a fellblade, if I were to get a superheavy tank that doesn't stink of AM ;)

Yeah the fellblade is cool seem worse than the astraeus for its points but like you say forgeworld is not great

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I've never seen it played but looking at how expensive it is and what you get for it I can understand why.

You pay a little above 700p for:

  • T8 W24 Sv2+
  • 5++/6++/7++
  • 2 shots at S9 AP-3 D1d6 (if you take the Lascannon over the Heavy Bolter)
  • 12 shots at S8 AP-2 D3
  • 4 shots at S8 AP-3 D3 (if you take the Lasripper over the Plasma Eradicators)
  • (leaving out all the small dakka as it doesn't amount to too much here)
  • basically no Stratagem support


On the other hand for a Knight Castellan you used to pay a little abover 600 (now a little above 700p as well) for:

  • T8 W28 Sv3+/5++
  • 1d6 shots at S14 AP-5 D3d3(!) with reroll wound rolls vs Titanic units
  • 4d3 shots at S7 AP-1 D1d3
  • 4 shots at S8 AP-4 D1d6
  • 2d6 shots at S7/8 AP-3 D1/2
  • 2 one-use-only shots at S10 AP-4 D1d6 that ignores invulnerable saves and can target characters without LoS via Stratagem
  • some scary melee attacks
  • lots of Stratagem support which allows it to buff its invul to 3++ (now "only" 4++) and to use its best profile until it's dead for good
  • smaller footprint (the Knight is a lot taller but it's easier to fit between terrain)


If imperial players have the choice between an expensive resin model (270€) that can do less than a cheaper plastic model (130€) then the choice is usually an easy one. :sweat:

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It's probably less good point for point, but a fairly big part of that is sponsons. Two quad lascannons. It does pack quite a bit of shooting. And it looks a lot better than the wierdly named grav super heavy in my opinion.

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I've never seen it played but looking at how expensive it is and what you get for it I can understand why.

You pay a little above 700p for:


  • T8 W24 Sv2+
  • 5++/6++/7++
  • 2 shots at S9 AP-3 D1d6 (if you take the Lascannon over the Heavy Bolter)
  • 12 shots at S8 AP-2 D3
  • 4 shots at S8 AP-3 D3 (if you take the Lasripper over the Plasma Eradicators)
  • (leaving out all the small dakka as it doesn't amount to too much here)
  • basically no Stratagem support

On the other hand for a Knight Castellan you used to pay a little abover 600 (now a little above 700p as well) for:

  • T8 W28 Sv3+/5++
  • 1d6 shots at S14 AP-5 D3d3(!) with reroll wound rolls vs Titanic units
  • 4d3 shots at S7 AP-1 D1d3
  • 4 shots at S8 AP-4 D1d6
  • 2d6 shots at S7/8 AP-3 D1/2
  • 2 one-use-only shots at S10 AP-4 D1d6 that ignores invulnerable saves and can target characters without LoS via Stratagem
  • some scary melee attacks
  • lots of Stratagem support which allows it to buff its invul to 3++ (now "only" 4++) and to use its best profile until it's dead for good
  • smaller footprint (the Knight is a lot taller but it's easier to fit between terrain)

If imperial players have the choice between an expensive resin model (270€) that can do less than a cheaper plastic model (130€) then the choice is usually an easy one. :sweat:

I agree with a lot of this and your have made some great points. The only thing I don't agree with is the stratagems you need a boat load of cps to feed the knight and I only run mono Angels and we don't get a lot of cps so having a tank that's not cp heavy is a appeal to me

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The Castellan became cheaper to run CP-wise, as you won't be rotating if you give it Ion Bulwark, by the way. But choice of superheavy relies on the level of competitiveness you want. If it's for casual stuff, the FW models are way more in line. If it's for being top dog competitively, I would consider looking at questoris knights instead.

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The Castellan became cheaper to run CP-wise, as you won't be rotating if you give it Ion Bulwark, by the way. But choice of superheavy relies on the level of competitiveness you want. If it's for casual stuff, the FW models are way more in line. If it's for being top dog competitively, I would consider looking at questoris knights instead.

I'm more semi competitive now Than top tier I few in my gaming group play top tier lists but not me and I don't go to many top tier events now just don't enjoy them that much anymore

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I know the feeling Oldmanlee, Itowards my end times with actually playing (I like to keep up with the lore and what is going on in the hobby now), I found that i enjoyed playing more fluffy or themed lists, winning with them was a perk, however what was king was if I and the person I was playing had a fun game.
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When comparing the Castellan vs the Astreus Super Heavy the Castellan hands down.




Since ITC have changed the fact you need a pure list to place in the faction that you want if you are chasing a faction award, I think the Astreus is not that bad an option.


It has almost the same amount of wounds per points as a fellblade but the Astreus comes with the 5++ from its void shields where a Fellblade has no invul. If your planning to play the mid tables of a tournament for faction awards its not a bad choice.

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When comparing the Castellan vs the Astreus Super Heavy the Castellan hands down.




Since ITC have changed the fact you need a pure list to place in the faction that you want if you are chasing a faction award, I think the Astreus is not that bad an option.


It has almost the same amount of wounds per points as a fellblade but the Astreus comes with the 5++ from its void shields where a Fellblade has no invul. If your planning to play the mid tables of a tournament for faction awards its not a bad choice.


We don't get itc rankings here in the uk so that's not that big of a deal my issue at the moment is building a list with one in it its a struggle

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When comparing the Castellan vs the Astreus Super Heavy the Castellan hands down.




Since ITC have changed the fact you need a pure list to place in the faction that you want if you are chasing a faction award, I think the Astreus is not that bad an option.


It has almost the same amount of wounds per points as a fellblade but the Astreus comes with the 5++ from its void shields where a Fellblade has no invul. If your planning to play the mid tables of a tournament for faction awards its not a bad choice.


We don't get itc rankings here in the uk so that's not that big of a deal my issue at the moment is building a list with one in it its a struggle



Truth be told, saving 700'ish points from codex DA to fill in a FW model to keep it pure is hard work when you want something else that can do damage/stay on the table a little longer than leaves in autumn.


I haven't even actually tried. But could be a challenge.

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When comparing the Castellan vs the Astreus Super Heavy the Castellan hands down.




Since ITC have changed the fact you need a pure list to place in the faction that you want if you are chasing a faction award, I think the Astreus is not that bad an option.


It has almost the same amount of wounds per points as a fellblade but the Astreus comes with the 5++ from its void shields where a Fellblade has no invul. If your planning to play the mid tables of a tournament for faction awards its not a bad choice.


We don't get itc rankings here in the uk so that's not that big of a deal my issue at the moment is building a list with one in it its a struggle

Truth be told, saving 700'ish points from codex DA to fill in a FW model to keep it pure is hard work when you want something else that can do damage/stay on the table a little longer than leaves in autumn.


I haven't even actually tried. But could be a challenge.

Challenges are allways good fun in my book

I know I want to try and fit it in my primaris list as I would like to paint them and having a cool centrepiece model is allways nice to have

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think it's a beautiful model, as is the fellblade. One day I'll have both. We've got some guard superheavy / Titan players in my group, and I always allow them to use the points their models came with at the start of 8th. I'd rather get a chance to play against a Reaver Titan than never see it on the table following chapter approved.
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The Astraeus is actually pretty good but relies on the HQ re-roll auras.


It becomes very efficient shooting once it's paired with re-rolling all hits and wound rolls of 1 from a Chapter Master and Lieutenant - more so than Knights who need to burn CP and have no natural access to re-roll auras. You have to make use of them!


Is it worth it? Perhaps not at the very highest level BUT it can definitely do a job and it looks incredible on the tabletop.

It's currently the best of the Astartes super heavy vehicles because the cost isn't prohibitive and the damage isn't random - the guns have a nice, fixed number of shots and you should always go full Las. If you want to get the most out of it you also need some units to distract your opponent such as infiltrating or fast moving elements.


It has my seal of approval.

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The Astraeus is actually pretty good but relies on the HQ re-roll auras.

It becomes very efficient shooting once it's paired with re-rolling all hits and wound rolls of 1 from a Chapter Master and Lieutenant - more so than Knights who need to burn CP and have no natural access to re-roll auras. You have to make use of them!

Is it worth it? Perhaps not at the very highest level BUT it can definitely do a job and it looks incredible on the tabletop.

It's currently the best of the Astartes super heavy vehicles because the cost isn't prohibitive and the damage isn't random - the guns have a nice, fixed number of shots and you should always go full Las. If you want to get the most out of it you also need some units to distract your opponent such as infiltrating or fast moving elements.

It has my seal of approval.

I just can't seem to come up with a list I like yet

But you make some very good points

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People forget to factor in the auras that Astartes have access to. It's a pretty unique mechanic to power armour armies. Eldar, Ork, Tau, GSC, Daemons etc don't have this and we should be making a full use of it.


It boosts units, especially something like the Astraeus quite a bit. If you have access to full re-rolls to hit it really mitigates the brackets drop in performance as you're still hitting 75% of the time against ANY target including Eldar flyers that might have a -3 hit modifier when using the main gun unless you're down to the last few wounds.


Something to consider is that flyers are becoming very dominant again and this tank can remove them from the table with ease. I still think this is more of a hobby unit and not the most efficient choice, but it's good.

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