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April 2019 FAQ/Errata - How it affects us

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With the drop yesterday of the new rules, I think we can all safely re-pack up our LRCs. (In fact, even with the Bolter Drill rule, the LRC was still poor, and I haven't used it in a while.) I'm more annoyed about the Storm Raven I finally have gotten round to painting!


However, whiel GW have taken away with one hand, they have given us a little tidbit and fixed an issue I've had for a while. This is from the Codex Space Marines errata as of yesterday:


Page 201 – The Crusader’s Helm


Change this ability to read: ‘Black Templars model only. The wearer of the Crusader’s Helm increases the range of its aura abilities by 3" (to a maximum of 12").’


What does this mean you ask? Well, it extends Crusader's Helm to cover ALL auras, not just those on the datasheet. This means that it now also affects Warlord Traits.


Why is this good news? Well it means that a Marshal with Helm now has a 9" aura on both his re-roll bubble and, for example, Storm Of Fire. Which is a fix I've been after for ages, It made so little sense that the Marshal had a different size bubble depending on which aura you were using. (It was also a right pain in the cuss to measure)


With this, we can sit on a hill and shoot heretics better than all of our brothers! Combine it with a Chapter Master upgrade and you re-roll all misses, and gain -1AP on every 6 within an 18 inch radius.


Any other useful combinations I've missed?


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The holy orb got changed as well:


You can only use this weapon once per battle. This weapon automatically hits its target (no hit rolls are made). When this weapon hits a target, roll one D6 for every 10 models in the target unit (rounding up). For each roll of 2+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds

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The holy orb got changed as well:


You can only use this weapon once per battle. This weapon automatically hits its target (no hit rolls are made). When this weapon hits a target, roll one D6 for every 10 models in the target unit (rounding up). For each roll of 2+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds


I think that change came out a few months ago, it isn't pink as of yesterday.

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It’s basically gives us a smite. If it was just a straight d6 mortal wounds it be fine imho. But more on topic. The overall faq is fine and much needed buff. Next up getting Neophytes fixed.


Main thing about LRCrusader is that you place a tide squad inside. And then jump said tide squad out to prevent bumper carring. Really we got a notable boost. Remember it’s not just Marshall’s who can carry this Helm. It means we can have a Castallen have it, and have a warlord trait like storm of fire. Safely in the back hiding.

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How were we buffed?  At least Ironclads still get beta bolters, too. :mellow.:

At least they didn't give us the Grey Knight treatment?


Seriously though, this whole "storm bolters on tanks are actually good" reaction of GW's fails to see the issue completely. The beta bolter rule gave a much needed boost to vehicles like the Rhino and Razorback as well, and if letting you double your shots all the time is making the Crusader good but no one cares about the other Land Raiders, maybe the issue isn't the Crusader.


And yes, it buffed the flyers with Hurricane Bolters as well, but at the end of the day, those needed that buff just to compensate for their points. Alternatively they could have just upped the points cost for Hurricane Bolters and left the rule unchanged.


And I'm still saltier than the Dead Sea about Marines not having traits for their vehicles. Does no one remember how the hell to fight properly once they need to man a tank?

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Someone has pointed out that the original codex version of the rule didn't specify a maximum range of 12". Which means that the Crusader's Helm won't buff the new Shadowspear 12" deep strike denial bubbles any further. I can't think of any other 12" bubbles?

Some of the BRB Warlord traits and chapter approved DIY character traits.

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