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Mono Grey Knights Won Briscon 2019


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Didn't see this posted here. Mono Grey Knights army won the Briscon 2019 ETC Tournament. About 68 participants total, the winner played against some fairly good lists.


Reddit Discussion here:




Games streamed here:




Army list:


Brother Captain (halberd + storm bolter) - warlord 112   
Loremaster, Gate of Infinity, Hammerhand, Fury of Deimos


Lord Kaldor Driago 180

Gate of infinity, Astral Aim


Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight (Great sword) 205    



Apothecary 75    
Astral Aim


Paladin Squad (10 models) 514

Gate of infinity, 4x psilencers, 2x Warding stave, 8x halberd 


Purifier squad (10 models) 210   

Vortex of doom, 10x falchions 


Purgation squad (5 models) 105    



Land raider (2x twin lascannon + twin heavy bolter + storm bolter) 299


Land raider (2x twin lascannon + twin heavy bolter + storm bolter) 299


General observations:


- Notice those Warding staves on the Paladins? Like baby storm shields.


- Good call minimizing CPs. Our Stratagems are useless.


- 2x Land Raiders is a bold choice. He mostly used them to sit on objectives.

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List looks like it could be quite effective. I'd like to have a look and see how the purifiers got on.


I said it previously over in the recent GK tactics thread that I seriously think we are trying to force the use of battalions which I just don't think work well with GKs in the first place. I think the trade off in command points for the ability to forgo strike squads is well worth it honestly. Not to mention that strike squads generally need a buffing character and the psybolt strat to show some inkling of effectiveness anyway.

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I seriously think that GW developed some armies to NOT use battalions, and to use multiple Vanguard and Outrider detachments, to build the army with the models YOU love for the play you want.


But things went awry with people taking the most powerful choices (because of course they would).

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Can't watch for some reason. But did the guy combat squad the paladins and purifiers?


I don't think so.


Part of the tournament format includes:

1. Gaining a victory point for every unit you destroy.

2, Gaining an extra victory point if you kill more units than your opponent per game turn.


So, having to chew through 2 landraiders, 10 paladins, 10 purifiers buffed by Draigo and an Apothecary...is basically denying your opponents potential victory points for most of the game.

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It's an outrider and vanguard detachment (says above each bit :)) really interesting concept but as he says it fitted his meta as he knew that the top armies wouldn't have any counters to what he brought but mid level (more casual players) would have the tools to defeat it. Would love to try it out but who has landraiders these days lol
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