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Adeptus Mechanicus - Forge World Ultramenides

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So I have started yet another new army...

Probably a bit foolish as I now have 4 separate projects on the go but at least all of the armies tie together...

The idea behind this project was to add some Ad-Mech to my Ultramarines, Macragge PDF and House Terryn armies.

So I needed to find a way to incorporate the Ultramar colour scheme (blue, ivory, red and gold) into an Ad-Mech force. I did a bit of hunting around and decided that the best way to do it would be to create my own Forge World.

So with 500 worlds to choose from within Ultramar I decided on a minor Forge World - Ultramenides. I am still working on background for them but essentially they came to prominence during the Indomitus Crusade.

So far I only have very rough WIPs at this stage. I am just testing out the colour scheme to see if it will work and so far I like it although I am not enjoying painting Skitarii.... so fidly.

Anyway, some very early colour tests of Skitarii Vanguard, and basecoated Kastellan battle Robots.The Skitarii haven't been highlighted yet and obviously are still at the sub-assembly stage but hopefully it's obvious where I'm going with the colour scheme.

The Kastellans are literally just undercoated but I posted pics to show off the (newish) Vallejo Hobby Spray - this is their Ultramarines Blue spray and I have to say I'm very happy with the result. It goes on super smooth ans is a pretty good match for the Citadel Colour Altdorf Guard Blue that I use for my Ultras. 



Cheers everybody, planning to spend the Bank Holiday weekend painting so hopefully have some of the Skitarii finished and have the robots pretty much done.

I'll also try to get some pics of my Knights in my other thread up too. :)

  • 2 weeks later...
So not much to show for a weekend's painting, lol, seem to keep getting distracted.

Anyway the Kastellans are now fully basecoated and shaded and ready for tidying up and highlighting. I also sketched in the kneepad very roughly on 5-ARJ, also known as Sarge. :)

These look great! I'm loving the bold colours, and the knee looks very neat already.

Cheers Chazmos, it's not too bad, just needs squaring up in places and the paints gone a bit thick but should be able to sort it out. It's weird, the kneepad is about 4 times bigger than a Primaris Marine's but seemed harder to do. :smile.:


Cheers Mithrilforge - the blue is actually the new Vallejo hobby spray which has made things a lot easier, can't wait to start using it on my marines. :)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Cheers everybody. I'm calling the Kastellans done for now. I've not had much chance to get any painting done of late so these have been sat on my workstation since january....

I will go back and finish off a few bits at a later date but they're ready for the tabletop. :)



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