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Status of Venus in M41/M42?

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I'm with you on that. If they terraformed Mars (appearently twice, once after nuclear war) they can terraform Venus.


For crying out loud, people and cultures came up on Fenris and Catachan.

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I'd ring the bell for 'seconded/thirded' as I haven't a clue what happened in that 10 Millennium gap.  I think I only saw one reference that I know of to Venus off the top of my head* and it's in Book 8: Malevolence. 


Didn't the Blood Angels under their old moniker/nom de guerre The Revenents, butcher the population of Venus early in conquest of the solar system "away from prying eyes"?


Post Script: Not all of them, apparently, but Venus did get a few visits, it seems.  There's reference to a number of 'bloody wars' where the IXth got their battle honours for the campaign, an armorium device called the Pentagram of Vespa.


*And thus, has a real strong possibility of being wrong. Oh hey, I mostly was. 

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Well. Looking at both planets in real life there is definitly lots of room to make both significant in the setting. Their proximity to Terra and Mars alonr should make them historic places.


In practical terms the closer a terrestrial world is to its primary (Sol in this case) the the more it's distribution of constituent elements tends toward the heavy end of the periodic table. Because those elements would settle to lower orbits of the proto solar system and become liquids and solids at higher temperatures and thus less diffuse. So Mercury and any other planet with a similar position in its system should make an excellent mining world. The abundance of solar energy will also make solar power and excellent option on a world like Mercury aswell.

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Well. Looking at both planets in real life there is definitly lots of room to make both significant in the setting. Their proximity to Terra and Mars alonr should make them historic places.


In practical terms the closer a terrestrial world is to its primary (Sol in this case) the the more it's distribution of constituent elements tends toward the heavy end of the periodic table. Because those elements would settle to lower orbits of the proto solar system and become liquids and solids at higher temperatures and thus less diffuse. So Mercury and any other planet with a similar position in its system should make an excellent mining world. The abundance of solar energy will also make solar power and excellent option on a world like Mercury aswell.

Good post!!

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On the grounds that it's the case in almost every sci-fi where humanity has populated the solar system, I would guess that there are shipyards in proximity to Jupiter. So the phrase 'Jovian fleets' (which sounds quite cool) can be used.


Also am ultra secret research base on Titan, where something will accidentally be released/unleashed at some point. :)

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On the grounds that it's the case in almost every sci-fi where humanity has populated the solar system, I would guess that there are shipyards in proximity to Jupiter. So the phrase 'Jovian fleets' (which sounds quite cool) can be used.


Also am ultra secret research base on Titan, where something will accidentally be released/unleashed at some point. :smile.:


There already is the ultra secret chapter 666 on Titan with the potential of having something devastating unleashed at some point. No need for a secret research base. :P

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On the grounds that it's the case in almost every sci-fi where humanity has populated the solar system, I would guess that there are shipyards in proximity to Jupiter. So the phrase 'Jovian fleets' (which sounds quite cool) can be used.


Also am ultra secret research base on Titan, where something will accidentally be released/unleashed at some point. :smile.:

There already is the ultra secret chapter 666 on Titan with the potential of having something devastating unleashed at some point. No need for a secret research base. :P

Shhhh! That information is classified: omni-sanctus extremis maximus!

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Well, it was a planet, then it wasn't a planet, then it waffled back and forth for a while until a drunk techmagus decided he was tired of the whole bloody debate and vaporized it into it's constituent atoms.
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We need novels set there, someone get Aaron on it.

What, so we can have a tale about how amazing and brilliant life on Venus is, with everyone happy and worshiping Kaos in harmony.


Then the Emperor shows up, cancels Christmas, replaces the jam in everyone's porridge with salt and doubles road tax. Oh, and kills Abaddon's parents, who are really from Venus, making all of King Failures actions justified.


That kind of tale?



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We need novels set there, someone get Aaron on it.

What, so we can have a tale about how amazing and brilliant life on Venus is, with everyone happy and worshiping Kaos in harmony.


Then the Emperor shows up, cancels Christmas, replaces the jam in everyone's porridge with salt and doubles road tax. Oh, and kills Abaddon's parents, who are really from Venus, making all of King Failures actions justified.


That kind of tale?



More like the recent novels set on Terra, we don't even know the name of a SINGLE city on Venus, yet how many books on Necromunda do we have?

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We need novels set there, someone get Aaron on it.

What, so we can have a tale about how amazing and brilliant life on Venus is, with everyone happy and worshiping Kaos in harmony.


Then the Emperor shows up, cancels Christmas, replaces the jam in everyone's porridge with salt and doubles road tax. Oh, and kills Abaddon's parents, who are really from Venus, making all of King Failures actions justified.


That kind of tale?




The Imperium was always an evil project whose only saving grace was that Chaos is even worse.  40k has never been a fascist fable about how genocide and militarism are necessary reactions to a harsh universe.

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We need novels set there, someone get Aaron on it.

What, so we can have a tale about how amazing and brilliant life on Venus is, with everyone happy and worshiping Kaos in harmony.


Then the Emperor shows up, cancels Christmas, replaces the jam in everyone's porridge with salt and doubles road tax. Oh, and kills Abaddon's parents, who are really from Venus, making all of King Failures actions justified.


That kind of tale?



More like the recent novels set on Terra, we don't even know the name of a SINGLE city on Venus, yet how many books on Necromunda do we have?

Because Necromundas been an important part of the setting since 1st edition?


Still a bit more fluff from our solar system would be nice considering its importance in said setting.


Yep I say get Aaron on the job.

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Following years of mining operations and hazardous environment training on the second planet in the Sol system, the world was relegated to an inhospitable backwater, home to gangs and industrial centers producing the remnants of the planets resources into useable materials for the Imperium.


It wasn’t until M30 that Venus’ use as an ammunition storage planet was discovered and utilized. It’s proximity to Sol, it’s inhospitable nature, the effective cloud cover, and its position within the orbit of Terra made it a valuable location. Indeed, there are many imperial doctrines which pegs Venus as the fallback location once the frontline of Terra falls. The fact it’s stored ammunition is the throne worlds reserve, makes it almost equally important in a solar war.


Boom. Some free lore for anyone to make use of.


Could we relocate the golden throne & astromican?  Unless the Palace is one giant spaceship (that would be awesome!!) or the Mechnicus could teleport it like they did to Ullanor!!

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Not just Venus. There are a lot of places within the Imperium, both planets and/or regions, I would love to see developed/spotlighted in the lore.

For example, we learnt more about Ultramar and the 500 worlds in the latest BRB and CSM than we have ever known, and it's the homeworld of GWs poster boys.

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Venus is a pretty awful place, even by 40K standards. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times that of Earth, equivalent to being 1000m under water. It rains sulfuric acid, and the surface temperature is hot enough to melt lead. There is no water to speak of. Oh, and there may be quite a bit of volcanism - like to the point that the entire planet gets resurfaced by magma periodically. But we're not sure how active that is.


Anyway, the point is that setting up shop on Venus would be a royal pain.* You'd have to have a darn good reason. This is not to say that the Imperium couldn't colonize and/or even terraform Venus - with void shields, adamantium, etc., it would be doable. The question is whether it would be worthwhile. The tech issue cuts both ways; with warp drive and gravity manipulation etc., it could well be less hassle for the Imperium to just find another world - whether within the solar system or without - to use for whatever they thought Venus might be useful for. It would be like building a vacation home in Antarctica: possible with modern technology, but good luck finding a Thai delivery place if you get tired of penguin meat.


But then again, this is the Imperium we're talking about. They have resources to burn and a penchant for the grandiose, so who knows? *shrug*


*I will note, however, that there have been proposals for floating colonies on Venus that would be possible-ish even with modern tech. Specifically, breathable air is a lifting gas in the Venerian atmosphere, and such colonies at an altitude of several dozen km would not be exposed to the hellish atmospheric conditions of the surface. I could actually see Venus being sparsely colonized in the 40K universe by similar means. Perhaps consisting mainly of sky-villas for the Terran elite, with a permanent populations mostly consisting of support staff?

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Don't forget that the Imperium doesn't need to have done any terraforming work of Venus - who knows what was done during the Dark Age of Technology? Perhaps there was a solar shield/mirror of some sort deployed to change the amount of light Venus receives...
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Don't forget that the Imperium doesn't need to have done any terraforming work of Venus - who knows what was done during the Dark Age of Technology? Perhaps there was a solar shield/mirror of some sort deployed to change the amount of light Venus receives...


That's true. And if I remember correctly, didn't humanity NOT have warp drive for a huge chunk of the DAoT? That would provide impetus to colonize Venus if they were stuck in the Sol System.

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What I want to know is: what is the status of Pluto?


Pluto is a battleground location in Praetorian of Dorn.  It's the edge of the Fists' major Solar defense network and is attacked by an AL ghost fleet.  Dorn and Alpharius duke it out there.

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Don't forget that the Imperium doesn't need to have done any terraforming work of Venus - who knows what was done during the Dark Age of Technology? Perhaps there was a solar shield/mirror of some sort deployed to change the amount of light Venus receives...

That's true. And if I remember correctly, didn't humanity NOT have warp drive for a huge chunk of the DAoT? That would provide impetus to colonize Venus if they were stuck in the Sol System.

Terraforming Venus was well within the capabilities of the DAoT.

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