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On the topic of dreadnoughts

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So guys, forgeworld is doing a dreadnought sale this week where you get an arm for free (https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/05/03/give-a-hand-to-your-gangs-and-dreadnoughts/)


If I wanted to shell out for a Dread, look sexy in Black and maybe :cuss up some tanks:

Cantmptor mortis with 4 lascannons or Leviathan with 2 storm cannons? What do you say?

I know its just 13 bucks but something is screaming you are saving money! In my head

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So its a question of what I think is more pretty basicly?

I would like to run a pair of mortis contemptors to be honest. On the other hand the Leviathan does look great. Storm cannons are s7, yes? How do the fare vs leman russes and co? If I commit 3xx pts to a Leviathan there wont be a lot of points for other at left. (on the other hand I am still kind of turned on by a Sicaran venator... Could make for a nasty dynamoc duo those two)

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Dual grav on a Leviathan sounds tasty as well, if you're willing to get stuck in close.  Very versatile.  Although guns that get Dx shots with no set base like 3Dx often disappoint.

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Well I mean the storm cannon array just looks :cussing awesome.

I just feel like it will not be able to touch stuff above that goes above T7. On the other hand maybe this is the time in which I have to work on a dreanought list with 2-3 venerable dreadnoughts and the leviathan as gun platforms and a metric :cusston of footslogging crusaders as support.

I think I'll play around in battlescribe as I go to bed. I also finished my terminators so I'm fixing to give those a run.

At least this answers what I am going to buy next for my crusade as I was unsure how to proceed, I currently have a landspeeder on my workbench, which I  should finish in the next few days and then its off to painting KT rogoue trader. The Leviathan would be a nice gift to myself for finishing uni this month...

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Speaking of dreadnoughts, has anyone used mortis dreadnoughts? I have two extra dreadnought bodies and I was wondering what weapons to give them, lascannons are obviously top tier but what about heavy plasma cannons, missile launchers or assault cannons? I already have 2 Ven Dreads with lascannons and a razorback with lascannon so I was wondering some alternative loadout for a mortis dread.
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Rifleman Dread with all autocannons is supposed to be quite strong



I played around a bit:

I could do 3*15 melee crusaders, 3*5 crusaders with lascannons plas plas, Leviathan, 2 lasmis Dreads, cptn sigislam, grimaldus, castellan with ToT, techmarine, EC is a possibility at 2k. Maybe instead of the Black Tide I could also do another 3 firesupport squads, remove Plasma from the fire Support squads ans give their swordbrethren stormbolter and then add in a drop pod full of swordbrethren. But I am not sure how I would feel about that, missing out on all that glorious melee

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