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Astorath or Lemartes for supporting DC?


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Hey all,


Im abit conflicted about taking either Lemartes or Astorath as an hq with the goal to support a jump DC unit. I feel Astorath is more well rounded as a character and can boost things that arent DC. However the buffs that Lemartes gives to a DC are more usefull I feel.


Always getting a reroll to charge distance when within 6 inches of Lemartes is pretty huge. And hes cheaper then Astorath as well. He is abit weaker in combat then Astorath is (but only slightly) and he doesent buff things that arent DC which is the biggest drawback I suppose. But since hes also cheaper I kinda feel that overall it evens out. I just dont know which one to take :sweat:


What are peoples thoughts on this?

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If your planning on deep striking a squad of DC in, lemartes all the way.

That reroll to charges can be huge when you roll 3d6 and roll nothing but 1s and 2s.


Both are fine if your starting on the table, and as dice mentioned, astaroth can buff other units as well.

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*If you're planning on deep striking a squad of DC together with another unit, then Lemartes all the way.

If you roll a 4+ on at least one of the charge dice then using 1CP to re-roll the other is statistically better than using a full re-roll from Lemartes so it's only really important if you roll abyssmal or if you have 2+ units to charge with.

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I've been bringing Astorath because he allows DC to ignore morale. In my vanguard detachment I run 10 DC in a rhino, and a 9-15 man squad with JPs. I usually forlorn fury the DC and UWoF Astorath to get him beside them.


Both Lemartes and Astorath have their places as has been said previously. Astorath just gives extra bonuses to things like your vanguard vets, and Sanguinary Guard.

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I personally only used the new deep strike mechanic so far because I like that its guarranteed to land now. But must say that if the charge doesent land they are in some deep trouble :ermm:


I must say I kind of dident consider letting them start on the table :blush.: I feel they would just get shot at to much...

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I personally only used the new deep strike mechanic so far because I like that its guarranteed to land now. But must say that if the charge doesent land they are in some deep trouble :ermm:


I must say I kind of dident consider letting them start on the table :blush.: I feel they would just get shot at to much...

You can always Forlorn Fury them out of LOS or if you are going first it's a free move to set a turn 1 charge.

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After the FAQ you are able to now chant 'mass of doom' to give a unit +1 to hit and then use 'upon wings of fire' to re-deploy them and retain the buff. Pre faq the buff would be lost in the warp. Astorath has a ton of play now :) Especially vs aggressive armies since you can potentially be hitting on 2s with most of your army.

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