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Return to the Guard!

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Greetings Commanders! After a two year absence from the game I have decided to start playing again. Initially I plan to play semi-competitively with the end state of participating in ITC tournaments. I am looking for army composition advice. What are the most haves, what are the absolute avoids, what is most competitive? That sort of thing.


I'd like to stay faction pure but I am not opposed to playing soup. I have a fairly extensive AM collection and can purchase a few things if needed. I do not intend to include a castellan though.


I favor mobile shooting with a bit of assault capability mixed in. Initial thoughts lean towards Tallarn tank commanders backed by infantry, artillery and Bullgryns. Some friends insist that smash captains are a requirement now.


I am open to all useful advice. If anything is unclear as to intent, please let me know. I look forward to the discussion. Thanks!

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Welcome back wulfgar :thumbsup: What models do you have? Don't forget we'll need pictures :wink: A good core of infantry is part of most good Guard lists, and of course the armoured might of the Guard is second to none! Artillery is useful, Basilisks can hit pretty hard but you need an army that can adequately protect them/pressure the opponent as they are a bit squishy.


Bullgryns will do very well for you in smashing things; you don't need a smash captain (or apparently to listen to some of your friends :tongue.: ). Nor do you need soup, as Guard have a solid codex with plenty of decent options so for semi-competitive play you should be fine focusing on His hammer :thumbsup:

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Thanks for the warm welcome, WarriorFish!  Once I get settled into my new house I will get some pictures posted. Currently all of my belongings are in transit back to the States from Germany.  As I mentioned in my previous post, I do own quite a few Guard models.  I will attempt to list them from memory below.  My friends who insist on the smash captains believe they are the best answer to flyer spam that are prevalent in the competitive scene.


My collection from memory consists of the following:


2 x LRBT

1 x LR Punisher

1 x LR Eradicator

2 x LR Executioner

6 x Chimera

3 x Basilisks

2 x Wyverns

2 x Valkyries

2 x Hellhounds

3 x Sentinels

9 x Bullgryns

~150 infantry

9 x mortar teams

11 x lascannon teams

4 x autocannon teams

4 x missile launcher teams

various officers, commissars, priests, psykers, etc.

I also have one of each assassin, Greyfax and Coteaz


Initially, I am looking at a brigade using Emperor's Fist and then a battalion or spearhead using Emperor's Wrath. 

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I'll post some pics once I get my stuff back in my possession. I am considering a major overhaul of the army appearance. I'm looking at swapping out the heads for either skitarii vanguard heads or maybe scion heads.


In building a competitive list, what are the most have elements? I'm considering, in order of importance, mobility, firepower (AP,AT), psychic support/defense, survivability, close combat and anti-flyer. I'm leaning heavily toward Tallarn even though they may not be the most efficient from a competitive standpoint. I have a *very* rough draft of a list that I'll post later on when I get back home.

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Guard range is so broad its more a case of what style you want to play. 


In competitive format scoring is about 50% control of board (ITC scores kills and objectives every turn) so mobility I agree with you is key. 


I prefer infantry over tanks, but this is preference - if you have time I wrote this article for Cadian Shock, a guard blogger https://cadianshock.com/imperial-guard-infantry-update/


I run Cadian as a firebase and Tallarn as an assault group and screen modelling the troops differently as I have made my own homebrew regiment - some pics here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345558-the-fallax-hammers-wip/page-3

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Guard range is so broad its more a case of what style you want to play. 


In competitive format scoring is about 50% control of board (ITC scores kills and objectives every turn) so mobility I agree with you is key. 


I prefer infantry over tanks, but this is preference - if you have time I wrote this article for Cadian Shock, a guard blogger https://cadianshock.com/imperial-guard-infantry-update/


I run Cadian as a firebase and Tallarn as an assault group and screen modelling the troops differently as I have made my own homebrew regiment - some pics here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/345558-the-fallax-hammers-wip/page-3

I considered running a pure infantry list but I don't think I have the energy or, frankly, the desire to run 200+ models.  Below is the rough draft for the list I am considering running.  Please tear it apart.


Brigade Detachment (Tallarn) 15 CP base, -1 CP for Emperor's Fist

Tank Commander, Relic Battle Cannon

Tank Commander, Battle Cannon

Tank Commander, Punisher, sponson Heavy Bolters, Heavy Stubber

Primaris Psyker


6 Infantry Squads (bare)


Astropath, laspistol

9 Bullgryn, Mauls, 5 Slab Shield, 4 Brute Shield

Ministorum Priest


3 Armored Sentinels, Autocannons


3 Mortar Teams


Battalion Detachment (Tallarn) 5 CP base, -1 CP for Emperor's Wrath, -2 CP for Operative Requisition Sanctioned

3 Company Commanders


3 Infantry Squads (bare)






1982 points, 16 CP after specialist detachments and assassin stratagem.  

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Use those 18 points on squad upgrades then! Plasma guns are always good. Or even hunter killer missiles on your sentinels. Guard can get loads if mileage out of 18 point. You could even get a commissar for 16 points
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