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Blood Angels Leviathan


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I have been toying with the idea of getting either a Leviathan or a Contemptor Dread for a while. It is probably old hat to most people but I have just noticed that FW have released a BA specific Leviathan with twin assault cannons on the chest. Combine that with twin Storm Cannons for truly unbelievable levels of dakka.




FW are also running a deal until the end of May where you get one arm weapon free when you buy a complete Dread (any style). This is serious temptation on my wallet! :biggrin.:

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Go for it! I love the Leviathan, it's a great model. It also comes with heavy flamers that can mount on the body instead of the assault cannons (the assault cannons can't be used in 40k). I would magnetize them so you can swap between the two depending on what you play. The Blood Angel Contemptor is also a lovely looking model, so I think you would be happy with either!
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Yeap, even after people swore off FW for the price bump last year this offer has come around again and gotten people back spending, I myself am waiting on the contemptor chainfist to come back in stock and nab both BA dreads.   :D  but sooo much $

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One storm cannon, one claw though. Needs to be able to fight in CC.

Naaah, you have other units for that! Dont forget to magnetize :wink:



Storm cannon +2 assault cannons (in 30k) I thought would be enough. It'll be magged for the other cannon though. 20 shots is hilarious. 




I already pulled the trigger.


One storm cannon, one claw though. Needs to be able to fight in CC.


That's what i was shooting for but storm cannons sold out V.V



Damn, they might let you still place the order if you call them?

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I'm kind of tempted by the Leviathan, but I don't want to put a CC arm on (it has many unique weapons and I have lots of melee units) and I don'y want to double up the same gun - which would you suggest to pair with the storm cannon - the melta lance or the grav bombard?

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The issue with mixing is you're putting brackets on someone you're paying lots for. Grab and melta are 18" which means you have 6inches where you're not firing all your weaponry. So that's wasted shots and time.


So if you're going to go "not Storm Cannon", gav flux + melta lance or dbl lance/grav. Their stats are similar with one being more for armor and the other for infantry/monsters.


Otherwise you can put a claw/drill and a single weapon. Levi's aren't slouches in melee so it's not a bad idea, just not optimal.


Because I'm doing HH, I have two I'm building: one with dbl storm and one with grav + drill. Both are effective in 40k and HH just based on stats.

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Already considering building a Contemptor with plasma and claw-type CC weapon. If I do a Leviathan, it'll be first and foremost because I've heard they're disgustingly good.

They can be. The thing to remember is that we are in a post-knight meta. Almost any unit can be taken down if your opponent really wants it dead. With this in mind, take care to run big dreads along with other high toughness targets so that your opponent is forced to split or prioritise his anti-tank firepower. A single Leviathan will not last long, even though it is incredibly tough.

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I ordered mine with the claw because it looked cool, however reading the rules, it doesn't really need the reroll to wound when it's S16 (!) so the better AP and D on the drill is better.


BA traditionally had a preponderance for dread support over tanks as they could fight in CC also, which is why I try and give most of my dreads this option, however it may not be the most efficient. 

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That scary, huh? So they ARE scary good for the price, then? Good against infantry, or vehicles?

Storm Cannons are gold against all but the toughest targets. If it is T8 or has a 2+ save then it will have a degree of survivability but even these units will not be immune considering a dual SC Leviathan will be pumping out 20 shots per turn. That level of firepower will even make a Knight pause for thought (especially now their Ion shields have been capped at 4++). 2 SCs will normally put 6 wounds per turn on a Knight. Not the optimal target but not too shabby either. Anything lighter will be reduced to a red mist.

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I ordered mine with the claw because it looked cool, however reading the rules, it doesn't really need the reroll to wound when it's S16 (!) so the better AP and D on the drill is better.


BA traditionally had a preponderance for dread support over tanks as they could fight in CC also, which is why I try and give most of my dreads this option, however it may not be the most efficient. 


I also went for that option and beg to differ (haven't used it in a game yet since I paused 80% of the way through painting it). Re-rolling to wound is very important when you wound on 2s because you will roll multiple ones at some point.

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I ordered mine with the claw because it looked cool, however reading the rules, it doesn't really need the reroll to wound when it's S16 (!) so the better AP and D on the drill is better.

BA traditionally had a preponderance for dread support over tanks as they could fight in CC also, which is why I try and give most of my dreads this option, however it may not be the most efficient.

I also went for that option and beg to differ (haven't used it in a game yet since I paused 80% of the way through painting it). Re-rolling to wound is very important when you wound on 2s because you will roll multiple ones at some point.

Also valid, especially you roll to wound vehicles now, and it only has 4A!

On another note, He's here:


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3A, 4A is if you have two melee weapons, dual gun leviathans have 2A.


This is dumb but so are most of 8th ed Forge World rules.


I...completely blanked out that rule. Must be a subconsious nonsense filter. Normal dreads have 4A with one ccw. Anyway...

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