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Dealing with Ork invulns in smaller pt game

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Hey fellas,

I played a game this weekend against orks. I'm playing in a 650 tourney in a few weeks so this was a practice game. I had a really hard time with a unit that my opponent was packing which provides a 5+ invuln to his boyz.

I know how to deal with this in a 2k game, so I suppose th adjustment to <1k pts is what's limiting me.

So in retrospect:
Is weight of dice the only reliable way to deal with invulns?
What units do we have that are good at dealing with chaff in a smaller game like this? Aggressors come to mind. Eliminators maybe to pick off the HQs generating the invuln? Go all in with death company (this hasn't worked for me in past)

I know I have some play testing ahead of me, hut I also want to pick you all's brains for knowledge/experience!

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Is weight of dice the only reliable way to deal with invulns?


Pretty much.



What units do we have that are good at dealing with chaff in a smaller game like this? Aggressors come to mind. Eliminators maybe to pick off the HQs generating the invuln? Go all in with death company (this hasn't worked for me in past)


Considering how little anti-tank there are in such small lists units like a Redemptor Dreadnought with full Onslaught loadout (155p for 18 S5 AP-1 D1 and 8 S4 AP0 D1 shots and some nasty melee attacks on a tough chassis), a Razorback with twin Assault cannon and stormbolter (116p for 12 S6 AP-1 D1 and 2-4 S4 AP0 D1 shots) and even a Baal Pred with full dakka loadout (154p for 12 S6 AP-1 D1, 6 S5 AP-1 D1 and 2-4 S4 AP0 D1 shots) work well but also border on being unfair depending on whether your opponent took some anti-tank in his list or not.

There are also plenty non-vehicle options though. 3 Bolter Inceptors pour out 18 S5 AP-1 D1 shots for 135p, 3 Scout bikes have 18 S4 AP0 D1 shots at 12" for 69p, 5 Company Veterans with Stormbolter and Chainswords give you 20 S4 AP0 D1 shots and 16 S4 AP0 D1 melee attacks (don't forget Red Thirst) for 80p and last but not least 3 Bolter Aggressors give you on average 27-54 S4 AP0 D1 shots depending on whether they are stationary or not for 111p. Heck you could even go for a Landspeeder at such low points (not as unfair without anti-tank in your opponents list since it's only a light vehicle) which can have 6 S6 AP-1 D1 and 3 S5 AP-1 D1 shots for 82p.

A bit more experimental as it got changed only recently you could try double handflamer company veterans. A unit of 5 gives you 35 S3 AP0 D1 auto-hits for 80p which results in ~8 dead Boyz (if they have the 5++).


tl;dr your options are:

Redemptor Dread,


Baal Predator,


Bolter Inceptors,

Scout Bikes,

Company Veterans,



EDIT: kinda forgot our Deathcompany lol. Those would be an option as well of course, although shoot the choppy and chop the shooty is still the golden rule. ^^

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