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Brother Elysium's Hobby Blog; Primaris LT Base complete

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love the idea to magnetize the suppressors to the flight stands. Great idea for the space marine heroes i am working on turning mine into sternguard vets for my blood angels. I'm super excited for elites i'm still new to kill team but it will be a nice change and some different to try in the game. Cant wait to see finished pics of all of it. Keep up the great work and the great blog ill be here for the next one

The guy with the power fist looks awesome! Great conversion.


Thanks, I was really excited about that model when I first picked it up. Just a great dynamic pose, that I wanted to do justice to. I can't wait to get him painted.


love the idea to magnetize the suppressors to the flight stands. Great idea for the space marine heroes i am working on turning mine into sternguard vets for my blood angels. I'm super excited for elites i'm still new to kill team but it will be a nice change and some different to try in the game. Cant wait to see finished pics of all of it. Keep up the great work and the great blog ill be here for the next one.

I first started magnetizing models with my Tau a couple years ago. All of my Tau Drone are magnetized to their stands. Honestly magnetizing models literally changed my modeling life. :happy.:

I'm heading out for our early summer vacation, so there probably will not be an update from me until at least May 27th possibly May 28th. I did have some new models come in from the Space Marine Heroes line that I will assembling/converting next week and the I should be moving into some more painting.


For those of you that have stayed withe me, thank you and happy hobbying. 

Very nice conversions. This project has definitly taken on a life of it’s own. The idea to magnitize the flight stand is awesome! Also, cosider that idea stolen...


Seriously though, very good work. Looks to be a pretty solid extension of what you set out to do, and we all know the battle in that is stating the course. From concept to execution you have really outdone yourself. Keep it up. Can’t wait to see more from you!

cant wait to see the new additions to the army emjoy your vacation and may the emperor protect and have you thought of trying to add some centurions to your fists?


Thank you. We are back safely, and had a great time. Centurions are definitely on the horizon for sometime in the future. Not exactly sure when, but definitely before years end. They are one one of the few space marine models I have never owned, so I am excited to work with them.


Very nice conversions. This project has definitly taken on a life of it’s own. The idea to magnitize the flight stand is awesome! Also, cosider that idea stolen...


Seriously though, very good work. Looks to be a pretty solid extension of what you set out to do, and we all know the battle in that is stating the course. From concept to execution you have really outdone yourself. Keep it up. Can’t wait to see more from you!


Thank you, very glad you are enjoying it, and I hope I can continue to keep things interesting for you all. 


I was able to get some hobbying done yesterday evening in between unpacking and unwinding from traveling. Not as much as I would have liked, but, it was a nice to sit back down and work with my models again. 


After playing some Elites and rereading the rules for Adeptus Astartes, I decided to convert my Space Marine Heroes models further into Sternguard. They are already pretty unique in their own rights, but I wanted to flesh the out some more. Due to the models being easy assemble or snap fit, some of these conversions were a little rough, but well worth it. The most difficult one was converting the Sternguard Special Issue Bolters from right hand to left handed. However, I was thoroughly pleased with how they came out. 


With these being Crimson Fists, I envisioned their Sternguard Vets as being supreme Ork Fighters, or specialist Ork hunters similar to Tyrannic War Veterans for Ultramarines from 4th/5th ed. So, many of these models have Ork skulls, jawbones etc... that I see as trophies. I also used the special bolt round belts on most of them so that they look the part. I chose not to add tabards or robes to most of them as I am reserving that for my company veterans(command squad)I am also working on. I also stuck with the Space Marine Heroes heads to maintain the individuality throughout each model. The Sergeant was given a Chainsword for the extra attack in Close Combat, and I picture these more as fire support when I use them as opposed to close quarters support. The bits for these came from the Devastator, Tactical Marine, Sternguard, Vanguard, and Imperial/Crimson Fists upgrade kits. There could be more, but I am not 100% sure where some of the bits out of my bits boxes came from. Here are the updated Heroes post conversions as well as the new additions. 




















I was able to get them primed and based coated yesterday evening as well. There is also my converted Primaris Captain, as well as the two Supressors pictured. You will notice the Sternguard do not have heads, as I prime and basecoat them separately for maximum coverage, and it's much easier to paint bare heads when possible off of the model when possible. I also think the flesh comes out better with a black bascoat as opposed to other colors as I am sure most you know the base coat does change the hue of the final appearance of the model. 


These were all primed and basecoated in my make shift airbrush box. A very ingenious cardboard box with ventilation in the back that leads to my nearby window. :biggrin.:






I plan on getting some paint on the Sternguard Vets tonight, and hope to have half of them completed by the end of this week/weekend. 

I wasn't able to get a whole lot done last night unfortunately, so it may derail my completion of these by weeks end a bit. I have to work on my Fallout Wasteland Warfare models for our first game next week, so I am going to have to get cracking on those in the very near future.


However, I was able to get the first few steps on the bases completed, and worked into getting the Leadbelcher down on 2 out of the 3 of the vets. I will post more progress in the near future, but it may be early June before I am able to do so. Nothing spectacular, but here is the progress thus far. 










With any luck the Fallout minis will be a quick and easy paint. The assembly on each isn't more than 2-4 pieces, so it shouldn't be that time consuming. With the scale being quite a bit smaller than 40K, I don't plan on spending an inordinate amount of time on them. More then likely a quick base coat with some washes and dry brushes than done. I'm really into these Sternguard, so I am very enthused to get back to them. 

Love the sternguard i need more for my blood angels. Where did you get the drum mag and the bullets for the shoulders i was thinking of putting some ony vets or on my deathwatch.


Thank you. They are both from the Sternguard kits. The drum magazine I carefully removed from one of the Special Issue Bolters, then trimmed and sanded it to fit. That and as I said above converting one of the Special Issue Bolters from left to right handed were the most difficult parts of the conversions. 


If you wanted to use them on your Deathwatch, you could just use the whole Bolter arm. It would be much easier, and they would be ornate which to me is fitting of Deathwatch in general.


I plan on doing a small Deathwatch force at some point, so I think I am going to steal your idea in this case. :teehee:

I'm still in the process of working on my Fallout models, but these finally came from Japan today. I am ridiculously excited to work with them, and do some minor converting on the Captain model. I can't add these to the "Crimsonwing"







Nice haul! Got one of the Ultramarines at my local flgs today. Too bad they had only one for sale. Might search the interwebs for more, they are great models!

Yeah, I was really excited when they showed up! I have bought most of the Space Marine Heroes Series 1 that I wasn't able to acquire by purchasing packs at my local store from eBay. I would definitely suggest looking on there. If you are patient enough, you can find some pretty great deals on them. My "Brother Promethor"(plasma gun marine)is finally supposed to be here today, and he's the last one I am waiting on.


I should wrap up working on the Fallout stuff tonight/tomorrow evening, so I will be back to working on and updating the Fists by mid week. Thanks to all of you that have continued to read thus far. Stay tuned, I'll be back. :)

After my week working on the Fallout tabletop minis, I was finally able to sit down and put some more paint on my converted Sternguard Vets. The more and more I work on these, the more and more excited I get about completing them. I didn't get a whole lot done as the past week was really hectic one for me on top of working on the Fallout minis. Tonight I plan on finishing up the metal areas, touching up the armor basecoats and hopefully complete all of the armor highlights. The master plan is to finish all of these up by Sunday, then start on the other three. Here is the updates on the models: 















After I get these Sternguard vets are done, I am going to cycle back to working on some Termies. We have set July 20th for a 2v2 narrative game that is 2000 points per person. One of my good friends is running 2000 pts of Deathwing, and I am going to run my "Crimsonwing" with him. Our opponents are running Death Guard and Alpha Legion. Not sure which mission we are going to draw up and or select, but it should be a beautiful affair. I am going to stream and record the entire game and will post the links here for anyone that wants to watch.


I should have more updates tomorrow. Thanks again for stopping by!

Unfortunately, I tweaked my back Saturday morning when I was at the gym, so I wasn't able to sit stooped over my computer desk to paint. Just one of my many American football injuries from college that occasionally creep back up to haunt me...  I guess I'm just getting too old. :(


I was able to sit on my couch and get some converting done on my Terminator Captain from the Space Marine Heroes Series 2. The pictures below are some of my go to kits for converting HQ and or Elite models due to the volume of ornate bits you get from each. 








My original plan was to go with the Combi-Melta and Power Fist from the Heroes Kit and do some minor converting, but I have opted to do a Power Fist and Storm Shield. The Alexis Polux model from FW was my inspiration for going with this. I decided to use the Power Fist from the Sanguine Guard Kit. So, I carefully removed the Lightning Claw from my Terminator Combat Squad so that the metal tubing was still intact. I then clipped the Power Fist just below the elbow joint, did some minor cutting and filing so the parts would fit flush, and then pinned it. I cut and filed off the Blood Angels iconography, and put some Crimson Fist bits in it's place.  I still need to add the wrist mounted grenade launcher but I am happy with it thus far. 






I am waiting on a shield to come in from a large ML Shields Order that I placed, to completely decide if this is the actual setup I am going with. But, I added the Storm Shield Arm from another model within this set. All of this will depend on if the shields I ordered have hands built into them or not. As you can see from the pictures everything is blue tacked to the model in case I want to change it all up later. 


I am still on the fence about which head to use and I plan on going through a few more of my kits to decide, but as of now I have settled on the bionic eye. The expression and sculpt just seems much more stoic and for lack of a better term commanding. 







After resting for a couple of days, my back seems to be getting better, I am going to try and sit back down and get some painting done tonight, if not, I'll continue the conversion and building on my Captain. 

My back was feeling much better last night, so I was able to sit down and put some more paint on my Kill Team vets again. I was really happy to get back to painting, and it really made me enthused to start working on them again.


This is the first time I have not started off painting models by completing all the armor highlights first, and honestly I think this may be my new method of painting. It has been much easier to paint the other areas and not worry about hitting the armor and messing up my highlights. Instead, I can touch up the blue areas, and then do all the highlights at one time. It just feels right for some reason.


I was able to wash the models, finish up all the "Boltgun Metal" parts, and start on the grey highlights for the black areas. Tonight I am going to wrap up the gray highlights, and start on a few of the other details perhaps the ork skulls and other bone areas, then I want to start on the gold. 


I'm still on the fence about weathering the armor on these to give them an even more gritty feel once they are completed, but I am inclined to think I might.













Love how the termie captain is turning out sang guard are great for converting and great units in general and i love your super heavy tanks any plans to expand your guard army someday?

Beyond expanding my Super Heavy Tanks, and the OOP Karskin I recently ordered from eBay for a Kill Team, I highly doubt it. I have thought about doing a Catachan Kill Team as well, but that's at least a year down the road. My year end project will more than likely be Sisters if they release by then. 

Unfortunately I haven't had a lot of time to paint as much as I would like lately, but this weekend my slate is completely clear and I am going to spend it in the "mancave" putting in some time at the painting table. HOPEFULLY and barring anymore issues, I will finally have these done and I can move onto the next ones.


As of last night I was able to finally finish up the black areas and start working on the gold. Not an extensive update, but here is where the vets are at now:












Love all of these! Great work, mate!


Thank you so much! It's always nice to have 40K royalty stop by and admire one's work!

I know I promised Sternguard completion, and I know this is technically a Crimson Fists blog, but with the launch of the contrast paints, I spent my weekend working on HERETICS brothers. I have been itching for the launch so that I could work on these new models, so I elected to go ahead and work on them instead.


Ever since the 3rd ed Chaos Codex 2.0, I have been fascinated with several of the warbands listed on the last few pages of the old Codex, mainly the Warp Ghosts. I always liked their scheme, but when GW killed off their old "Rotting Flesh" color, I pretty much abandoned doing them. They claim that Nurgling Green is the same color, but I can assure you it is not. It has way too green of a hue to be the old color that had much stronger grey undertones. 


With their very brief appearance in the Black Legion series, I became very fascinated with them again, and had a really strong desire to do at least a Kill Team of them. With them being described as somewhat ethereal and emitting raw warp energy in the novel, I was searching for a way to put that onto the table. The new contrast sprays and paints gave me just the thing I was looking for. GW did release a video that uses a similar technique to what I ended up going with, and I did steal the highlight they used for them.


The models I am posting were painted using nothing but contrast paints, technical paints, washes, and a small handful of the layer paints. The entire process was very easy, and I genuinely have more time in building them than I do painting them. Due to the nature of the new Chaos box I had to convert several of the models so that poses were unique. Much to my disappointment, this kit does not allow for a lot of customization short of changing minor things like backpacks, shoulder pads, and helmets. If you do convert the models it will be the same models over and over again minus changing weapons out. I was pretty disappointed by this because I was hoping for more ability to swap parts between the line similar to the Primaris marine line. The sculpts themselves are gorgeous though. 


I painted them so that they had that ethereal look. I am still working on a stronger contrast than red for the glowing areas of the models to give them a more menacing look, so the colors you see on the Aspiring Champion will definitely change. Especially the Plasma. Not happy at all how that looks with the rest of the model. 


The bases were painted to make them look like they are coming straight from the warp and bringing the skulls of their victims with them. I am going to work on improving this as well, and I think I know what I need to do the give them more of the appearance I am looking for. The bases were also painted with nothing but contrast, technical, and dry brush paints except for the black around the beveled edge. 


I am strongly considering making this an entire army, I just haven't decided if I want to do so or not. For now, I am excited to have this Kill Team done tonight/tomorrow. If anyone is wondering, this contrast line has been fantastic from a quick project standpoint. 


Please let me know what you all think. All comments as usual are welcome. :)













I ain't afraid of no ghosts... Usually. Very nice, so do it, if you got the capacity ...


I think I am going to. I dropped a ton of money on the new Chaos release, but most of it has been built and primed black for my Black Legion... :O


If I do decide to go with an entire army, I will have to wait until after our really large game coming up on July 20th. After these are completed I am going back to painting Fists because I have a lot to do for that game. 


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