Brother Eleysium Posted September 17, 2019 Author Share Posted September 17, 2019 Looking good, the red could use a dark ink wash to add depth. If I remember correctly he acheron was the best chaos cruiser with lots of middle range firepower, however the game is more oriented towards attack craft than gunnery I honestly cannot remember a whole heck of a lot about the rules. I haven't played in at least 15 years. I do remember Tau were slow and Eldar were faster than everyone else if they were close to a piece of sun "terrain" on the map... It could just be the pictures, 'cause I know from trying to photograph red myself that the shading could be washed out, but they do look a bit flat and could use some more contrast to make them pop. Otherwise, awesome to see someone doing some BFG stuff again. I appreciate the feedback from you both, but I think it's just the lighting as well as the brightness needing to be adjusted on my phone. I've noticed that with a lot of things especially when they are under such bright direct light. I'll play with it again tonight and see if that helps. If not, I could recess wash them with some Carrorburg Crimson. Thanks for stopping by. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted September 17, 2019 Share Posted September 17, 2019 Best tactic is to pump out bombers vs everyone save eldar marines and necrons, long range gunnery vs eldar and assault boats vs that 6+ armour Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starlord242 Posted September 18, 2019 Share Posted September 18, 2019 Great job the silver looks great and I love the decals and glad to see that bfg is making a come back and hopefully gw revives it’s especially with the game on pc and let us know how the game goes Friday keep up the great work Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Eleysium Posted September 18, 2019 Author Share Posted September 18, 2019 Best tactic is to pump out bombers vs everyone save eldar marines and necrons, long range gunnery vs eldar and assault boats vs that 6+ armour I'll keep that in mind. We are going to give it a test run on Friday, but it will just be Imperial Cruiser on Chaos Cruiser as it will be just the stuff from the starter. One of the guys in our immediate group picked up an Ork fleet he is waiting on in the mail, another guy finally made an Eldar purchase, and the 4th gentleman we know is getting into made a purchase for standard Imperial today. So we should have a good variety, Once i get done with the Word Bearers I am going to start a Crimson Fists space marine fleet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted September 18, 2019 Share Posted September 18, 2019 Imperials have stronk front armour so you'll best fire first the batteries to overload shields and then the lances, try to get close on their side since their broadsides are a bit meh and the feared nova cannon cannot fire within 30cm. With the above fleet you can use lock down orders to rr the dice Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Eleysium Posted September 19, 2019 Author Share Posted September 19, 2019 Not a whole lot to update today unfortunately, Wednesdays are typically game night at our local store, and with the new season of American Horror Story starting(that I watch religiously with my wife)I didn't get but about an hour of painting in ... I plan on hitting it pretty hard tonight though. :O For those of you that suggested I add some depth to the red, I did adjust the camera a bit last night and hit a few areas with a Carriborg Crimson recess wash. I think both made the ships look better. Please let me know what you guys think. I got all of the black details picked out, and all of the areas besides the gun batteries are going to be turned into areas with lighting effects, including the engine exhaust areas. I should be able to post mostly finished products tomorrow. I am not sure if I will get to the bases or not, but I have a really good idea for what I want to do for that so they add further character to the ships. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starlord242 Posted September 19, 2019 Share Posted September 19, 2019 The red really pops now it looks really good can’t wait to see them all finished. The models are so well done. If you did the bases for the ships what would you do to them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted September 19, 2019 Share Posted September 19, 2019 Red Depth Redemption! Nice! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Eleysium Posted September 19, 2019 Author Share Posted September 19, 2019 The red really pops now it looks really good can’t wait to see them all finished. The models are so well done. If you did the bases for the ships what would you do to them? They're going to be painted scenic, including the stems. That's about the best I can describe it with out pictures other than the ones in my head. Red Depth Redemption! Nice! Thank you, The Carriborg Crimson low-lights I did were VERY minimal, so it was definitely the brightness on my S10+ lenses...(Thanks at&t and Samsung ) Glad that I was able to make them look better though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted September 20, 2019 Share Posted September 20, 2019 They look much better now, a quick wash of nuln oil on the metal and you're all set. I like to leave the bases transparent to place the compass template more accurately but whatever scratches your itch man Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kolgrim DeathHowl Posted September 21, 2019 Share Posted September 21, 2019 Really amazing work, you are a superb painter. Really loved the Deathwatch, the alien type bases really added to it. Can't wait to see more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Eleysium Posted September 30, 2019 Author Share Posted September 30, 2019 It has been a while since I posted again, and as I've said before, it's just a super busy time of the year and things should slow down quite a bit more next spring. I was able to get more work don on my BFG chaos fleet, but unfortunately I did not get pictures of it. I should finish up a few more cruisers tonight, and start on some possessed ones, so I will make it a priority to get some pics to throw up of the finished products this time. The bases are still incomplete, but if all goes well, I will actually be able to sit down and paint those tonight. One of my really good friends and members of our local gaming group and I worked on some terrain yesterday for several hours. He's also investing in a fleet or two, so we were both pretty amped to work on this stuff. We were able to get 45 asteroids done of several different types, and put PVA glue layers on a lot of styrofoam balls to make planets and a sun. We also made a "Blue Giant" sun, it's just waiting on its base to get some love. The process itself is not difficult, the hardest part is hurrying up and waiting on the different stages to dry. I am sure most of you are aware, and for those of you that don't know, spray paint melts Styrofoam. So, in order to use it on it, you have to seal it. The easiest way to do it is coat the balls in a couple of layers of PVA glue diluted with water with a junk paint brush. I generally have found using about 75% glue to 25% water is the best mix. It takes several hours for each layer to dry, so it's a slow process. We coated several different ones, and they are ready for paint. Several are going to "gas giants" but we also coated a bunch of smaller foam balls with a mixture of equal parts patio sand, glue and again about 25% water to glue ratio. I will add more texture to these rocky planets later using other methods, this just gives a good starting point. Unfortunately I only got pictures of the Sun, and the Asteroids which I really like, especially the asteroids. I promise I'll do better! The asteroids were made by breaking up lava rocks with a hammer, then punching holes in them(when necessary)with a carpentry nail. Then we primed a wire coat hanger black, clipped each piece off, and PVA glued them into the asteroids to use as stems. Lastly we drilled holes in 32mm bases, and attached the stems to them, then primed them all. Unfortunately the Lava rocks absorb the crap out of the primer and paint in one, so this took numerous coats over the course of hours. The next step was drybrushing each different colors and slowly increasing the brightness of each shade. Then we varnished them with Matte Varnish to seal them. Base coat and first highlight of the "Blue Giant" 2nd highlight of the "Blue Giant" Final Highlight and base added. The ship in the picture is a standard Chaos Cruiser, so that should give everyone a good reference for how big the sun is. Edit: I had to edit the photo, I didn't realize one of my Credit Cards was on the table in the background. Here are all the asteroids in different forms. If you do not want to paint them, you can always prime the bases and coat hangers first, then use them as is. We did a few this way. I'm going to continue to try and post more regularly starting this week. I hope it works out, but cannot make any promises. As always a big thanks to those of you that keep stopping by. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starlord242 Posted October 1, 2019 Share Posted October 1, 2019 The sun looks awesome!! You and your friend did a great job on the asteroids love the green rocks they turned out really good. I’m gonna excited for you to start posting more I enjoy reading these it gives me ideas and you are an amazing painter keep up the great work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Eleysium Posted October 4, 2019 Author Share Posted October 4, 2019 I was actually able to get quite a bit done this week, and I am pretty happy about it. Unfortunately I did not have time to get post every day, so I am going to post a ton of picture heavy stuff today. I finished up the 4 Chaos Cruisers I have been working on for far too long, and though I already see some improvements I can make, I think they look decent. I really like the Turquoise blue to offset the deep red of the Word Bearer armor. There was an old White Dwarf(that I still have a copy of somewhere)that featured Matt Hotovec's Word Bearers 40K army. He used deep Turquoise blues to offset the red and orange hues of his marine armor, and I have always wanted to replicate it at some point. I am pretty sure the article was from the mid to late 2000's. If I can dig it up, I will post the issue number here. Either way, the army was gorgeous, and I have always wanted to give it a shot with my own little twist. So that's a big part of the reason I chose Word Bearers for my fleet. They were always my second favorite Chaos love behind the Black Legion which was the first 40K army I ever played back in the day. For the bases, I wanted a bit of realism to replicate the galaxy that I have seen numerous times, but wanted to also give them a Warp feel due to the Word Bearers zealot like worship of the Chaos Gods and use of summoning Chaos Daemons. So, I tried to capture the pinkish purplish Warp Storms that is seen throughout 40K artwork. Here are my first four finished Cruisers. I was able to get more ships stripped, rebuilt, primed, and I started to base coat my Possessed Cruiser and 3 Escort ships. I will post more about them below. After i finished the Cruisers up, I finished stripping the Escorts and Battleship below, then reassembled them. The Possessed Cruiser was from my original collection, so the only thing it needed was to be hit with some canned are to clean the dust off of the surface area, and a spray with Grey Seer. All of them were magnetized to their bases, for easy transport. The Battlship is a solid hunk of pewter with a few plastic pieces, so I had to use 1/4" magnets. It is still very back heavy, so I may move the magnets back another half inch or so before I start painting it. I really don't want to drill another hole in the model, but, I don't want it falling off constantly either while I am gaming. I started on the Base coats for the Escorts and the Possessed Cruiser last night, and I am going to try and finish all of them this weekend. Once I do that, I am going to start on the battlship. I am going to add some more bits a modifications to it so that it properly represents the Word Bearer name, and this will more than likely be the flagship/centerpiece for my fleet. I do have two more Battleships and I am probably going to acquire a 4th in the near future. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starlord242 Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 That is an awesome model and looks great can’t wait to see it all painted up. Your cruisers look awesome you did a great job with the turquoise color on them. You will have to let us know how your fleet does on the table and keep up the great work Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 4, 2019 Share Posted October 4, 2019 Good job on the grand cruisers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted October 5, 2019 Share Posted October 5, 2019 Like the blue lights, remind me if something ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Eleysium Posted October 14, 2019 Author Share Posted October 14, 2019 I finally got to sit down and paint again yesterday, and I knocked out the Possessed Cruiser. I spent a little more time on this one as it's the only one I currently have, and I wanted it to have a unique look and feel. I plan on getting another one at some point since the Word Bearers have always made extensive use if Daemons and Possessed units. I am not sure if I want to add the Word Bearers heraldy, as I don't want to cover up any of the hull. I painted the stern and the prow in areas were painted to appear as if they had an ethereal purpleish chaos glow. The engines themselves were painted with the same scheme as I imagine raw Daemonic and Warp energy propel the ship. The Daemonic areas were painted to appear bloated and irritated, yet ready to visit countless unknown horrors on enemy ships or any mortal foolish enough to attempt a boarding action upon the ship. I still need to complete the base, but this is where I am at so far. Tonight I am hopefully going to knock the base out, and then start on my Despoiler Class Battleship. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted October 14, 2019 Share Posted October 14, 2019 Awesome! It's a metal conversion set? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Eleysium Posted October 14, 2019 Author Share Posted October 14, 2019 Awesome! It's a metal conversion set? At one point in time, I believe they were their own set. I am not 110% on that though. They are on the rarer side to find second hand too. I am eyeballing another one on eBay right now, as I want a few. I am going to convert a battleship to be Possessed eventually, but that's a ways out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted October 14, 2019 Share Posted October 14, 2019 Great job on the possessed grand cruiser! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kolgrim DeathHowl Posted October 14, 2019 Share Posted October 14, 2019 Nice work on the ships the asteroids are a neat idea! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Eleysium Posted October 15, 2019 Author Share Posted October 15, 2019 The base on the Possessed Cruiser is done. Crazy how much something as simple as finishing up a flight base makes a difference IMO. I acquired another one via eBay, so I am excited to have a pair of them. The summoning rules for them are just too cool, and makes playing Word Bearers have that classic feel. For those of you that aren't aware, at one point in time Word Bearers were the only Legion that could summon Daemons from all 4 major Gods as well as the Undivided Daemons. Those were the days. :D I switched gears and started working on some more terrain, but after the two planets I started on are done, I am going to begin work on my Despoiler class battleship. It's going to be the centerpiece for my Chaos fleet until I get a battle barge. I plan on finishing this Iron rich planet tonight, then mount it on it's base to make it table top ready. All of the "rocky planets" were made by taking styrofoam balls of different sizes, mixing some patio sand, PVA glue, and some water in a cup, and coating them in it. Once it was dry, i applied another diluted layer of PVA glue to it to ensure the styrofoam was sealed against spray paint. For those of you that don't know, spray paints and varnishes will eat styrofoam as soon as they come into contact with them. I then coated the ball in a layer of Martian Ironcrust, and used that to build up the craters, and other physical features. Unfortunately it takes so long to dry, that I did not get to start dry-brushing last night. Tonight I am going to hit the planet with Ryza Rust, then Tyrant Skull to add detail. Lastly, I am going to add polar ice caps, and then matte varnish it to seal it. After it is complete, I have a grey rocky planet to work on, as well as a blue gas giant that I am going to make similar to Neptune to finish up. Then I will move on to dwarf planets and moons. I am also going to make some Chaos planets in the near future. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Eleysium Posted October 16, 2019 Author Share Posted October 16, 2019 Everything was dried last night, but did require quite a bit of touch up. The Martian Ironcrust cracks a little more than I would have liked, but fortunately I was able to take a hair dryer to the touch up areas and get them dried relatively quickly. The next step was drybrushing the entire surface with Ryza Rust. I really like the effect that it gave the iron rich soil, but it definitely needed dulled down a bit. The orange was just too vibrant and overpowering. I then dry-brushed the entire surface with Tyrant Skull, and a very light dry brush of Terminatus Stone. It really complimented and dulled down the Ryza Rust at the same time. The last thing I did was added polar ice caps using Valhallan snow. By far one of my favorite basing technical paints I have used from GW's line. The consistency was spot on for what I was wanting to do, and much easier to work with than the other technical paints. The planet was mounted on a 40mm base using cut down wooden grilling skewers used for kabobs that I sprayed black. Then I matte varnished the whole thing to seal it. I also worked on a greyish rocky planet last night, but forgot to take pictures. FAIL on my part. I am going to finish it up tonight more than likely and I will get some pictures. I am kind of on a roll with the planets and terrain, so I think I'm going to go ahead and finish the Blue Gas Giant I have base coated, and then move on to some Chaos planets. I have a really good idea for a volcanic Chaos Death World, as well as Nurgle planet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starlord242 Posted October 16, 2019 Share Posted October 16, 2019 The fleet progress looks great love all the chaos touches your doing and the planets are awesome love how the ice caps turned out for sure can’t wait to see your other planets keep up the great work and can’t wait to see more Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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