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Incoming Sicaran Tank Destroyer painting ideas


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Hello all, long time lurker, first time poster. In the near future I'll be coming into possession of two Legion sicaran venators mainly for usage in competitive lists.


I'm stoked to begin painting them when I had a brain smart. Rather than painting a standard green and sliver, I want to paint one in pre-hersey black and the other deathwing bone white. Name them ebony and ivory.


What do you guys think?

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I would place deathwing iconography on the bone one, make it a part of the first company.


As to the other, I'm not sure ravenwing would have dedicated tanks, but maybe have it be a relic and go great crusade heavy iconography, checkerboards, red dark angels icon, knightly

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maybe have it be a relic and go great crusade heavy iconography, checkerboards, red dark angels icon, knightly

Yeah, having it be a relic of the crusade is what I was aiming for, I'm gonna have to do a bit of research but I think both will look great on table. Easy to differentiate too

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I would place deathwing iconography on the bone one, make it a part of the first company.


As to the other, I'm not sure ravenwing would have dedicated tanks, but maybe have it be a relic and go great crusade heavy iconography, checkerboards, red dark angels icon, knightly

The Ravenwing isn't stated to have dedicated tanks, but the thing is they're a Fast Assault force, and ALL variants of the Sicarans seem to be the fastest tank available to Marines. Seriously, in-game at full wounds they go as fast as BIKES with a movement of 14". So I could see the Ravenwing having a Sicaran or two in their arsenal for when Bikes/Speeders won't cut it.

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