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Dealing with Abbadon?

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I had the chance to watch a couple of games of AM vs Chaos this weekend. It was pretty brutal for the AM player as Abbadon simply destroyed a big portion of the AM army by himself. He murdered bullgryn, guardsmen, and sentinels with relative ease. The AM had a good amount of plasma and other high ROF weapons but the character status made him largely un-targetable. How have you dealt with this murder machine?
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He's pretty much the same as Guilliman, so you deal with him the same way. Kill the units he's buffing. Once they're gone, he's pretty much unprotected. Have an executioner, punisher or battle cannon unload into him. He halves the damage taken, so supercharged plasma is pointless against him.
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Kill the bodyguard unit depending on what it is, be it cutlists or terminators they all fall the same under a battle cannon. Once there you could either kill him or just try to rebuff him so that he’s useless like making him move half inch from the vigilus detachment.


I think it would if you described how abandon was taken and what kind of units were with him.

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Abbadon is good in 2 things. Buffing stuff und killing stuff in Melee.


First: kill the Units he buffs so his effect isn't that big during the shooting phase. It also opens him up to be shoot.

He wants to be close to the enemy anyway.


Secound: screening.

He might be a monster in CC but has to come really close.

So put layers of Guardsmen between him and your Tanks/importan Units.

He might slaughter the 10men Squad but if there is no Unit in 3" to pile into, he stand alone and open to shoot him.

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You can also use your stratagems to chip away at him. Give your screens vox casters then fire on my position whenever Abby slaughters the squads.


Don’t forget that Vengeance For Cadia affects overwatch too, which is exempt from character targeting restrictions, and can be combined with defensive gunners for vehicles and grenadiers for infantry.


I’m not sure what regiment you play but if you’re Catachan you can also use viscous traps when he charges them.


None of this is likely to kill him but is likely to at least chip away a few wounds and has only really cost you a few CP which guard are hardly lacking.

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If he's deepstriking advance your infantry up the table turn 1 so he can't deepstrike anywhere near anything you care about. If he's not deepstriking do the same with your infantry as you want the enemy to get bogged down killing chaff sooner rather than later. 


If your infantry get tripointed so wont be able to retreat don't be shy of spending a command point to reroll a succesful morale check- sometimes you want your guys to run away.


The Hammer of Sunderance with 'Pound Them To Dust and Vengence For Cadia will put more hurt on him than he expects once the bubble wrap is gone. Never forget Psychic Maelstrom as an option too- a dedicated Astropath for that isn't many points and that power can character snipe (no LoS required and no targeting restrictions).


If you are playing Cadians the Relic of Lost Cadia is simply mental and makes the IG/Chaos matchup somewhat unfair IMO

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